Mario Balotelli

Can't help but think Balotelli got his fine dropped and this is City trying to save face. Why would he change his mind so suddenly, being the stubborn tosser that he is.
So, Balotelli's ex gives birth to a baby girl.

It is in French I'm afraid:

"J'ai envoyé un message à Mario à 15h00 quand les premières contractions ont débuté et un autre à 18h30 avant de passer en salle d'accouchement. Puis je lui en ai envoyé un autre quand je suis sortie et que Pia est née." confie la jeune maman. Ce n'est finalement qu'aux alentours de minuit que le joueur italien l'appelle.

"Je lui ai dit 'J'ai accouché' et il m'a juste répondu 'Ah ok, je m'en fiche.' Il a raccroché et je n'ai plus jamais entendu parler de lui."

"I sent a message to Mario at 3:00pm when the first contractions started and another at 6:30pm before going into labour. Then, I sent him another when I went out and that Pia was born. It wasn't until around midnight that the Italian player called her."

"I said to him that I gave birth and he responded with "ah, ok, I don't care." He put the telephone down and I never heard from him again.

He really is a detestable person, and there are very few I dislike, but he is the lowest of the low of all footballers.
He's an idiot, always has been. His attitude is highly questionable to put it mildly. What goes on private, I wouldnt judge him. You never really know the truth and what happened behind closed doors
So, Balotelli's ex gives birth to a baby girl.

It is in French I'm afraid:

He really is a detestable person, and there are very few I dislike, but he is the lowest of the low of all footballers.

He might start caring when she starts getting a big portion of the Sheikh's money paid to her in child support rather than to the man-child himself. Let's hope she gets herself a proper ruthless bastard of a lawyer.
He might start caring when she starts getting a big portion of the Sheikh's money paid to her in child support rather than to the man-child himself. Let's hope she gets herself a proper ruthless bastard of a lawyer.

... I've honestly never understood how the money thing works... why should any mother get more CSA or whatever than another? Just because they tarted themselves out to someone rich, why should it cost her £3000 a week to feed/clothe the child, whereas a normal mother gets something like £50 a week or something?
Baaaaaloooootelli sells watches on the beach, watches on the beach! He's on the beach he's on the beach!

Misfit Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli and manager Roberto Mancini were involved in a violent training ground bust-up today.
The City boss was seen to grab, shove and gesticulate wildly at the striker as the pair clashed in front of stunned team-mates at the club's Carrington base.
The 22-year-old Italian striker was then seen being restrained and led away by a member of staff in shocking scenes as City prepared their FA Cup third round clash with Watford.

Read more:
The only part of that I struggle to believe is that any team-mates were stunned.
Kick him out. He's a bum, a waster. Mancini was twice the player and achieved way more.
So he gets a months holiday and then City welcome him back when they need him towards the end of the season
Jose Mourinho on Mario Balotelli

"Mario was good fun. I could write a book of 200 pages of my two years in Inter with Mario, but the book would be not a drama, the book would be a comedy! I remember one, we went to Kazan in the Champions League, In that match, I had all my strikers injured. No Milito, no Eto'o, I was really in trouble and Mario was the only one. Mario gets a yellow card in minute 42 or 43. So, when I go to the dressing room at half time, I spent, I would say, 14 minutes of the 15 speaking only for Mario. "Mario, I cannot change you. I cannot make a change. I don't have a striker on the bench. Don't touch anybody. Play only with the ball, when we lose the ball, no reaction. If somebody provocates you, no reaction. If the referee makes a mistake, no reaction. Mario, please!"... Minute 46, red card!"

Just read this on another forum. He is a monumental idiot.

Mancini will never be able to win the CL or do anything of note with City while he continues to let players like Tevez and Balotelli act however they wish to.
Mancini is not a top manager and never will be. A top manager would not let this retard still be at his club after all this time.
Kick him out. He's a bum, a waster. Mancini was twice the player and achieved way more.

