Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Just came back from the cinema with my wife. I see myself as a movie critic and to be honest, a lot of movies these days don't really impress me that much. But this movie is almost to perfection. Proper sequel, wonderful story, great acting (without using top actors) and the directing is almost flawless. I can see why they took this long to make the sequel...they truly knocked this one out of the park. 9.5/10
Fantastic, can't wait to see it. I expected the first one to be better in fairness, hope you are right on this one.
Endless love- for a chick flick it's al right, quite predictable at times which is to be expected. Entertaining but nothing more (6/10)
Films I've watched this week:

O Brother Where Art Thou - Classic Coens, great entertainment with a perfect soundtrack - my housemate came in at one point to say she loved whatever it was I was listening to! Hard to find anything to dislike about the film, every last character's a treat. Would put it as their second best comedy after Raising Arizona - why wasn't Holly Hunter in more films?? 8/10.

The Talented Mr Ripley - Gorgeous film in every sense, made me want to live in 1950's Italy more than anything else. Brilliantly tense and claustrophobic in parts, Damon, Law (basically playing himself), Hoffman, Blanchett, even Paltrow impresses, woof. 8.5/10

Sunset Blvd - My first time watching, wow. Near perfect noir, apart from some of the acting it hasn't aged at all. Loved the story and the characters, fascinating to read how similar some real people were to characters in the film. Would argue that Max was just as deluded and even more tragic than poor Norma as well. The line that he was "husband number one" just killed me. 9.5/10
I've only seen her Coens ones and The Incredibles, disappointed with that as she's hilarious in all three. Tbf, just seen that she's in the next Malick film, and Batman/Superman. Fair play Hols!
Some films I've watched recently but couldn't be arsed to review, until now...

In the Realm of the Senses -
Walked a fine line between art and intellectual porn. I thought it was a powerful movie.

The Blue Angel -
The highlights were Marlene Dietrich in cabaret gear and Emil Jannings' frighteningly real breakdown, it was horrific to watch.

The Hours - It was the sort of high-minded, manipulative, Phillip Glass scored literary adaptation that I shouldn't have let myself be smitten by, but I was, only a bit. Can't believe that nose won an Oscar.

The Lady Eve - Barbara Stanwyck was hot but the film was a bit of a mess and it's reputation as a fairly major classic sort of bewilders me.

Bob le flambeur - Böbb le bore. Melville was a bit too occupied with style for this one, Hands off the Loot is a better early gangster with Jean Gabin as a more charismatic presence than Böbb.

Mephisto - An absolutely sensational lead performance by Klaus Maria Brandauer. A bit rough around the egdes and tedious at places but overall a good one.

Boudu Saved from Drowning - A bit too bawdy for my taste but a fascinating watch just for the footage of 1930's France, Renoir knew how to capture it too.
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I never actually got around to finishing In the Real of Senses. Probably the most bizarre film I've ever seen and not in a good way.
I never actually got around to finishing In the Real of Senses. Probably the most bizarre film I've ever seen and not in a good way.
It's the kind of film you either find repulsive and/or bad or repulsive and/or powerful, a bit like Last Tango in Paris. The amount of pubic hair doesn't really help...
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If there's a better film coming out this year then I can't wait to see it. Masterful filmmaking by Linklater, I might rank it as his best. The scale of the film is totally justified, there's something pretty overwhelming about seeing the passage of time fully dramatised in one viewing experience. What I liked most of all was not watching the boy learn and develop, but seeing how much is glossed over by time, how conflicts are forgotten and life lessons are ignored, and mistakes are repeated. Sublime stuff. 9.5/10
I keep getting told to watch Snowpiercer. Is it any good?

I watched it over the weekend - still not sure what to make of it overall. It's a bit weird - a Hollywood movie that Hollywood would never actually make - thought some things worked quite well whilst others didn't work at all (trying not to give plot elements away).... but yeah, on the whole I did think it was enjoyable, though my hopes were initially higher.
Special Forces unit go into some hidden lab bunker to eliminate a threat from a science experiment gone wrong... or something along those lines. It felt claustrophobic and was shot decently but a lot of things were left unanswered and overall was quite boring. Borrowed too much from Alien... should have been better 4.5/10
I watched it over the weekend - still not sure what to make of it overall. It's a bit weird - a Hollywood movie that Hollywood would never actually make - thought some things worked quite well whilst others didn't work at all (trying not to give plot elements away).... but yeah, on the whole I did think it was enjoyable, though my hopes were initially higher.

