Rooney responds.

Shit is an understatement for top 5 epl club. He's worse than shit (his performance that is)
Well, he may be that now. But abusing him would not change anything unless the club and manager do something about it like not picking him and see how it goes etc.

It is hardly his fault though that he gets picked all the time.

And, he is an athletic. Every one of them at this level will have huge ego. You have to. So, it is expected that no one including him would admit that they became 'shit' compared to 5 years ago at the age 30.

Not sure anyone posted it. Its not that bad to be fair.

It's not. Seeing him sat in the studio, washes away some of the very negative feelings I get when I see him on the pitch. I sure want him benched, but I would love to see him rediscover his touch. I doubt he is ever going to perform at a top level again, but if he can find some form it will only help us.
When was the last time he was on MUTV just talking? Does it happen often? or is this some PR damage control nonsense?
has rooney ever done anything outside a football pitch that he wasn't told to do by his PR team?
When was the last time he was on MUTV just talking? Does it happen often? or is this some PR damage control nonsense?
Seems like the latter. A timely intervention.

Which sends a bizarre message from the club's point of view. Seems like they'll back him to the hilt..
This has been the elephant in the room at United since before Ferguson left. You can't allow a player this much influence in the club unless he's a Robsonesque positive influence or he's putting in Ronaldo like performances. To a certain extent as well you've got to look at how much he's deteriorated at such a young age and think that if he'd made the lifestyle choices that co92 made then we wouldn't be having these conversations.
'sorry just have to say this
you can't just blindly talk about 'lifestyle choices' because our choices are very much at the beck and call of our hormonal influences which do boil down in a big way to genetics/upbringing.
I think one thing missing here is the dopamine effect..
I honestly think players like Rooney who started off so good, so young, were similar to people with less sensitive dopamine receptors and as a result they seek a bigger thrill ie rooney being that complete player early experience basically the same level as a normal person who might get that happiness just watching football. Honestly, why was he shagging a granny? it's the same reason, it's a dopamine receptor deficiency.
He's basically limp now, as a footballer.

That's the only rational reason I can think of.
I'm really surprised to see some people think he can be kept here as a squad option. It's not even about the wages he's on which are simply not squad member levels but he's simply someone who has too much media attention and influence to keep around as a squad player. Whoever replaces him would need 3 not so good performance for articles after articles to appear about how Rooney should be starting etc.
I dont think he should be in our starting 11 but Rooney deserves better than what he's getting right now. No matter what wages youre on it can't be easy having the world tell you you're shite when you've been used to such a high level. He's been brilliant for United and the game in general. Yes he's had some negatives but when I see him chase back into our own corner to get a block on a northhampton player when we are 3-1 up with a couple minutes to go I see a genuinely honest and great player trying to do his best. His best days are past but he may still be a useful squad player this season. Its a pity to see some of the abuse he's getting and I would'nt bet against him turning this around and playing a big part in our season still
His effort can never be questioned. That alone isn't enough to start for us now especially when we need everyone to perform to get results and cannot afford passengers. He's just not someone you can keep as a squad player due to his profile and influence, it'll be a continuous mess to deal with. Also, he's not going to turn this around, it's not bad form.
Yeah!! That's the spirit Wayne. Show the world how it is done by playing 90 mins against Leicester.
Rooney feels flak from the media goes with the territory when results do not go well. He told MUTV: "That’s football, I think. We don’t win in three games and, of course, everyone is going to talk about it. We had a bad week, a bad eight days where we’ve lost three games, and it’s important now we react well to that and come through that."

Regarding the intense scrutiny of his own form, he said: "Yeah, I think I’ve had that my whole career – a little bit more of late, I think, but that’s football. I listen to my coaches and my team-mates, the people around me, and I don’t really listen to what a lot of people out there are saying because a lot of it is rubbish.

Fecking hell, now should be the time for some humility, not serve up a hot plate of generic bullshit sprinkled with strawmen. Are his PR staff as thick as him? If he keeps this attitude the relations to many fans will go from sour to outright hostile
He could have said "I want the team to win, even if the manager decides to not play me on Saturday, it's up to him".

Would have saved everyone a lot of trouble, but I understand him.
He doesn't, in truth. Look at how two recent United players were treated: Rio (who was here as long as Rooney has been), told he was gone in a bloody changing-room, and his merited testimonial turned into the 'Hard-working Moyes Roadshow'; RVP (who in his very first season made the claims of Rooney being world class look like idiocy), not even a 'thanks & good luck' on the club's Twitter account; yet this forum isn't full of butthurt delusionists whining that those two players should still be playing here, let alone as captains.

Rooney's been the main man for a fading United and a tedious England while being made captain of both by desperate managers who should never have got the jobs. He hasn't a single international honour at any level, and has fewer CL medals than his own boss. No Ballon d'Or wins, gone no further than QF stages in international tournaments, no PL top-scorer awards, and seemingly only turns on the form in televised showpiece matches or when the opposition is pitiable. Meanwhile, there's the standard shocking & surprising appearance of several newspaper articles tonight claiming that yesterday's man José Mourinho - winner of 23 club honours as opposed to Rooney's 14 - is no longer innovative...this from the same writers who told us that Wenger was Picasso and Ché combined with Mary Berry because the Gunners manager replaced pie n' chips with pasta. I could go on for hours and I probably will but...Rooney has had it ridiculously easy on the criticism front for years; even I've been restrained (surprising, considering that I'm 'insane', 'borderline mentally ill' and 'bitter').

I can't believe people hyping up that City team, they have less CL medals than their own boss for gods sake!!

Probably the weirdest and most butt hurt post I've ever read.
I can't believe people hyping up that City team, they have less CL medals than their own boss for gods sake!!

Probably the weirdest and most butt hurt post I've ever read.

