What in the world are they spraying? (Spoiler: Nothing)

Noticing a lot of contrails behaving exactly as contrails are supposed offers zero evidence of any chemtrail conspiracy.

Thinking the number of contrails is not "normal" is not evidence of any chemtrail conspiracy. Especially when comparing to a baseline people are just making up in their head.

So what's the point again?

Yes you sound crazy especially when you were going on about research before and what you are suggesting would be pretty poor research in regards to proving the chemtrail conspiracy.
I find myself arguing for both sides on this subject. I cant make a decision on it. I find myself debating with Chemtrail believers on twitter with me saying "I cant believe that pilots and the people involved are all knowingly poisoning us when have been no whistle blowers in the UK" "If they are poisoning us then they are poisoning themselves, why would they do that?" etc etc. The same old basic logical arguments most people would give when asked about this theory.

But while on here I have been arguing that the theory cannot be debunked and there is something odd going on in our skies :lol:

I do believe the powers that be who are in control would willingly poison humanity but if that is the case then surely someone who is asked to do the spraying would say something. Then I look up to the sky and see trail after trail, in criss-cross patterns or in circles and a thick haze covering the sky and I cant help but think this isn't normal. Do I sound a little crazy :lol:

Anyway guys this spring / summer just have a look up to the skies each day and have a real think about if it looks natural and normal to you, rather than just completely disregarding and ignoring it. Would be interesting to hear thoughts on this and what people see.

Yeah I think - after careful consideration - it's probably because you're a bit daft init.

I mean, you could look into the science behind why it happens if you wanted. Or you could just make some stuff up on Twitter and probably get a few extra bogbrushes following you.
Noticing a lot of contrails behaving exactly as contrails are supposed offers zero evidence of any chemtrail conspiracy.

Thinking the number of contrails is not "normal" is not evidence of any chemtrail conspiracy. Especially when comparing to a baseline people are just making up in their head.

So what's the point again?

Yes you sound crazy especially when you were going on about research before and what you are suggesting would be pretty poor research in regards to proving the chemtrail conspiracy.

Fk me, Why did I even bother saying anything. I didn't say thinking the number of contrails is not "normal" was evidence. I'm merely suggesting if anyone can be bothered that they take a look up into the sky once a day and notice what they see, if its just contrails behaving as they should then you can turn your head back to the floor again, although of course it will definitely be a contrail as experts like yourself would notice the difference between contrails and chemtrails wouldn't you.
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Yeah I think - after careful consideration - it's probably because you're a bit daft init.

I mean, you could look into the science behind why it happens if you wanted. Or you could just make some stuff up on Twitter and probably get a few extra bogbrushes following you.

I have looked into the science of why it happens, that doesn't prove to me that its not a chemtrail. Everyone keeps repeating the science behind contrails and saying we know how contrails behave. Well do you know how Chemtrails behave? Take a look at some real chemtrail images from ww2 some look different but many you would never be able to tell the difference between what people think are chemtrails and the so called contrails of today so all this crap about knowing what contrails do doesn't disprove anything. As I said earlier in this thread the UK gov has admitted spraying before and im sure people would have been disregarding it back then claiming they were contrails or not even noticing any difference in the sky and it could easily be the same now.

I don't know either way but neither do any of you so keep repeating your contrail science crap all you want if that's reassurance for yourselves but it doesn't prove there is nothing other than condensation in those lines covering the sky.
I have looked into the science of why it happens, that doesn't prove to me that its not a chemtrail. Everyone keeps repeating the science behind contrails and saying we know how contrails behave. Well do you know how Chemtrails behave? Take a look at some real chemtrail images from ww2 some look different but many you would never be able to tell the difference between what people think are chemtrails and the so called contrails of today so all this crap about knowing what contrails do doesn't disprove anything. As I said earlier this thread the UK gov has admitted spraying before and im sure people would have been disregarding it back then claiming they were contrails or not even noticing any difference in the sky and it could easily be the same now.

I don't know either way but neither do any of you so keep repeating your contrail science crap all you want if that's reassurance for yourselves but it doesn't prove there is nothing other than condensation in those lines covering the sky.

