Strootman or Fellaini?


Full Member
May 7, 2004
Kettering, Northamptonshire
Marouane Fellaini or Kevin Strootman?

It was reported in early April that David Moyes was fighting it out with Alex Ferguson to sign Kevin Strootman for next season. This, if true would be a very good guide to which one, Strootman or Fellaini we will go for, now that Moyes is our boss.

Watching these videos of both the players, only strengthens my opinion that Strootman would be the best of the two, by far and would do a great job for us, as a box to box midfielder.



"do the dead, spread your seed and get out"
Nov 10, 2011
Having not seen much of Strootman, I would have to say Fellani.


Account closed by request
Apr 24, 2013
Red Yankee is human scum.

I would prefer that we sign a more creative/dynamic player with Scholes gone and Anderson most likely to be sold this summer. Creative like Modric, Fabregas, Thiago, or dynamic like Vidal, Lars Bender, Marchisio..

Then we can go with James McCarthy as an understudy/backup to Carrick.

MDFC Manager

Full Member
Dec 26, 2005
Not seen any of Strootman. Fellaini, who is already PL experienced, would do really well here i reckon. Also Moyes knows all about him. Makes it a no brainer imo.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge
I've seen a bit of Strootman and he looks tidy, but I think I'd go with Fellaini. I think he's definitely ready to step into a top 3 club, and I like that you get versatility with him. He gives you sort of what Yaya Toure gives you, in that he can play anywhere up the middle, right up to the frontman. He's un-popularly utilised as a target man from time to time, but even when playing off the striker, he's got alot of ability, great control and very difficult to handle. Him and Carrick could be a good duo behind the front 4.


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
Shouldn't United be aiming a bit higher than these 2?

Like Modric/Fibreglass?
No. 1) we can't afford them 2) they wouldn't want to come here 3) of they happened to be available the voltures that are Chelsea, City and PSG would eat us alive. Which is why we better going for James Mc Carthey's.

Now stop asking stupid questions.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose

Strootman's youtube legend grows.

I'd obviously go for Fellaini since I've only seen Strootman once and he was average that game anyway, whereas I know Fellaini is a good (but limited) player

Werder Herzog

Full Member
Jul 28, 2010
Butter My Arse
No. 1) we can't afford them 2) they wouldn't want to come here 3) of they happened to be available the voltures that are Chelsea, City and PSG would eat us alive. Which is why we better going for James Mc Carthey's.

Now stop asking stupid questions.
Your on a windup right?


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
For me the entire problem is that we play Carrick who like Alonso and Gerrard is incredibly hard to find a partner to who will make the midfield dominate Europe. Bayern did the right thing when they went for 2 hard-working box-to-box players instead of a deep lying play maker and a box-to-box.

As long as we play Carrick it will not matter who we buy as we will still not reach the level we want. Carrick/Gerrard/Alonso do not have the legs to be part of a 4-2-3-1 which Madrid has shown the difficulty of. Mourinho got the budget to choose any player in the world to partner Alonso and still the level they reached wasn't very high in terms of central midfields. Bayern did much better who went for two more similar players, stronger defensively but lacking that huge range of passing which Alonso/Carrick/Gerrard has.

I think we should look to create a midfield trio based around Kagawa and what he needs to prosper rather than Carrick. I think Cleverley is the perfect partner which has been seen when they play together. But we do need another midfielder who also loves 1 touch football or we will always only have 2/3 who want to play the same style.

Think about how well Kagawa and Cleverley fair together, very accurate passing, very hard to get the ball from. Imagine if there was another one with the legs to make it work in there. I think mimicing Barcelona will do us better than trying to mimic Madrid as we already have 2 very fine midfielders in the possession style but only one, old player, in the "direct" style.

I think a central midfield trio like that would benefit us more as a team even defensively from the possession we would have and it would have its obvious strengths offensively.


gently, down the stream
Feb 27, 2007
For me the entire problem is that we play Carrick who like Alonso and Gerrard is incredibly hard to find a partner to who will make the midfield dominate Europe. Bayern did the right thing when they went for 2 hard-working box-to-box players instead of a deep lying play maker and a box-to-box.

As long as we play Carrick it will not matter who we buy as we will still not reach the level we want. Carrick/Gerrard/Alonso do not have the legs to be part of a 4-2-3-1 which Madrid has shown the difficulty of. Mourinho got the budget to choose any player in the world to partner Alonso and still the level they reached wasn't very high in terms of central midfields. Bayern did much better who went for two more similar players, stronger defensively but lacking that huge range of passing which Alonso/Carrick/Gerrard has.

