Most unsporting moments

Suarez biting people and pretending to be injured. Suarez launching into leg breakers and pretending to be injured, the list goes on.
Joel Veltman with a contender here..

Such a strange and embarrassing moment.
The game was over as soon as we scored the second goal. They sat back the entire time, even when we were 2-0 up they still had their whole team defending in their own half.
I can kind of understand a player doing something like this out of desperation but in a situation like that I really just don't get it.
I genuinely don't see any problem with it. He deserved a red and got it. Tactical foul. That's all it was. Shouldn't be anywhere near the top of this list

Punishment doesn't matter really. Tactical fouls are the worst part of cheating in football IMO because they don't get the derision that diving and dissent though.

Just seen as a thing that's always happened so it's okay when they're really not.

I remember SAF bollocked Ole massively for that. Can't not love the guy though.
Punishment doesn't matter really. Tactical fouls are the worst part of cheating in football IMO because they don't get the derision that diving and dissent though.

Just seen as a thing that's always happened so it's okay when they're really not.

I remember SAF bollocked Ole massively for that. Can't not love the guy though.

He probably bollocked him because it meant they were down a man, not because it was unsporting or whatever. I don't really have a problem with it either. It's a tactical play. Diving is just blatant cheating and is therefore rightly more frowned upon.

That's also why I really can't argue that Saurez's handball on the line was a bad play, under the circumstances.
I genuinely don't see any problem with it. He deserved a red and got it. Tactical foul. That's all it was. Shouldn't be anywhere near the top of this list

Always find it baffling how people get so upset about a deliberate handball and label someone a cheat for it, whilst on the other hand having no problem with players hacking other players down deliberately.
Not going to lie, I remember Ole doing that and I remember being absolutely fecking delighted with him at the time.
The Suarez handball didn't bother so much as the unabashed celebration after they'd won. Prick.
In what world is deliberately trying to seriously injure a player to prevent him from scoring a goal not unsporting behaviour? It's disgusting.
Not going to lie, I remember Ole doing that and I remember being absolutely fecking delighted with him at the time.

Same. Things like that made him a legend at the club.
In what world is deliberately trying to seriously injure a player to prevent him from scoring a goal not unsporting behaviour? It's disgusting.
I really don't think he was trying to 'seriously injure' him. Solskjaer quite clearly just made sure he brought him down.
Rawk: Evra trying to get Suarez in trouble when all the lad did was call him by a term of love and endearment.
I really don't think he was trying to 'seriously injure' him. Solskjaer quite clearly just made sure he brought him down.
Seriously injure? Come on man, he's tripped him
I'm actually not even sure you are serious here. You know that if someone is running at full speed and you kick one of his legs away from behind that's one of the most dangerous tackles you can commit?
Fergie apparently gave him a bollocking for it, and rightly so:

“I stepped out of line and he put me in my place in front of everyone,” said Solskjaer. “I was called into his office next morning and had to pay a fine. He wanted us to win but he did not want us to cheat. He didn’t want to be associated with that and he was right.”
I'm actually not even sure you are serious here. You know that if someone is running at full speed and you kick one of his legs away from behind that's one of the most dangerous tackles you can commit?

It's really not. It's one of the most common fouls you see on football pitches up and down the country on a weekly basis and very rarely results in serious injury. A lunge at a standing leg from the front or side is far more dangerous than clipping someones heels from behind.

If what Solskjaer did there was likely to result in serious injury, things like tap tackles in rugby would be banned.
The tactical foul is a strange one, its kind of like grabbing a player on a corner in that its so commonplace that it would be hard to eradicate, although to be fair this season there has been good progress, corners are a lot cleaner than last season now. The tactical foul has reached the point where i'm not even outraged when they happen as you have a few every game. It is unsporting but it isn't as outrageous as incidents like that one in the OP.
I'm actually not even sure you are serious here. You know that if someone is running at full speed and you kick one of his legs away from behind that's one of the most dangerous tackles you can commit?

Of course it isn't. It's a trip. He falls forward. Dangerous tackles tend to be when one player is either stood still, or both players are moving towards each other.

Yeah. Just look at his face, no way Ole could deliberately hurt anyone!

I'd say the same if Suarez made that tackle.
Joel Veltman with a contender here..

Yeah, that's something else. Obviously not violent, just a hideously distasteful, unsporting move. Effective though.
Fergie apparently gave him a bollocking for it, and rightly so:

My respect for SAF grew after reading that.

There are certain loopholes and they took full advantage of it. It's definitely unsporting but it was no way a clear goal. He still had to cover some distance and there was still Schmeichel to beat. Suarez's handball was on the goal line. Anyway, both are unsporting behavior but part of the game. Desperate times call for desperate measures. They both knew the price and paid for it. As long as there's no malicious intent to harm someone, it's (barely) acceptable.

Comparing it to diving is ridiculous. Diving is cheap and is blatant cheating. Most of the time the player gets away without any punishment. Same goes with time wasters.
Fergie apparently gave him a bollocking for it, and rightly so:
I read that quote years ago but it doesn't change anything for me. It was brilliant from Olé. As the manager, I understand completely why Sir Alex wouldn't be happy with that, but, as fans, it was great to see one of our players so committed to the cause, accepting his red card with no complaints.
Not sure what you expect him to do after a WC QF win. Sulk?
I was gonna say it would have been nice to even try and show a modicum decorum after cheating your way through to the semis but that would just be fantasy land stuff.
Thought it was top-notch shithousery, personally.
I was gonna say it would have been nice to even try and show a modicum decorum after cheating your way through to the semis but that would just be fantasy land stuff.


Cheating is the dive from the Ghanaian to get the free kick that leads to all that:


Cheating is what the linesman does being right in front and awarding that, then not ruling one but four instances of players being offside.


The fact is the English media (BBC in particular) had nothing to report on once England got unceremoniously dumped yet again so they had this "Africa's time" thing going... but then they didn't... so they made hay with what was on offer.

If Ghana had scored nobody would be talking about the dive, made up free kick or the offsides, but that would be a clearer daylight robbery than handball, red and penalty against. Which shouldn't have happened, none of it, and Suarez should have been available for the semis.

Wasn't this right after Ghana missed the resulting penalty? Yeah, that's being a shithouse.

Or maybe it is the natural response from someone who just ran himself into the ground for 120 minutes, saw his team getting shafted, knew his World Cup was over, yet couldn't help but be ecstatic at his NT surviving a last minute penalty? What are you? An amoeba?
I'm actually not even sure you are serious here. You know that if someone is running at full speed and you kick one of his legs away from behind that's one of the most dangerous tackles you can commit?
Yeah I'm afraid I'm gonna have to laugh at this too.