What did the UK government admit spraying, where, when and for what purpose? And what is your source for "pictures of chemtrails from WW2"? How do you know they aren't just pictures of contrails? (WW2 being the first time aircraft regularly flew high enough to generate contrails of course)

You're absolute right by the way, I cannot disprove this bizarre theory. In the same way I cannot prove that a man who claims to be Jesus is nuts. What I can say is:

1. There is no possible motive evident.
2. It would almost certainly result in harm to the people doing the spraying.
3. It's really uneconomic.
4. It's reallly, really, really difficult to cover up.
:wenger: I think too much weed is the main issue here.
What did the UK government admit spraying, where, when and for what purpose? And what is your source for "pictures of chemtrails from WW2"? How do you know they aren't just pictures of contrails? (WW2 being the first time aircraft regularly flew high enough to generate contrails of course)

You're absolute right by the way, I cannot disprove this bizarre theory. In the same way I cannot prove that a man who claims to be Jesus is nuts. What I can say is:

1. There is no possible motive evident.
2. It would almost certainly result in harm to the people doing the spraying.
3. It's really uneconomic.
4. It's reallly, really, really difficult to cover up.

I agree with all of those points and i'm repeating myself but i'm not trying to prove the chemtrail theory, I just argue it is entirely possible. Its probably me subconsciously looking for reassurance and confirmation that its not true.

If you google "uk government admits chemtrails" it will bring up quite a lot of results about them doing biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979 by spraying from aircraft and they admitted it in 2002.

I just say look up to the sky but I wish I never start this debate again. Haven't got the energy lol
When you start seeing black lines in the sky its time to start questioning whats really going on. I have only see one so far in the late evening just as it was getting dark but its one of the things that made me look into this.
I agree with all of those points and i'm repeating myself but i'm not trying to prove the chemtrail theory, I just argue it is entirely possible. Its probably me subconsciously looking for reassurance and confirmation that its not true.

If you google "uk government admits chemtrails" it will bring up quite a lot of results about them doing biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979 by spraying from aircraft and they admitted it in 2002.

I just say look up to the sky but I wish I never start this debate again. Haven't got the energy lol

I ain't going to look that shit up, I don't care. It's probably all taken completely out of context by some gimp on a blog.

Like I said, if there's absolutely no evidence that it's happening and there are several cast iron reasons why it's likely not, you're really best off not worrying about it. There's plenty of real scary shit going on in the world that you might actually do something about.

Or if you want I could make up some just marginally slightly plausible plot to occupy your mind? The government are developing robots to flash your mum. Just yours. Specifically. Just for Lols. You can't prove its not true.
I ain't going to look that shit up, I don't care. It's probably all taken completely out of context by some gimp on a blog.

Like I said, if there's absolutely no evidence that it's happening and there are several cast iron reasons why it's likely not, you're really best off not worrying about it. There's plenty of real scary shit going on in the world that you might actually do something about.

Or if you want I could make up some just marginally slightly plausible plot to occupy your mind? The government are developing robots to flash your mum. Just yours. Specifically. Just for Lols. You can't prove its not true.

lol cheers. Oh I know there's plenty of real scary shit going on, more than most would want to even contemplate.

Ps its not by anyone on a blog: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience
Fk me, Why did I even bother saying anything. I didn't say thinking the number of contrails is not "normal" was evidence. I'm merely suggesting if anyone can be bothered that they take a look up into the sky once a day and notice what they see, if its just contrails behaving as they should then you can turn your head back to the floor again, although of course it will definitely be a contrail as experts like yourself would notice the difference between contrails and chemtrails wouldn't you.

Well then what is the point in looking at them? What is it supposed to prove? I look up and see a bunch of contrails, it just means that there is some air traffic and the atmospheric conditions are right for contrails to form. Fascinating stuff.

Also you logic on saying chemtrail theory is possible, basically is the same type of logic to say anything is possible. You end up just looking at anything and saying "Well it's possible" even though there is no real evidence to support it.
lol cheers. Oh I know there's plenty of real scary shit going on, more than most would want to even contemplate.

Ps its not by anyone on a blog: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience

Which of course proves what about Chemtrails? That this happened does not prove that those "mysterious contrails that baffle the minds of a few people" are anything other than contrails. But it is typical tinfoil hat logic. "Well this happened so that means my favorite conspriracy is probably happened also."

But you keep saying you don't want to talk about this stuff, but keep coming back. Signs of a trouble mind indeed.
When you start seeing black lines in the sky its time to start questioning whats really going on. I have only see one so far in the late evening just as it was getting dark but its one of the things that made me look into this.

