Madeleine McCann

For goodness sake, stop ridiculing opinions which don't tally with your own. This happens all over the Caf these days, on a number of subjects. On this particular subject, I'm not claiming to know what actually happened in Portugal but feel free, as is your wont, to throw in alien abductions, JFK etc etc.
So who else thinks that they were reckless and accident happened and they tried to cover it up. They look really guilty everytime I see them on tv.

How exactly do they look guilty? What are you basing that judgement on? What experience do you have judging peoples guilt or innocence bask on how they look when they are on TV?
For goodness sake, stop ridiculing opinions which don't tally with your own. This happens all over the Caf these days, on a number of subjects. On this particular subject, I'm not claiming to know what actually happened in Portugal but feel free, as is your wont, to throw in alien abductions, JFK etc etc.

Don't be so precious. Ridiculing silly opinions that is part and parcel of the caf, on all topics. In this context deciding the McCanns are master-minding a cover-up because "they look really guilty" on TV is definitely worthy of a bit of piss-taking.

You had more nuanced opinion about them somehow using the media to "control the narrative" which got a more reasoned response. You seem to have been on a hit and run with that comment, though, as you haven't engaged any further.
For goodness sake, stop ridiculing opinions which don't tally with your own. This happens all over the Caf these days, on a number of subjects. On this particular subject, I'm not claiming to know what actually happened in Portugal but feel free, as is your wont, to throw in alien abductions, JFK etc etc.

The ridiculous is what ridicule was invented for.
Fair points, Pogue.
Most people I know think they killed her. I vaguely assume they did, as someone generally sensible, who knows about dogs, told me they clearly did, because of something about dogs.

I refuse to care enough to form a serious opinion, other than that this is one of the most over reported stories I've come across.
I forget which infamous murder case it was but I worked with a woman who was convinced of the guys guilt all based on how the actor in a TV movie portrayed him. After all the TV movie was based on real events, so therefore the actor was acting exactly like the real life guy did or so her theory went.
Fair points, Pogue.

Jaysus, Steve, don't apologise!

Your point was fair too. I just thought you were being a wee bit sensitive. You are right, though. Discussions are better when neither side resorts to ridicule, no matter how far-fetched they find the opposing view-point. It stifles discussion if people are worried about getting slagged off for offering an opinion.
Shall I watch while you two kiss or do you want some privacy?
I'm not sure about the crying part. Just because someone isn't in constant tears doesn't mean you're not dying inside

Well, exactly. Some people are just better at hiding their emotions than others. They had two other kids to worry about and must have been desperate not to reveal the extent of their anguish to them, either in public or private.

Because they obviously had the mental strength to maintain a fairly composed facade you get all this stuff about them being "cold fish" or "control freaks".

On the other hand, a few televised interviews streaming snot and tears would have had them immediately clasped to the nation's bosom.
The early rumours of suspicion against them definitely did damage to their public image. Add in the perception of them as being part of the privileged middle class, trying to direct the media campaign around them and the fact that they were guilty of less than amazing parenting in the run up to their daughter's disappearance.....

It's hard to turn around those early perceptions of you. Every time I think of the McCanns I'm reminded of that American family (Ramseys?) whose daughter was murdered in their house. Early suspicion fell on them, plenty of amateur detectives and forensic scientists produced plenty of evidence that "proved" they were guilty and this suspicion grew to the point where they were widely assumed to have murdered their daughter. Add in the fact that they were guilty of poor parenting (those creepy child pageants) and they probably became the most hated people in America for a while. Then, after years and years of abuse and accusation, they were proven to be innocent. Unfortunately by that stage the mother had already died without any sign that people were going to stop blaming her, let alone find out who actually killed her daughter.

With that case in mind, is it any wonder the McCanns are quick to react to any libelous claims? There are a lot of judgmental idiots in the world and if you allow that undercurrent of rumour and suspicion to grow....
People wouldn't think better of them if they were seen as 'common'. Being middle class just gives them a higher profile.
They have said some unfortunate things I think. I'm not sure they've got the greatest knack for knowing what to say, I'm sure that's turned a few people off them. I'm sure one of them complained about having to hire babysitters or something recently, which isn't what you'd say if you were one of them. Nothing particularly shady or guilt laden about them at all but they could maybe have done with a more attentive PR editor.
They have said some unfortunate things I think. I'm not sure they've got the greatest knack for knowing what to say, I'm sure that's turned a few people off them. I'm sure one of them complained about having to hire babysitters or something recently, which isn't what you'd say if you were one of them. Nothing particularly shady or guilt laden about them at all but they could maybe have done with a more attentive PR editor.