I think we should look to create a midfield trio based around Kagawa and what he needs to prosper rather than Carrick. I think Cleverley is the perfect partner which has been seen when they play together. But we do need another midfielder who also loves 1 touch football or we will always only have 2/3 who want to play the same style.

Think about how well Kagawa and Cleverley fair together, very accurate passing, very hard to get the ball from. Imagine if there was another one with the legs to make it work in there. I think mimicing Barcelona will do us better than trying to mimic Madrid as we already have 2 very fine midfielders in the possession style but only one, old player, in the "direct" style.

I think a central midfield trio like that would benefit us more as a team even defensively from the possession we would have and it would have its obvious strengths offensively.
What the feck?


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
Strootman's popularity is at an all-time low on the caf. He will rise again as surely as the tide will come in.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
What the feck?
Mourinho has attempted to solve this problem this season. A deep lying play-maker suffers greatly from pressure which Fergie utilized when playing against Madrid and other teams has used it against our own Carrick.

When the deep-lying play-maker can't act as a play-maker he is very exposed as his defensive abilities are not good enough to make up for not being part of the offense.

The partner to Carrick/Alonso is then forced to do the play-making which they are very weak at as they were brought to complement the deep lying play-maker. It has a very obvious weakness and even in Real's successful last season their central midfield struggled a lot, especially when Alonso was taken out of the games.

That is why this year Mourinho has tried to add Modric to the team and pushed Özil out wide. To allow 2 play-makers roaming slightly in front of Khedira and Alonso as if Alonso is taken out of the game Khedira can't step up to do the play-making. The lonely play-maker in front of Khedira can't partner up well enough with Khedira either to dominate the midfield battle.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2010
Eating pies with Ando
For me the entire problem is that we play Carrick who like Alonso and Gerrard is incredibly hard to find a partner to who will make the midfield dominate Europe. Bayern did the right thing when they went for 2 hard-working box-to-box players instead of a deep lying play maker and a box-to-box.

As long as we play Carrick it will not matter who we buy as we will still not reach the level we want. Carrick/Gerrard/Alonso do not have the legs to be part of a 4-2-3-1 which Madrid has shown the difficulty of. Mourinho got the budget to choose any player in the world to partner Alonso and still the level they reached wasn't very high in terms of central midfields. Bayern did much better who went for two more similar players, stronger defensively but lacking that huge range of passing which Alonso/Carrick/Gerrard has.

I think we should look to create a midfield trio based around Kagawa and what he needs to prosper rather than Carrick. I think Cleverley is the perfect partner which has been seen when they play together. But we do need another midfielder who also loves 1 touch football or we will always only have 2/3 who want to play the same style.

Think about how well Kagawa and Cleverley fair together, very accurate passing, very hard to get the ball from. Imagine if there was another one with the legs to make it work in there. I think mimicing Barcelona will do us better than trying to mimic Madrid as we already have 2 very fine midfielders in the possession style but only one, old player, in the "direct" style.

I think a central midfield trio like that would benefit us more as a team even defensively from the possession we would have and it would have its obvious strengths offensively.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2012
Tell me a player who would partner Carrick and turn our midfield to a top 3 midfield in the world - who we could also realistically purchase? Assume 30 mill max as that is our transfer record.


gently, down the stream
Feb 27, 2007
Tell me a player who would partner Carrick and turn our midfield to a top 3 midfield in the world - who we could also realistically purchase? Assume 30 mill max as that is our transfer record.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
Fellaini is the better player but he'd cost 20m+ easily there's probably better alternatives to both for that price range.


A Bit Wordy
Apr 23, 2010
To my eye, the solution is really simple: bring in Ronaldo.

If we can assume we'll have a healthy Vidic for most of the season, we're going to keep a shitload of clean sheets. That's just the way it is. So I'm not into going after a shit-kicking midfielder right now, although if Bayern put Schweinsteiger up for sale (which they never well), I'd open up the checkbook for him immediately. And on those days when we do need a negative specialist to grind down an attacking threat, I'm happy to throw Jones into the lion's den. Bizarre facial expressions aside, he's actually done a pretty job in midfield.

