Gaming Microsoft Xbox One

Love it how Microsoft is fecking up. Not that I would have bought the Xbox as PS4 was always going to be my first choice but feck me they are really not doing themselves any favour are they?
But don't forget that: According to Xbox's official site, "at Microsoft, we prioritize your privacy. We understand that your personal data and privacy are important. Xbox One and Kinect will provide tools to put you in control of your data."

Can they just give me an XBox without the Kinect at all. It would be much better in case they really prioritize my privacy.

Anyway, full embarrassing article is here:

Totally agree - their statement that they have prioritized your privacy is ridiculous - they may have incorporated settings that you can adjust, but that is not the same as making your privacy paramount. If they wanted to do that, they would not require the kinect to be always on.
Love it how Microsoft is fecking up. Not that I would have bought the Xbox as PS4 was always going to be my first choice but feck me they are really not doing themselves any favour are they?

They made such a mess with all the confusion following the launch, that they are now having to try and clarify things while putting a positive spin on it. I cannot believe that they tried to make the fact that anyone in your house (regardless of their relationship to you!!!) can use your xbox into a selling point!

The gaf love a campaign don't they. This will still sell very well but MS have pissed off the hardcore, Sony just need to be less shit.
You can't lend games? Am I missing a massive point here then? Isn't the idea that other people can play your games on their console? In which case that would basically be the same as...lending games. The plus to it is no disc bollocks. The only downside is needing an internet connection to do so (In fairness with no disc, that's a must though).

There's positives and negatives really. The online stuff is a negative (It won't effect me, but as an example, your net goes down for a week, you can't even play your console. And in all honesty, I rubbished the idea that this would happen, so I was wrong there). There are a few things that have my interest though.

If the television stuff and fantasy stuff will eventually cross over to the UK side of things, I'll likely go with this. That might not interest most, but as small as that might seem, it at least interests me. At the end of the day, this console will play most of the same games as the PS4. And the big thing for me is that I'm not somebody that buys games on a weekly basis or even monthly basis. My time is mostly spent on set games such as PES and Madden, which both consoles are always going to have. So realistically, it'll come down to which console has the more interesting side features for me and also which one any of my friends and family will be buying and I'd expect that'll probably lean towards the XBOX direction.

Still a way to go though, we'll see. Neither really have a massive advantage over for me personally, so any small thing could easily sway me.
They made such a mess with all the confusion following the launch, that they are now having to try and clarify things while putting a positive spin on it. I cannot believe that they tried to make the fact that anyone in your house (regardless of their relationship to you!!!) can use your xbox into a selling point!

That was the best part. You know something is wrong when things like that are used as sale anglers
You can't lend games? Am I missing a massive point here then? Isn't the idea that other people can play your games on their console? In which case that would basically be the same as...lending games. The plus to it is no disc bollocks. The only downside is needing an internet connection to do so (In fairness with no disc, that's a must though).

There's positives and negatives really. The online stuff is a negative (It won't effect me, but as an example, your net goes down for a week, you can't even play your console. And in all honesty, I rubbished the idea that this would happen, so I was wrong there). There are a few things that have my interest though.

If the television stuff and fantasy stuff will eventually cross over to the UK side of things, I'll likely go with this. That might not interest most, but as small as that might seem, it at least interests me. At the end of the day, this console will play most of the same games as the PS4. And the big thing for me is that I'm not somebody that buys games on a weekly basis or even monthly basis. My time is mostly spent on set games such as PES and Madden, which both consoles are always going to have. So realistically, it'll come down to which console has the more interesting side features for me and also which one any of my friends and family will be buying and I'd expect that'll probably lean towards the XBOX direction.

Still a way to go though, we'll see. Neither really have a massive advantage over for me personally, so any small thing could easily sway me.

That's the point though, I don't think it will, or at least I have no clue how that should happen in Austria. Those features I think can only be used in the US, I don't know how Microsoft should be able to do this in any other country. Which makes the whole thing even more ridiculous.
The inability to buy and sell games is for the the primary reason I'll end up not buying an Xbox One. I have brought the majority of games for around a fiver and probably 95% under £10. It sounds like this will be a thing of the past. I simply refuse to pay big bucks for games.
The inability to buy and sell games is for the the primary reason I'll end up not buying an Xbox One. I have brought the majority of games for around a fiver and probably 95% under £10. It sounds like this will be a thing of the past. I simply refuse to pay big bucks for games.

Although, if you consider the PC experience, it's basically the same. Players don't really trade games, they don't buy second hand - and you could argue that PC sales of games are superior to console sales.
PC game prices are always at low prices. I'm hoping that losing the ability (mostly) to trade games and buy second hand, that game prices will drop faster.

