Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Touki Bouki - My first taste of African cinema, surprisingly avant-garde, visually visceral, lots of things clashing, both visually, auditory and even culturally. Cool soundtrack, odd, good film.
VHS: Viral
I thought the first was ok and the second was pretty good, especially the Safe Haven segment but this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Complete and utter trash, wasted 85 minutes of my life that I can never get back 1/10

Assassination Games

I'm a sucker for Scott Adkins, think he's a hidden gem and always love seeing a bit of Van Damme so I rather enjoyed this 6/10
Philomena - Great stuff; the chemistry between Steve Coogan and Judi Dench is perfect, it covers a serious matter without being in any way heavy-handed or overly sentimental and the 90 minutes fly by.
Really really good. Nerve-jangling, lean and mean. Proper old school thriller, with a brilliant central performance from Jack O'Connell. The boy's a star. Highly recommended.
Not seen the film, haven't even heard of it up until now, but Jack O'Connell is a brilliant actor.

edit: Oh I have heard of the film actually, I downloaded it 3 days ago
Horses for courses really. I'm not really into slow-paced movies, especially when it's science fiction. Thought the whole knowingly walking into liquid part was weird and repetitive.
Yeah it's slow paced to say the least (The long shots really do hang)although it really worked for me.

As the walking into the black liquid stuff my only guess was that the men were stuck in a hypnotic trance.
VHS: Viral
I thought the first was ok and the second was pretty good, especially the Safe Haven segment but this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Complete and utter trash, wasted 85 minutes of my life that I can never get back 1/10
Yes! Didn't know it was already out. Loved the first two, I think found footage is my favourite genre, I even love the worst found footage films.
Yes! Didn't know it was already out. Loved the first two, I think found footage is my favourite genre, I even love the worst found footage films.
Well, the first story with the magician was awful. Hope it isn't all like that.

edit - this second one is retarded as feck.
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The Maze Runner

Why do I keep watching shit like this? 1/10

Gone girl

Good film, Affleck is his usual plank self, the guy has 2 emotions, smiling and not smiling. Rosamund Pike is fantastic. 7/10
Touki Bouki - My first taste of African cinema, surprisingly avant-garde, visually visceral, lots of things clashing, both visually, auditory and even culturally. Cool soundtrack, odd, good film.
If you're going to venture further into African cinema, try to give Timbuktu (by Abderrahmane Sissako) a watch, I haven't seen it yet but it's out over here and looks really interesting. Getting excellent reviews, but don't know whether you'd manage to find it yet...
Dumb and Dumber To

I enjoyed it. Some laugh out loud moments, decent plot twists and Carrey steals the show. 7.5/10
Touki Bouki - My first taste of African cinema, surprisingly avant-garde, visually visceral, lots of things clashing, both visually, auditory and even culturally. Cool soundtrack, odd, good film.

You should see Tsotsi if you haven't seen it.
Pacific Rim

Considering I watched the whole thing I'm labelling this as the single biggest waste of time I've ever had. Stupid idea, stupid boring stupid story, stupid effects that are so fecking stupidly shit you can't tell what's going on. What a load of fecking bollocks, frankly.
How del'Toro can go from Pans Labyrinth to that shit fest in little over 5 or 6 years, astounding drop in form.
It doesn't even make a good kids movie because it's so fecking boring.
I don't believe a film has ever made me angry before.

I watched first half hour but had to turn it off. It was shockingly bad, incredible waste of money.

Great flick from Alexander Payne, one of the very few modern directors whose work I genuinely enjoy. I first learned of him years ago after watching brilliant Election with Reese Witherspoon. About Schmidt is still my personal favorite, while The Descendants with Clooney was decent, but not as good as his other films, in my opinion.

Still, all of those films are well worth watching, if you haven't already. None of that Hollywood bullshit, just real stories about real people.
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The Guest (2014) - If I spent the next 25 years as a junkie and forgot how to speak, the cracked-out future version of myself could make a better film than this.
Philomena - Great stuff; the chemistry between Steve Coogan and Judi Dench is perfect, it covers a serious matter without being in any way heavy-handed or overly sentimental and the 90 minutes fly by.

