Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Ok then - he's a much better actor than Leo.
I could definitely look just as cold and angry if forced to sleep naked in a yak carcass ...probably more so since no one would be willing to pay me millions of dollars to do it. It'd be doing it entirely for the art. Plus I'd do a silly voice to boot. And in the end, isn't that what acting is really about?
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I could definitely look just as cold and angry if forced to sleep naked in a yak carcass ...probably more so since no one would be willing to pay me millions of dollars to do it. It'd be doing it entirely for the art. Plus I'd do a silly voice to boot. And in the end, isn't that what acting is really about?
He also ate raw bison liver, so even when he's looking disgusted and he's vomiting isn't acting. What a fecking hack.
Give the Oscar to the bison liver.
Carol Sensitive, well made and well acted. Not sure if it has a standout quality. Not nominated for best picture by the Oscars. 8/10
The Revenant
Looks like the winner to me. A compelling cinematic experience if you see it on the big screen. Possibly a bit too long if you are stuck on an uncomfortable seat like I was. 9/10
So which of the Oscar Nominated movies is worth a watch ? Planning to watch a couple over the next few days
So which of the Oscar Nominated movies is worth a watch ? Planning to watch a couple over the next few days
The Big Short is very good. Martian decent entertainment. Mad Max awesome. Room and Spotlight look good too, and I'm looking forward to The Revenant but the reviews on the Caf havent been great.
The Big Short is very good. Martian decent entertainment. Mad Max awesome. Room and Spotlight look good too, and I'm looking forward to The Revenant but the reviews on the Caf havent been great.
I saw The Martian and yes it is decent entertainment, quirky, but it's not really the sort of movie which can be considered Oscar Worthy. I know Matt Damon got a lot of praise for it and to an extent it is deserved. I started watching The Revenant, and 30 mins, I couldn't watch any more. But I'll try to finish it. I want to watch The Big Short but haven't found a decent print yet and I don't think it is showing in theaters here yet. Thanks for the suggestions.
I saw The Martian and yes it is decent entertainment, quirky, but it's not really the sort of movie which can be considered Oscar Worthy. I know Matt Damon got a lot of praise for it and to an extent it is deserved. I started watching The Revenant, and 30 mins, I couldn't watch any more. But I'll try to finish it. I want to watch The Big Short but haven't found a decent print yet and I don't think it is showing in theaters here yet. Thanks for the suggestions.
Agree on The Martian, it's just decent entertainment. As for Mad Max, if you haven't seen it, you have to. It's brilliant, but you have to see it with good viewing conditions (good TV and sound), it's a cinematic experience.
Just turned on the TV and Revenge of the Sith is on. My God I'd forgotten how bad the dialogue and acting is. The scenes between Palpatine and Anakin are painful, so fecking unsubtle. The editing is also pretty shoddy, some scenes just abruptly end with no reason and connect to other unrelated stuff. Really weird.
Just turned on the TV and Revenge of the Sith is on. My God I'd forgotten how bad the dialogue and acting is. The scenes between Palpatine and Anakin are painful, so fecking unsubtle. The editing is also pretty shoddy, some scenes just abruptly end with no reason and connect to other unrelated stuff. Really weird.
The third act is awful, truly awful. It makes absolutely no sense. So fecking idiotic.
Just turned on the TV and Revenge of the Sith is on. My God I'd forgotten how bad the dialogue and acting is. The scenes between Palpatine and Anakin are painful, so fecking unsubtle. The editing is also pretty shoddy, some scenes just abruptly end with no reason and connect to other unrelated stuff. Really weird.
Attack of the Clones does the exact same with editing. There is one scene where you transition from Anakin/Padme to Obi Wan on a different planet without any noticeable cut. Its really jarring and confusing as you expect more Anakin bullshit but then see Obi Wan trudging across the desert.
Beasts of No Nation

Terrific movie. Incredibly harrowing at times, with an excellent performance from the lead child actor. Elba's fantastic too. Superb, commanding villainous performance. It kind of reminded me of City of God a lot at first, but then got a lot, lot darker. Thought the first hour was probably stronger than the second, which occasionally felt a bit meandering, but the conclusion was good, with a little bit of hopefulness which was probably needed considering how dark much of the movie was.

Yeah watched this last night and it was excellent. Tho don't really agree about the first two half hours, not that I vehemently disagree or anything, just thought it built up quite steadily.
This is one of those films that engages you for good chunks, but ultimately leaves you feeling slightly unsatisfied. It did a very good job of creating a sense of anticipation but probably just as good a job of not actually having a strong enough script/story to actually make use of aforementioned anticipation.


Great fun. It's really self-aware, full of wacky humour, and is fairly subversive compared to some action movies. Kind of like Bond meets Kill Bill Tarantino type of thing. Firth is classy as feck, and Jackson's good fun as the villain.


feck it, it's great. Stallone is great. Jordan is great. Even Tony Bellew was great.

It felt like Rocky and I do reckon they're setting up the Rocky franchise for a new generation so we'll see plenty more of Adonis Creed.

Look, it's predictable. In boxing terms, the story is the same as Rocky. A fighter who doesn't really deserve it, gets his shot at the champ and loses valiantly. I have a feeling we'll either see Rocky briefly in any subsequent sequel before he dies or we won't see him at all. This was Stallone passing on the franchise.

