Television How to Get Away with Murder (TV Series)

I gotta say, this show is a hell of a ride. It's a rollercoaster.
Downloading Legally acquiring the latest episode now. Very curious as to what's going to happen. They seem to have really put themselves into a corner with more and more of these interconnections. An odd similarity to Lost in that regard. Just hope the writers are smart enough to wriggle out of it with satisfying plausibility.
Another topsy turvy ride. The way Oliver has been talking, it looks like he is going to get whacked or will they kill Connor??!! :eek: The season finale is going to be epic! Cannot wait
Another topsy turvy ride. The way Oliver has been talking, it looks like he is going to get whacked or will they kill Connor??!! :eek: The season finale is going to be epic! Cannot wait
Good shout, but I have a feeling it's going to be Mahoney. Wes has been killing a lot of people lately.
Good shout, but I have a feeling it's going to be Mahoney. Wes has been killing a lot of people lately.

I doubt Wes killing anyone. Looks like it is going to be Laurel, finally turning over to the dark side being haunted by her past of the family history and having a killer boyfriend
The Mahoney storyline is just starting there's no way he's dying yet, if at all. But something big is going to happen to one of the students, and I'm sure it's going to be Laurel, she won't die or kill anyone but she knows too much
It will be interesting to know how relationship between Annalise and Frank would be now that she knows something was hidden from her for so long. She was quite OK about Sam dying because she assumed Sam was the one who killed Lila
It will be interesting to know how relationship between Annalise and Frank would be now that she knows something was hidden from her for so long. She was quite OK about Sam dying because she assumed Sam was the one who killed Lila

I forgot that Annalise didn't know it was Frank who killed Lila! wow this changes everything. Frank won't be trusted so easily now, no wonder she went back to her mothers house.
Hmm, I get why you both think Laurel would have a big part to play in the finale. But I don't think she is capable of killing anyone tbh. I actually think it's going to be one of the Main Cast who is going to be Off'd in the finale, probably Frank or the blonde girl. Btw, I don't recall, but Wes doesn't know that Rebecca is dead right ?
Hmm, I get why you both think Laurel would have a big part to play in the finale. But I don't think she is capable of killing anyone tbh. I actually think it's going to be one of the Main Cast who is going to be Off'd in the finale, probably Frank or the blonde girl. Btw, I don't recall, but Wes doesn't know that Rebecca is dead right ?

Not just the finale, from here on she's going to be more than a student, because she holds secrets like Bonnie & Frank do, this whole season has sorta set her up to evolve from the rest of the students who are still concerned with whether their boyfriend likes them or not. She's not going to die, that will cause too much drama.
And yes Wes still doesn't know about Rebecca, that's not going to come back into play until next season though, I hope it never comes back I hated that entire storyline :lol:
Not just the finale, from here on she's going to be more than a student, because she holds secrets like Bonnie & Frank do, this whole season has sorta set her up to evolve from the rest of the students who are still concerned with whether their boyfriend likes them or not. She's not going to die, that will cause too much drama.
And yes Wes still doesn't know about Rebecca, that's not going to come back into play until next season though, I hope it never comes back I hated that entire storyline :lol:
Really ? :( I loved it. I thought that the Rebecca girl was cute as hell. Would love to see more of her. The Laurel thing makes sense. But her being given so much importance, sort of diminishes the other students, which I don't think will happen. There has to be some sort of development on that front as well, unless one of the cast are actually killed.
One thing's for sure, someone's gonna Die :D

Edit: Actually I don't think anyone is gonna die. They didn't do the flashbacks this time round.
Really ? :( I loved it. I thought that the Rebecca girl was cute as hell. Would love to see more of her. The Laurel thing makes sense. But her being given so much importance, sort of diminishes the other students, which I don't think will happen. There has to be some sort of development on that front as well, unless one of the cast are actually killed.
One thing's for sure, someone's gonna Die :D

Edit: Actually I don't think anyone is gonna die. They didn't do the flashbacks this time round.

Nah I couldn't stand that entire subplot within the storyline, Wes looked weak and unpredictable. She kept on lying and changing her story, I was so glad when they killed her :lol:

Wait I just thought of something - Bonnie killed Rebecca because she thought that Rebecca was the one who killed Lila - maybe that will have a big part to play in the finale or next season? Man Frank really messed up, this has a lot of repercussions
Great finale. I would say not as shocking as the previous one but some tricky ending. Yet again they have left us with some tantalizing questions that will need answering. Great show! Can't wait for it to return.
Just finished watching both seasons. Really great show and pretty much all the cast are excellent actors.

One thing I didn't quite get is how came Annalise comes to the conclusion that Bonnie killed Rebecca. That seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute Frank is telling her that Laurel might have killed, the next she's sure Bonnie did it. Speaking of Frank, I really like him character and his magnificent beard:drool: I'm also guessing he's the one who shot Wallace.
Just finished watching both seasons. Really great show and pretty much all the cast are excellent actors.