Yeah lovely film. Won me over in the first few minutes with the "stool sample outstanding" gag.
Frozen - As far as Disney films go, this is as good as anything I've ever watched. Four amazing songs, a self-aware storyline, rounded characters, jokes for the adults, terrific pacing, exceptional visuals... 10/10
Just watched Frozen for the first time. Was getting ready to hate on it before it even started, but damn, it was really good.
The Drop

Good Film, good performances by Hardy, Gandolfini and to a lesser extent Matthias Scoenaerts.
Same director as Bull Head by the way, Michaël Roskam, which could have a bright future in Hollywood I think.. 7.5/10

I Origin

Saw this earlier while having heard nothing about it and was pleasantly surprised. Very good film about science vs religion weaven in between a good love story. Liked it. 7/10
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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Utterly hilarious. The next couple of lines contain vague spoilers, so if you want to watch this filth unspoiled, then stop reading. I was warming to it for the first 45 minutes, but when it showed the apes riding horseback in slow motion, riding through fire and firing a machine gun in each hand, it just became total comedy. When Koba hijacked the tank, blew up some puny humans and smashed his way into human tower with it, I couldn't breathe. I actually liked the first one, but this is one of the dumbest films ever made.

Guardians of the Galaxy

The storyline didn't really grab me and I was indifferent to the comic, but I enjoyed it a lot for the humour. Drax the Destroyer is a great character. Chris Pratt is a very likable comedy actor as well. A fun watch.

Gone With The Wind

A 1930's Hollyoaks omnibus. Everyone is a dick to each other and it lasts way longer than it should.

Toy Story 3

Not seen it since seeing it in the cinema. Still superb. That bit when they're all holding hands in the landfill. So deep.
The Interview
Caused so much controversy, but I dont know why. It pokes the fun out of many things, not just the bad korea. If you like Seth Rogan humour and films like This Is The End, then you'll like this too 7/10
Frozen - As far as Disney films go, this is as good as anything I've ever watched. Four amazing songs, a self-aware storyline, rounded characters, jokes for the adults, terrific pacing, exceptional visuals... 10/10

Once massive Disney cliche. Annoying songs, bog standard characters, a completely predictable plot.

That's how I saw it anyway, but then I grew up during a bit of a golden period for Disney so maybe I have higher standards.
massive Disney cliche
Except this movie subverted many of those cliches, including Anna's love interest.
Annoying songs
Fυck off, they were amazing. Let It Go, Do You Wanna Build A Snowman, Love Is An Open Door, For The First Time In Forever...
bog standard characters
Rubbish. The characters in Frozen had a lot more foibles, sarcasm and idiosyncrasies than one notes like Aladdin, The Beast, Snow White, etc.
a completely predictable plot
Except in most Disney films, the Prince would have been a good guy and the movie would have ended with them living happily ever after.

That's how I saw it anyway, but then I grew up during a bit of a golden period for Disney so maybe I have higher standards.
Your standards are about as high as the Duke of Weselton.
Except this movie subverted many of those cliches, including Anna's love interest.

Fυck off, they were amazing. Let It Go, Do You Wanna Build A Snowman, Love Is An Open Door, For The First Time In Forever...

Rubbish. The characters in Frozen had a lot more foibles, sarcasm and idiosyncrasies than one notes like Aladdin, The Beast, Snow White, etc.

Except in most Disney films, the Prince would have been a good guy and the movie would have ended with them living happily ever after.

Your standards are about as high as the Duke of Weselton.

calm down sweetheart. i thought it was cliche nonsense with annoying songs.
Once massive Disney cliche. Annoying songs, bog standard characters, a completely predictable plot.

That's how I saw it anyway, but then I grew up during a bit of a golden period for Disney so maybe I have higher standards.

I didn't think much of it either. That said, I suspect I might've loved it had I been a 6 years old girl.

Let it go...
I dont get the deal with Let It Go, apart from a couple of lines in the chorus, it's a pretty forgettable song...
Love is an Open Door is an incredible song. Team @Dante.

Watched Toy Story for the first time in ages today and was reminded just how good a film the first one is. It's almost twenty years old!
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I didn't think much of it either. That said, I suspect I might've loved it had I been a 6 years old girl.

Let it go...

yeah mate given the hype I found it to be a big let down but perhaps its just harder to get into these films when you have your first viewing as an adult.