Jordan and Stallone just work so well together. Every scene is engaging. Plenty of nods to the lder films. All in all it was very enjoyable and while it has it's flaws, for pure entertainment and that bit of nostalgia I'd happily give this a 9/10
Took me a while to realise Michael B Jordan is Wallace from The Wire. I was thinking how much he resembled Wallace, looked him up and yep it's the same actor. Nice to see some lesser known actors having good careers like Jamie Hector and now Michael B Jordan. With that being said, Creed comes out 21st of this month here in Holland so I'm looking forward to it.
Not gonna lie, I got bored by Creed after about 40 minutes....didn't help I was knackered anyway, but just seemed a well made, but generic boxing film. I do intend to finish it as Sly had barely made an appearance at that point and everyone says he's main selling point, maybe it's just these screeners, the quality just doesn't do it for me anymore, need my 720p and above HD nowadays. Struggled to get 'into' the few films I did watch from their screener leaks.
Not gonna lie, I got bored by Creed after about 40 minutes....didn't help I was knackered anyway, but just seemed a well made, but generic boxing film. I do intend to finish it as Sly had barely made an appearance at that point and everyone says he's main selling point, maybe it's just these screeners, the quality just doesn't do it for me anymore, need my 720p and above HD nowadays. Struggled to get 'into' the few films I did watch from their screener leaks.
This. I think it's a solid instalment and it's good to see they might branch off and make Creed a franchise in its own right but I was left a tad disappointed. I think that was only because I'd read such good stuff on here about it that I went out my way to find a proper stream. Had I of just gone in blind and watched it I'd probably be singing its praises. There just wasn't a stand out moment, the final fight was a bit anticlimactic for me I don't know. 7/10
What is it with everybody watching on shitty streams and laptops. Watch it in the cinema's you bunch of cheapskate criminals!!!
What is it with everybody watching on shitty streams and laptops. Watch it in the cinema's you bunch of cheapskate criminals!!!
Have to agree, a cinematic experience is so much better I think. Unless you got a terrific sound system at home.
Have to agree, a cinematic experience is so much better I think. Unless you got a terrific sound system at home.
I go cinema a lot but also watch films at home. Cinema experience is vital for the likes of Mad Max but not for something like Creed. It also completely ruins horror films with idiots laughing throughout.
A good cinema beats a good home set up. But I'll always watch at home rather than risk the multiplexes anymore. People - and the cinemas themselves - just can't be trusted.
I go cinema a lot but also watch films at home. Cinema experience is vital for the likes of Mad Max but not for something like Creed. It also completely ruins horror films with idiots laughing throughout.
Yeah but shitty rips are no way to watch any film. Buy the Blurays and respect the small artists' hard labor, or something.
Yeah but shitty rips are no way to watch any film. Buy the Blurays and respect the small artists' hard labor, or something.
Agreed. If you want to watch it at home, wait for it to come out on DVD. So much better and actually contributes to the business.
Agreed. If you want to watch it at home, wait for it to come out on DVD. So much better and actually contributes to the business.

Contributing to the business is fair enough. But once it comes out on DVD or Blu Ray, there are copies online that are perfect anyway. I've been told.
I find talking, popcorn rustling, texting, drug dealing, heavy petting quite distracting. I need peace and quiet to fully concentrate. I don't read books on public transport anymore for the same reason.

Also most of the films I watch these days look better on home release than any existing film print of the work.
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I find talking, popcorn rustling, texting, drug dealing, heavy petting quite distracting. I need peace and quiet to fully concentrate. I don't read books on public transport anymore for the same reason.
What cinemas do you go to?! :lol:

I understand what you mean, though it depends on the film. A pure entertainment film, like Star Wars or a summer blockbuster, I won't care too much about it being quiet or whatever. I go to the pictures quite often for the morning showings, so it's usually very tolerable.
Yeah but shitty rips are no way to watch any film. Buy the Blurays and respect the small artists' hard labor, or something.
Agreed. I usually watch some films at the cinema and others on good quality rips but I always end up buying the ones I enjoy on bluray
I love going to the cinema for a movie I'm really anticipating, but it's quite expensive in general and can be a bit of a hassle trying to organise it. Being able to just put one on whenever is sometimes easier for a lazy bastard like myself.
Watched The Hateful Eight last week, and there was this guy who was laughing at the most randomest of bits. Like REALLY loudly. Cinemas can be tedious. Depends on the crowd.
Beasts of no Nation An excellent film if not perfect. Idris Elba does a great job of making you not quite hate him despite him being despicable due to how well he plays the charismatic phycopath - how he wasn't nominated for an Oscar is beyond me when LDC is odds on to win for grunting and crawling. The young lad was also really excellent as were all of the young soldiers. There were a few narrative and pacing flaws IMO with a huge chunk of timeline missing between the meeting with the supreme leader and the diamond mine scenes. It also probably didn't articualte the different factions/groups well enough for those who don't know the way things played out in countries like Sierra Leone (on which this unnamed country was presumably based). Still well worth a watch. 8/10

Black Mass Well directed and acted true crime bio pic. No real flaws without it ever truly engaging me in the way a thriller might but still Depp's best film in forever. Well worth a watch.8/10
Watched The Hateful Eight last week, and there was this guy who was laughing at the most randomest of bits. Like REALLY loudly. Cinemas can be tedious. Depends on the crowd.

Me and my mates have been going to some late night showings (like 11pm) and it's brilliant because there's only about 10 or so people in the whole cinema. Latest I can see for Hateful Eight is 9pm cause of it's length though.
The Revenant: pretentious borefest of an Oscar-hunt. Too long, too boring, too many cinematic scenary shots. Great acting by Leo but half the film was him showing how cold he is.