Snowpiercer Korean/Hollywood film of a French graphic novel. Ambitious but didn't quite work. Elements of Brazil are commonplace but the film is nowhere near as coherent. Enjoyable but hugely flawed. 6.5/10
I keep getting told to watch Snowpiercer. Is it any good?
Back when I saw it:
Snowpiercer was a really good film, it's pretty clever but doesn't feel the need to take the viewer by the hand, and it's visually very impressive. Loads of great scenes, and I felt the film got better as it advanced and as you discovered more and more about the train. It's really worth seeing and will probably be in the end of the year rankings as one of the best films of 2013!
Don't agree with AN!'s view that it's a Hollywood film that Hollywood wouldn't make, don't think it has much in common with a Hollywood flick and is more of a 'feck you' to those type of films. But I can definitely understand it's not everyone's cup of tea!
The Hunt - brilliant, brilliant movie. I've never been so pissed off in my entire life; never been so tense. Mads Mikkelsen once again shows everyone just how good he is. Everything about it is superb. Real shame if you miss out on it.

The Grand Budapest Hotel A great cast and some very nice performances have produced only the second Wes Anderson film that I have enjoyed. Still with all the flaws of an Anderson film - the cloud of smug is still present - but far more of interest than much of his output partly because this had a plot worth following. It made me laugh from time to time and TBH I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even the ending was reasonably satisfying. 8/10
Anybody watched Blue Ruin? It's got very favourable reviews all around.
Yeah getting rave reviews in France as well, really fancy it.

Saw the Lego movie over the weekend and quite enjoyed it. I thought it was visually stunning and the voice casting was excellent all around (Arnett as Batman was inspired, and loved the Jonah Hill/Channing Tatum duo amongst many others). I did have two problems with it though:
- too fast-paced, it was a non stop action frenzy and the rare moments of calm were very welcome; overall though, it would have benefitted of being a tad slower at times and not going full throttle so often;
- the ending: I actually really like the whole ending (those who have seen it will know what I'm speaking of) even though you see it coming quite early on, it's pretty cool; however, I felt it dragged on a bit and could've been resolved in 5 minutes less, probably.

Still very entertaining with a few laughs here and there.

I also saw The two faces of January, an all-round nice film. Viggo is fantastic as always and Kirsten Dunst is charming, the settings are beautiful and the film is simply very elegant and enjoyable to watch. Nothing to rave about, but it's worth a watch if you enjoy those type of films.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

A good sequel. Some scenes are quite predictable. Just read the wiki, saying that Andy Serkis got paid "a healthy seven-figure deal". That's pretty awesome I thought.. Wonder if he does the voice over for all his characters..

The Grand Budapest Hotel A great cast and some very nice performances have produced only the second Wes Anderson film that I have enjoyed. Still with all the flaws of an Anderson film - the cloud of smug is still present - but far more of interest than much of his output partly because this had a plot worth following. It made me laugh from time to time and TBH I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even the ending was reasonably satisfying. 8/10

What was the first? Rushmore?

At which point I would ask... what about Fantastic Mr. Fox?!
Watch Fantastic Mr. Fox. Brilliant film, doesn't feel too Anderson-y, I think.

Yeah, I'd say it's Anderson's least Anderson-y film... (though there are still touches in there of course)

But yeah, It's either my 2nd or 3rd favourite film by him (between it and Grand Budapest - Rushmore in first).
The Darjeeling is probably the Anderson film I enjoyed the least.

Yeah, it's the worst...that and Life Aquatic mid-life crisis for him really. Did something unoriginal with his own spin with Mr. Fox which seemed to have made him refind his mojo, his last two were great, up there with Rushmore and Bottle Rocket for me.

Blue Rain is a cracking little film. Revenge thriller without any flash whatsoever, and just works because it's executed to perfection.