Do this, as costly as it will be, and we'll haul in the prem trophy next season in a cakewalk and make it to the semifinal of the CL:


This assumes Nani has left us. If he stays, he and Valencia can compete for the right mid spot. Cleverley is more than an able understudy for Kagawa. Ronald is pretty decent. Hernandez and Welbeck ain't so bad. Young is a decent squad man. Depth is not our problem...our problem is the lack of a reliable executioner beside RvP. That reliable executioner needs to be Ronaldo.

The objection to this, one supposes, is that we might be a little soft in the middle of the pitch with Carrick and Kagawa and that would be a reasonable concern. But I'm going to go back to my assessment that Vidic is a monster. De Gea is on the verge of greatness. And I'm going to stand by my assertion previously that Valencia does a very good job defensively.

If Moyes thinks it can work, perhaps have Roo sit back as a true central mid and push Kagawa up. That would solve the "softness" concern, but I just don't know if Roo has the fitness level to pull this off. Maybe it doesn't matter as we wouldn't need Roo to run box to box against most clubs and he can save himself for the big matches.

So I just wouldn't bother with Fellaini. He deserves to be starting on a regular basis but I don't see him being the right fit for United unless he's happy to be a squad man. Strootman probably would be happy to be a squad man, so I wouldn't object to bringing him in to learn the trade in the English prem as Carrick's engine begins to slow down. But neither should be the immediate focus.


Feb 21, 2008
Our playing style lends itself to a player of the same ilk as Strootman, but having only watched the lad play once, I can't comment on whether he's good enough. But I definitely don't think Fellaini is what we need.

gza the genius

Full Member
May 10, 2009
supply and command
I've basically never seen Strootman play, so logically I'm going to pick him.

The rumored price for Fellaini is far too high for what he would bring to the team. He's not the type of player I want for our first team, we need a more creative type of player to partner Carrick.


On Probation
Jun 19, 2011
Not a complete cock, just really young.
Based on the fact that I've never seen Strootman play, Strootman.

EDIT: feck off gza.

Basically, Fellaini is not a good footballer. He's played his best football this season, and he was off the striker for that. Kagawa, Rooney, even Welbeck and RVP can all play there.

He's little besides a giant, who's got excellent chest control (something to do with him being bigger than everyone else?). I find his technical skills to be limited, something which you will need at United (assuming (praying) we don't play long ball crap under Moyes). I also find him an incredibly dirty player, and someone I could not support as a United player.

So yeah, Strootman.


full member
Aug 10, 2007
To my eye, the solution is really simple: bring in Ronaldo.

If we can assume we'll have a healthy Vidic for most of the season, we're going to keep a shitload of clean sheets. That's just the way it is. So I'm not into going after a shit-kicking midfielder right now, although if Bayern put Schweinsteiger up for sale (which they never well), I'd open up the checkbook for him immediately. And on those days when we do need a negative specialist to grind down an attacking threat, I'm happy to throw Jones into the lion's den. Bizarre facial expressions aside, he's actually done a pretty job in midfield.

Do this, as costly as it will be, and we'll haul in the prem trophy next season in a cakewalk and make it to the semifinal of the CL:


This assumes Nani has left us. If he stays, he and Valencia can compete for the right mid spot. Cleverley is more than an able understudy for Kagawa. Ronald is pretty decent. Hernandez and Welbeck ain't so bad. Young is a decent squad man. Depth is not our problem...our problem is the lack of a reliable executioner beside RvP. That reliable executioner needs to be Ronaldo.

The objection to this, one supposes, is that we might be a little soft in the middle of the pitch with Carrick and Kagawa and that would be a reasonable concern. But I'm going to go back to my assessment that Vidic is a monster. De Gea is on the verge of greatness. And I'm going to stand by my assertion previously that Valencia does a very good job defensively.

If Moyes thinks it can work, perhaps have Roo sit back as a true central mid and push Kagawa up. That would solve the "softness" concern, but I just don't know if Roo has the fitness level to pull this off. Maybe it doesn't matter as we wouldn't need Roo to run box to box against most clubs and he can save himself for the big matches.

So I just wouldn't bother with Fellaini. He deserves to be starting on a regular basis but I don't see him being the right fit for United unless he's happy to be a squad man. Strootman probably would be happy to be a squad man, so I wouldn't object to bringing him in to learn the trade in the English prem as Carrick's engine begins to slow down. But neither should be the immediate focus.
:lol: The shit you come out with is hilarious.