Remains to be seen of course.
Luckily there aren't any MS franchises that I'll miss when I don't buy it. Only Alan Wake but I'm sure any future games will come to the PC too.
Although, if you consider the PC experience, it's basically the same. Players don't really trade games, they don't buy second hand - and you could argue that PC sales of games are superior to console sales.
PC game prices are always at low prices. I'm hoping that losing the ability (mostly) to trade games and buy second hand, that game prices will drop faster.

Remains to be seen of course.

There is only one reason that PC games are so cheap in comparison to Xbox and that is because it is a trillion times more simple to pirate games. For a start you do not need a "chipped" PC. You own the hardware and have far more control over the software so Microsoft has little they can do to stop you pirating the software. Online games have slightly more control, but even Steam games can be hacked.

So to answer your point, taking away trading will not mean that prices are always low, it will just mean that higher price are controlled for longer. Just think about the MS Market place, very very very rarely is there anything on there that is as cheap as you can get elsewhere. They are selling games you can pick up for £5 for about £15 and you only get a non transferable digital copy.
You can't lend games? Am I missing a massive point here then? Isn't the idea that other people can play your games on their console? In which case that would basically be the same as...lending games. The plus to it is no disc bollocks. The only downside is needing an internet connection to do so (In fairness with no disc, that's a must though).

There's positives and negatives really. The online stuff is a negative (It won't effect me, but as an example, your net goes down for a week, you can't even play your console. And in all honesty, I rubbished the idea that this would happen, so I was wrong there). There are a few things that have my interest though.

If the television stuff and fantasy stuff will eventually cross over to the UK side of things, I'll likely go with this. That might not interest most, but as small as that might seem, it at least interests me. At the end of the day, this console will play most of the same games as the PS4. And the big thing for me is that I'm not somebody that buys games on a weekly basis or even monthly basis. My time is mostly spent on set games such as PES and Madden, which both consoles are always going to have. So realistically, it'll come down to which console has the more interesting side features for me and also which one any of my friends and family will be buying and I'd expect that'll probably lean towards the XBOX direction.

Still a way to go though, we'll see. Neither really have a massive advantage over for me personally, so any small thing could easily sway me.

Judging by the following link - it appears as though the PS4 may have a pretty sizeable advantage with regard to performance:

It is already more powerful, but it appears as though MS might have to reduce the operating performance...putting it further behind the PS4.

Also, while both have 8gb of RAM, the Xbox has 3gb of that dedicated to the operating system - leaving only 5gb for gaming.
Judging by the following link - it appears as though the PS4 may have a pretty sizeable advantage with regard to performance:

It is already more powerful, but it appears as though MS might have to reduce the operating performance...putting it further behind the PS4.

Also, while both have 8gb of RAM, the Xbox has 3gb of that dedicated to the operating system - leaving only 5gb for gaming.

That'll matter for most, but as I said, not really me. I'm not somebody who buys massive stacks of games. Over the last year the games I've played have basically been PES, Fifa, Madden, Tiger Woods, UFC, WWE and the most recent GTA. The odd rental thrown in there when I've had time on my hands to really play (Final Fantasy, Splinter Cell and the odd other one), but mostly while I consistently have the most recent consoles, my gaming time is usually spent on the usual games that basically run the same on both consoles.

So for me, that's not really going to affect me a great deal, which is why it'll all come down to the side features that grab my interest or little things like that. Both consoles are pretty much going to run all of the games I play the same way and one having some extra power isn't even something that greatly bothers me, unless it suddenly shows me something that really excites me and interests me. As I said, still a way to go with E3 etc. I'm not sold yet, but I'm swaying in that direction.
That'll matter for most, but as I said, not really me. I'm not somebody who buys massive stacks of games. Over the last year the games I've played have basically been PES, Fifa, Madden, Tiger Woods, UFC, WWE and the most recent GTA. The odd rental thrown in there when I've had time on my hands to really play (Final Fantasy, Splinter Cell and the odd other one), but mostly while I consistently have the most recent consoles, my gaming time is usually spent on the usual games that basically run the same on both consoles.

So for me, that's not really going to affect me a great deal, which is why it'll all come down to the side features that grab my interest or little things like that. Both consoles are pretty much going to run all of the games I play the same way and one having some extra power isn't even something that greatly bothers me, unless it suddenly shows me something that really excites me and interests me. As I said, still a way to go with E3 etc. I'm not sold yet, but I'm swaying in that direction.