Mancini's playing ability is hardly relevant in fairness, unless you're suggesting they sell Balotelli and play Mancini instead.

Balotelli has a lot of potential in my opinion but he is equally one of them players who may just waste it all by being like he is. The problem for City at times seems to be players will end up thinking they're bigger than the club as that's the kind of attitudes they've brought in. For the likes of Zabaleta and Kompany who seem to be fairly down to earth you'll get the likes of Tevez and Balotelli making a fuss every 5 minutes.

It's probably best for all parties if they went their seperate ways really. Give Balotelli a chance to shine and I doubt City will miss him much.
Mancini will never be able to win the CL or do anything of note with City while he continues to let players like Tevez and Balotelli act however they wish to.

The problem is, this is what you get when all you have to attract players is money. You get the arseholes, now they've won something perhaps they are in a better position to get better people (and I mean people rather than footballing talent)

I do wonder what the likes of Aguero and Silva think seeing this sort of nonsense.
Mancini's playing ability is hardly relevant in fairness, unless you're suggesting they sell Balotelli and play Mancini instead.

Balotelli has a lot of potential in my opinion but he is equally one of them players who may just waste it all by being like he is. The problem for City at times seems to be players will end up thinking they're bigger than the club as that's the kind of attitudes they've brought in. For the likes of Zabaleta and Kompany who seem to be fairly down to earth you'll get the likes of Tevez and Balotelli making a fuss every 5 minutes.

It's probably best for all parties if they went their seperate ways really. Give Balotelli a chance to shine and I doubt City will miss him much.

The point was Mancini actually made something of his talent. He was a top player and has achieved a fair bit in the game. He deserves more respect from Mario. Balotelli is throwing it all away and he's on more money than us lot can even imagine. I can't stand the prick.
He's a cnut. Mancini should stop protecting him and sell him, he owes Balotelli nothing and should stop giving him more chances.
The point was Mancini actually made something of his talent. He was a top player and has achieved a fair bit in the game. He deserves more respect from Mario. Balotelli is throwing it all away and he's on more money than us lot can even imagine. I can't stand the prick.

Fair enough comment, though in fairness just turned 22 and won 3 Serie A, a premier league, an FA Cup and a Champions League which isn't a bad career for someone of his age. I'm not pretending he was the best player in all them seasons but it is a pretty impressive run of success. If he carries on with that success and has a 20 year career like Mancini did I'd imagine he will surpass his achievements as a player. It's a bit unfair to judge them when Balotelli is starting out and Mancini has retired.

I do agree that he deserves more respect from him though and it's a case of someone potentially throwing away their career for nothing. If City can get a replacement in then he's worth letting go but if not they're a bit stuck really, if they sell Balotelli and Tevez gets injured for example they're down to 2 players. It's also debatable who would want him with half the season left and who can City sign to step in.
He's a cnut. Mancini should stop protecting him and sell him, he owes Balotelli nothing and should stop giving him more chances.

Who are they going to find to pay the transfer fee & the wages then?

They've distorted the market with their antics & now they are paying. Same reason they couldn't ship out Tevez, no one can afford to pay him & those that can afford to don't want/need him, either of them.
Who are they going to find to pay the transfer fee & the wages then?

They've distorted the market with their antics & now they are paying. Same reason they couldn't ship out Tevez, no one can afford to pay him & those that can afford to don't want/need him, either of them.

Yep, it's a problem of their own making. It's brilliant.
Who are they going to find to pay the transfer fee & the wages then?

They've distorted the market with their antics & now they are paying. Same reason they couldn't ship out Tevez, no one can afford to pay him & those that can afford to don't want/need him, either of them.

Even if they sell him for less, what team would want to pay wages of £100k+ for a bozo.
Just read this on another forum. He is a monumental idiot.

Mancini will never be able to win the CL or do anything of note with City while he continues to let players like Tevez and Balotelli act however they wish to.

:lol: hilarious Mourinho quote, it really does sound like him.