Maybe they're hyping them up because 1) unlike Rooney, they're actually performing at the moment 2) because they're managed by Pep themselves.

Nothing weird about Steve's post to me.
He's seriously deluded. All these years of people/pundits constantly praising him for the most things in football has made him think he's actually better than he really is. Cannot wait for the day he finally fecks off, I'd settle for any of our managers having the balls to drop him...
I can't believe people hyping up that City team, they have less CL medals than their own boss for gods sake!!

Probably the weirdest and most butt hurt post I've ever read.
Failing to see the connection to City being hyped up, or why it's a butt hurt post. On the contrary, it puts the butt hurt people to rest.
We don't deserve you anymore, Wayne. Please leave us to suffer alone.
I think it would earn him a bit of goodwill if he acknowledged he wasn't playing well and vowed to work hard to improve. Something like "I know my performances haven't been good enough". It's always this usual "people always scrutinize my form" and "I only listen to my coach and teammates" bullshit.
He must be feeling the burn to make an appearance on MUTV like that.
He was always going to be on it with Anthony Crolla because he is a big boxing fan. It wasn't anything to do with this. MUTV have been advertising it for a while.
I think it would earn him a bit of goodwill if he acknowledged he wasn't playing well and vowed to work hard to improve. Something like "I know my performances haven't been good enough". It's always this usual "people always scrutinize my form" and "I only listen to my coach and teammates" bullshit.
He has set himself on a collision course with the fans. So he better improve very quickly.
Hey fans show me some love because I'm brave enough to come on tv and accuse you all of chatting shit and knowing nothing about football whilst I rob you of your well earnt money for the next three years.

Love Fat Waz
Feeling the burn? he is not good enough anymore, it happens to all players. There comes a time when your best is not good enough. And that time has come for Wayne about 2014. But that does not mean we need to disrespect him. He is a United legend.
It has come to Wayne and I would like him a lot more if he admitted it. Instead it was like some sort of trash talk before a fight, because he knows he has a fight on his hands.
I think it would earn him a bit of goodwill if he acknowledged he wasn't playing well and vowed to work hard to improve. Something like "I know my performances haven't been good enough". It's always this usual "people always scrutinize my form" and "I only listen to my coach and teammates" bullshit.

I guess he couldn't give a feck about goodwill.
Would he come out with this deluded shite if he thought he was going to get dropped on Saturday?

Starting to worry he's going to start...

Or. he is come out with this to get some fans and journos back on his side, after Jose has created a situation where the whole world would accept 'Rooney being taken out of the firing line for a few games' and 'him needed rest after 2 full 90 minutes in one week'

If Jose is indeed playing this the way I see it, its going to be a complicated few months with all sorts of stories, leaks, briefings and counter-briefings coming out of United.
His decline mirrors Elvis. He is currently Vegas Rooney. The Shit Fat Years.

If he starts against Leicester, I swear to God......
It's more than that though. Not only is he immune to criticism and untouchable, he's completely arrogant and lacks any sort of self awareness.

As a fan, it's hard enough to watch the team go through tough times but when there is one player central to that who is not accountable for his own performances it wears thin very quickly.

For England after an appalling performance against Iceland he was more than happy to say that he took it upon himself to defy Roy's tactics including taking over corner duty from Kane (Rooney hasn't notched an assist himself from corners for 80 odd games).

Big Sam told him to play up front, Wayne played where he liked. Who is he to be told tactics by a manager?

Despite being the captain that shall always play and having total loyalty from Van Gaal he was more than happy to talk about how stifling his tactics were and when he finally hit a bit of form he was telling reporters it's because he was renegading on Van Gaal's instructions and playing more direct.

When asked if he has anything to prove his answer was a resounding "no."

How difficult is it really to man up a bit and take some responsibility?

"I'm disappointed with my form at the minute and realise it's got to improve."

"I play for Manchester United and England, of course I have to prove myself every day or one of the younger lads will have my spot."

It's no surprise we have no guilt in calling him out on his bullshit. He's living in Wayne's World surrounded by yes men too afraid of upsetting the institution that is Wayne Rooney. A young Rooney would have got angry and put his energy into proving himself. This one is happy to brush it off and let all his mates in the media do the talking for him. He's earned it. 12 years at United and you get a free pass. That's how it worked under Fergie, he was happy to watch Giggs and Scholes drop their levels and play them on all the good will they'd earned.
I actually don't think the fans at OT will turn on him.

And they shouldn't either. Regardless of how much I want Rooney substituted or sold or sent away from the squad. It will be quite sad if match going fans cant keep those difference away for the 90 mins of the football game and get behind each player. Easier said than done, I'm sure.
And they shouldn't either. Regardless of how much I want Rooney substituted or sold or sent away from the squad. It will be quite sad if match going fans cant keep those difference away for the 90 mins of the football game and get behind each player. Easier said than done, I'm sure.
True. Rooney has not disrespected the club in anyways. It is up to the manager to judge and decide whether he should play Rooney or not. No point in booing him because he exists.
Rooney showing a 'staggering level of arrogance'
Supporters haven’t reacted to well to what the United captain has said. Shades of the reaction to his ‘I’ve got nothing to prove’ quote, post-Bournemouth.

Samuel Luckhurst


Rooney: 'I don’t really listen to what a lot of people out there are saying because a lot of it is rubbish.' #mufc …

Peter Gregory @petegregs

@samuelluckhurst staggering level of arrogance, but not surprising as he's pretty much had it all his own way since fergie retired

7:44 AM - 23 Sep 2016
Rooney is a narcissist.

He's surrounded by yes men and people who wouldn't dare say a bad word against him.

I can imagine after the Watford match going up to the players lounge, and everybody saying "well done Wayne great match" "unlucky there Wayne good effort"