So you play mostly multi platform games but your not swayed by the fact they will (most likely) look and perform better on the PS4?
All the people shitting on MS for used games are going be disappointed when Sony pull the same shit. I would prefer to stay on Xbox, but the thing that concerns me is the alleged difference in performance between the two consoles. And I don't think MS getting this titan game as an exclusive will make much of a difference. COD will stay as the king of multiplayer.
Two things MS have royally fecked up, the used games and the obligatory once in 24 hours internet connection.At least for the second point Sony said you could play games offline without the need for a daily internet connection.
That point alone will make me a million times more likely to buy it than the xbox one regardless of the important issue of used games.More than ever, this tells me to invest in a very powerful computer made for gaming.
Two things MS have royally fecked up, the used games and the obligatory once in 24 hours internet connection.At least for the second point Sony said you could play games offline without the need for a daily internet connection.
That point alone will make me a million times more likely to buy it than the xbox one regardless of the important issue of used games.More than ever, this tells me to invest in a very powerful computer made for gaming.

The wise thing to do, if you have the budget. That's what I basically did this gen. Everything that was multiplatform I played on the PC - higher resolution and 60fps. Also got a ps3 in 2010 for the few exclusives I was interested in. The only game I wanted on the xbox was Alan Wake and that came out for PC eventually too. So PC + PS4 looks like the combo for next gen as well.
You can't lend games but am I right in saying you can log into another users account and play their games like with Steam?
I must admit that everything coming out of MS at the moment seems quite dreadful
So you play mostly multi platform games but your not swayed by the fact they will (most likely) look and perform better on the PS4?

You're going on like it's going to be a massive difference like a SNES to a PS3 or something. It's not. So the PS4 might run it a bit better, again, that doesn't overly bother me. And it also doesn't bother me a great deal that they might have a few better pixels on the PS4.

At the end of the day, the basics such as PES, Fifa, Madden and so on will run pretty much the same on both consoles and there won't be massive differences between the two. If it bothers you or anybody else a great deal, fine, feel free to have those things effect your decision, but for me it doesn't really bother me at all.
A massive factor will obviously be the price - surely the Xbox will be much more expensive considering the previous retail price of Kinect and the fact that the thing is unavoidable this time round? Nobody cares about Kinect and we'll be forced into buying it! I've got friends that have bought the thing and haven't used it once...
used games is a large revenue stream, they are trying take the market basically.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal, didn't the European court recently rule you have the right resell you license keys ?

but the best thing to do is vote with your money and just not buy one, X360 is the last console I'll ever buy.
I was vaguely interested in this when it was just a concept and nothing was announced.

Now... :lol: no.

PC only from now on.

Oh also, "All Xbox users have access to a broadband connection" - I know about a dozen guys I play football with who live in student housing and own Xboxes that disagree.
used games is a large revenue stream, they are trying take the market basically.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal, didn't the European court recently rule you have the right resell you license keys ?

but the best thing to do is vote with your money and just not buy one, X360 is the last console I'll ever buy.

From said case:

An author of software cannot oppose the resale of his ‘used’ licences allowing the
use of his programs downloaded from the internet - The exclusive right of distribution of a copy of a computer program covered by such a licence is exhausted on its first sale.
By its judgment delivered today, the Court explains that the principle of exhaustion of the
distribution right applies not only where the copyright holder markets copies of his
software on a material medium (CD-ROM or DVD) but also where he distributes them by
means of downloads from his website.
Where the copyright holder makes available to his customer a copy – tangible or intangible
– and at the same time concludes, in return form payment of a fee, a licence agreement
granting the customer the right to use that copy for an unlimited period, that rightholder
sells the copy to the customer and thus exhausts his exclusive distribution right. Such a
transaction involves a transfer of the right of ownership of the copy. Therefore, even if the licence.
I was vaguely interested in this when it was just a concept and nothing was announced.

Now... :lol: no.

PC only from now on.

Oh also, "All Xbox users have access to a broadband connection" - I know about a dozen guys I play football with who live in student housing and own Xboxes that disagree.
It is extremely dumb.Say your ISP is doing some maintenance work on their servers and it'll take a week for them to finish, it'll be a week without videogaming.Internet is still a luxury for millions of people.
So microsoft, the first company to hand over data to prism, are now marketing a product with an always on microphone for my living room.

Thats a great marketing message they are contriving to put out just before E3.
You can't lend games but am I right in saying you can log into another users account and play their games like with Steam?
I must admit that everything coming out of MS at the moment seems quite dreadful

No. I never read anything similar to that.
This "entertainment" system is a complete fecking joke. I've always been an Xbox guy but I'm actually throwing around the thought of doing the unthinkable and buying a PS4, or just upgrade the PC and stick with that. MS has dropped the ball big time.