One thing I didn't quite get is how came Annalise comes to the conclusion that Bonnie killed Rebecca.
That seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute Frank is telling her that Laurel might have killed, the next she's sure Bonnie did it. Speaking of Frank, I really like him character and his magnificent beard:drool: I'm also guessing he's the one who shot Wallace.

If I remember correctly this came about because Laurel told her that Frank told her that he killed Lila. And all this time Annalise thought Sam killed Lila. I can't remember the specifics after that but Laurel telling Annalise that, arranged everything that led to the conclusion it was Bonnie, not Frank who killed Rebecca.

I'd have to watch the finale again though because I think I missed a few things in that final episode that I didn't appreciate first time around.
If I remember correctly this came about because Laurel told her that Frank told her that he killed Lila. And all this time Annalise thought Sam killed Lila. I can't remember the specifics after that but Laurel telling Annalise that, arranged everything that led to the conclusion it was Bonnie, not Frank who killed Rebecca.

I'd have to watch the finale again though because I think I missed a few things in that final episode that I didn't appreciate first time around.

Nah. I'm not talking about the finale. This was at the start of 2nd season, the first 2 or 3 episodes I think. It's when Annalise and Frank are puzzled on who actually killed Rebecca. Frank suggests it might have been Laurel but Annalise out of the blue comes to the conclusion that it was Bonnie who killed Rebecca. Don't get quite get the trigger to leap to that conclusion.
Just binge watched 3 episodes of the new season and they were fabulous. Loving the pace of the series and just enjoy it to the fullest.
No need for spoilers surely. The episode's already aired.

Seriously underrated show this. The wait for another 3 months is going to be ugly.

My guess is Frank or Bonnie killed or had someone else kill Wes. He and Bonnie had that talk about saving Annalise and may have zeroed in on Wes. I can't think of any other suspect. Annalise wouldn't kill Wes, everyone else was drunk and Nate has no reason to do it. Also not sure if the fire was man made or natural. Seemed more like a blast to me.
Don't think it is going to be that straight-forward where Bonnie or Frank did it. This show is all about the unexpected and I am sure we will find another jaw-dropping moment when the season starts.

This has been my favorite show for long. Highly underrated and fabulous at keeping the audiences gripped to the story-lines.
Damn, I didn't think they would have the guts to kill off Wes. Boy was I wrong.
I'm near the end of season one. Can I ask do you need a warrant to search a dead man's home? Surely that's the first place they can search? Or what's the point in searching for fingerprints etc in a house where the victim lived? Of course you'll find something.
It's annoying me watching this!
Excellent show all the same
Anyone watched so far? This is the final season. The first episode was so good! Between Asher and Tariq from Power I don't know which character is more annoying, they both always find a way to ruin things.:rolleyes:
I hated this show. My wife watched it and I despised all of the characters. In a show like this, they usually have some characters that I root for but this one had nothing.

The one redeeming factor was Viola Davis. She really went to some dark places with her character and was amazing at it.
Anyone watched so far? This is the final season. The first episode was so good! Between Asher and Tariq from Power I don't know which character is more annoying, they both always find a way to ruin things.:rolleyes:
Least Asher Becomes like-able at some point. Tariq is a annoying spoilt little shit.
One thing that annoy me is that it keeps going round and round with Annalise's drinking. She's always going to fall off the wagon, recover, etc...
Between Asher and Tariq from Power I don't know which character is more annoying, they both always find a way to ruin things.:rolleyes:
Two absolute shite shows. Why are you punishing yourself? I stopped watching this after first season, but I'm at loss as to how I'm still watching Power, ffs.
Bumping this as, well, working from home and obviously limited to what I can do away from the house outside working hours so after completing Ozark I've stumbled upon this.

Nearly at the end of season 3 - anyone else watching this?

Generally it's decent, I much prefer a murder plot spread over a series like this (Murder One in the 90s was one of my favourite shows) than the standalone detective series'.

However it's clear that Annalise Keeting is a complete unhinged psycho. As a character she irritates me, I'm sure they could have made just as good a show, it not better with a normal lead character.

I refer back to Murder One, the head Defence Lawyers in both seasons, Teddy Hoffman and Jimmy Wyler were just normal guys.
I'm still watching it. Hardly a classic, but watchable and the last season is actually quite good. Three episodes till the end of the entire show now.
So ive just started this a few days ago with the gf, and weve zoomed through 2 seasons already. On season 3.
Looked to see and this thread barely has 2 pages (havent read through to avoid spoilers)

This show has been excellent so far. Surprised not many more people watched / enjoyed this. (get its about 5 years old since its first episode, afaik, it ended a few weeks ago?)