OR you know you could just understand how lighting conditions, etc affect what color the contrail appears to you.


Which of course proves what about Chemtrails? That this happened does not prove that those "mysterious contrails that baffle the minds of a few people" are anything other than contrails. But it is typical tinfoil hat logic. "Well this happened so that means my favorite conspriracy is probably happened also."

But you keep saying you don't want to talk about this stuff, but keep coming back. Signs of a trouble mind indeed.

Again I didn't say it proves anything. Its possible thats all, like anything is possible. You can choose to not believe it thats fine. I don't "keep" coming back, I have come back to this thread once of my own accord all of the other times have been to politely reply to everyone who quoted or responded to me. Thats very kind of you to suggest I have a troubled mind. You don't know anything about me so you shouldn't be making such comments. Why are you so angrily defending Chemtrails not being real? If they were real would if damage your make believe fairy tale, sunshine and roses life? Sorry this world is more fecked up than you can ever imagine but you keep your head buried in the sand its probably for the best. Done.
Me and my dad had flippin' good eyesight for what it's worth. He'd been in the RAF so we used to love watching the planes go by.
Did he not recall seeing any from his RAF days? Like this?

Okay, right then....this contrail/chemtrail stuff.

Just one question - Why weren't they around when I was a kid? We used to spend summer days watching the aircraft overhead and we never saw these "fat white trails" then.

Not sure if serious.....but here we go

Google WW2 contrails. In fact google contrails in general and you will find lots of actual, real evidence that they actually have existed since just after WW1. I am sure you can figure out why they would not have been around prior to that.
Again I didn't say it proves anything. Its possible thats all, like anything is possible. You can choose to not believe it thats fine. I don't "keep" coming back, I have come back to this thread once of my own accord all of the other times have been to politely reply to everyone who quoted or responded to me. Thats very kind of you to suggest I have a troubled mind. You don't know anything about me so you shouldn't be making such comments. Why are you so angrily defending Chemtrails not being real? If they were real would if damage your make believe fairy tale, sunshine and roses life? Sorry this world is more fecked up than you can ever imagine but you keep your head buried in the sand its probably for the best. Done.

LOL, every time you post you are coming back of your own accord.

Not angry at all, just pointing out the immense holes in all the nonsense you are posting here about these supposed chemtrails. So anyone who doesn't believe in the chemtrail conspiracy has their head buried in the sand, this coming from a guy who by his own admission argues with others about the conspiracy not being real. Well we all know what orifice you have your head stuck up.

I mean why are you even in this thread discussing them when you admit to argruing with others against the theory.

You keep believing nonsense, I'll keep my beliefs based on facts and real evidence.
I find myself arguing for both sides on this subject. I cant make a decision on it. I find myself debating with Chemtrail believers on twitter with me saying "I cant believe that pilots and the people involved are all knowingly poisoning us when have been no whistle blowers in the UK" "If they are poisoning us then they are poisoning themselves, why would they do that?" etc etc. The same old basic logical arguments most people would give when asked about this theory.

But while on here I have been arguing that the theory cannot be debunked and there is something odd going on in our skies :lol:

I do believe the powers that be who are in control would willingly poison humanity but if that is the case then surely someone who is asked to do the spraying would say something. Then I look up to the sky and see trail after trail, in criss-cross patterns or in circles and a thick haze covering the sky and I cant help but think this isn't normal. Do I sound a little crazy :lol:

Anyway guys this spring / summer just have a look up to the skies each day and have a real think about if it looks natural and normal to you, rather than just completely disregarding and ignoring it. Would be interesting to hear thoughts on this and what people see.

You don't believe in science, do you?
Again I didn't say it proves anything. Its possible thats all, like anything is possible. You can choose to not believe it thats fine. I don't "keep" coming back, I have come back to this thread once of my own accord all of the other times have been to politely reply to everyone who quoted or responded to me. Thats very kind of you to suggest I have a troubled mind. You don't know anything about me so you shouldn't be making such comments. Why are you so angrily defending Chemtrails not being real? If they were real would if damage your make believe fairy tale, sunshine and roses life? Sorry this world is more fecked up than you can ever imagine but you keep your head buried in the sand its probably for the best. Done.

I think the evidence says otherwise.