Wonder how many people could handle so much press attention without putting their feet in the mouth a few times? I woud probably be a train wreck in terms of how I handled the press.
Wonder how many people could handle so much press attention without putting their feet in the mouth a few times? I woud probably be a train wreck in terms of how I handled the press.

Probably not many people at all really, especially knowing there's an undercurrent of suspicion toward you. Like I said, could have done with some "coaching" or something really.
Probably not many people at all really, especially knowing there's an undercurrent of suspicion toward you. Like I said, could have done with some "coaching" or something really.

The thing is taking the aformentioned Ramsey case, the parents there came under a lot of criticism for hiring a PR firm to help them with handling the press.
How exactly do they look guilty? What are you basing that judgement on? What experience do you have judging peoples guilt or innocence bask on how they look when they are on TV?

Funnily enough my mums a criminal phycologist and has a minor in forensics. So I've got a little bit of an idea what to look for. Not saying they are, I just have a gut feeling there is foul play involved.
Funnily enough my mums a criminal phycologist and has a minor in forensics. So I've got a little bit of an idea what to look for. Not saying they are, I just have a gut feeling there is foul play involved.

Maybe it's the natural guilt that any parents will feel when something bad happens to their child that could have been prevented (in hindsight at the very least) which you are seeing.
Maybe it's the natural guilt that any parents will feel when something bad happens to their child that could have been prevented (in hindsight at the very least) which you are seeing.

Probably. Im not a parent so I suppose I can't relate to it. I wasn't trying to make a fleeting comment and piss people off, just what my gut told me.
I've always said that if we're being questioned about anything I would seem guilty even though I wasn't. Suppose it's just another reaction people have.
Funnily enough my mums a criminal phycologist and has a minor in forensics. So I've got a little bit of an idea what to look for. Not saying they are, I just have a gut feeling there is foul play involved.

Well obvious foul play in involved, she's gone right. Considering the amount of schooling/training one has to go through to be a criminal psychologist, including licensing and certification (at least in the US) best to just leave it be.
Sky News was a disgrace for the way they put Brenda Leyland on the spot - it was irresponsible reporting that verged on vigilantism. As others have said, she was a poor target because her Twitter comments sat on the lame end of the spectrum, by many accounts.

What's worse is that in the aftermath of her apparent suicide, Sky have chosen to push the story right to the periphery of their news agenda, focusing on the "no foul play" angle when they do cover it so as to absolve themselves of any blame. What a shitty, self serving way to run a news channel.

If she did have mental issues, is it any wonder she topped herself in the face of mainstream humiliation and the threat of police action? A new low for the media.
So who else thinks that they were reckless and accident happened and they tried to cover it up. They look really guilty everytime I see them on tv.
Have to ask, how do they look guilty?
Sky News was a disgrace for the way they put Brenda Leyland on the spot - it was irresponsible reporting that verged on vigilantism. As others have said, she was a poor target because her Twitter comments sat on the lame end of the spectrum, by many accounts.

What's worse is that in the aftermath of her apparent suicide, Sky have chosen to push the story right to the periphery of their news agenda, focusing on the "no foul play" angle when they do cover it so as to absolve themselves of any blame. What a shitty, self serving way to run a news channel.

If she did have mental issues, is it any wonder she topped herself in the face of mainstream humiliation and the threat of police action? A new low for the media.

A) It wasn't Sky who brought her to the attention of the police, was it? Genuine question, I don't know who did.

B) If she posted thousands of tweets on the subject and was being investigated by Scotland Yard then I think she's as valid a subject as anyone else, even if her tweets weren't among the most abusive.

C) Sky couldn't have known she was going to react by committing suicide. I don't think it's a particularly nice or nuanced form of journalism but if that's the way they choose to approach things then there's always going to be the slight risk of someone reacting badly, it comes with the territory. Plus, as you indicated, the threat of police action may have played as much or more of a role in how she reacted and that had nothing to do with Sky (as far as I know).