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They didn't surrender midfield, they just didn't feel the need to do anything with Carrick and Scholes pointlessly rolling the ball between themselves for ages. Instead they waited until we approached their area and then killed us since neither Carrick nor Scholes ran back.

If you're producing more both defensively and offensively than the other midfield does, and if you have a bigger impact on the game than the other midfield, you're not surrendering the midfield, you're winning the midfield battle. Which is what teams have been doing to us whenever Scholes/Giggs have started this season.

Yes they did. Had they actually played in midfield areas instead of forming an 8 man defence they would've lost the game.
Yes they did. Had they actually played in midfield areas instead of forming an 8 man defence they would've lost the game.

Well, their midfielders contributed more both offensively and defensively than ours. Carrick and Scholes didn't do anything offensively until the game was virtually lost, and didn't offer anything at all defensively all fecking match.

Stop being a twat, we were thoroughly outperformed by their midfielders in the match. Carrick and Scholes pointlessly passing incredibly slow passes to each other in their own half doesn't mean they won the midfield battle. Unless you're a spastic, which, looking at your posts, look increasingly plausible.
I think you need to read back. I simply responded to you claiming our midfield "bossed" them. They did nothing of the sort.

Don't know why you're putting bossed in quotation marks when I haven't once used he word. I used possession as an indicator of our midfield doing part of their job better than he opposition. It was in response to somebody saying QPR proved they had a better midfield than ours. Had I said something along the lines of possession being all that mattered you might have a point.
Did anyone else notice the much greater celebration by SAF & Rene for our 3rd goal compared to even Darren's?

Now part of that may just be the quality of the move & finish - but perhaps the style shown by the players concerned was particularly rewarding for them? something they'd been hoping/expecting to see?
Maybe. I thought it simply was relief because we killed the game.
Well, their midfielders contributed more both offensively and defensively than ours. Carrick and Scholes didn't do anything offensively until the game was virtually lost, and didn't offer anything at all defensively all fecking match.

Stop being a twat, we were thoroughly outperformed by their midfielders in the match. Carrick and Scholes pointlessly passing incredibly slow passes to each other in their own half doesn't mean they won the midfield battle. Unless you're a spastic, which, looking at your posts, look increasingly plausible.

It's a matter of opinion. Enjoy yours. Enjoy your pathetic attempts at insults too.
Tell me, what would you rather? Us having 70 % possession, mostly consisting of two players passing the ball between themselves, and losing a match 3-2?

Or defending well as a team, breaking through our dynamic midfielders when it's on, having 30 % possession and actually winning the match?

I know what I would choose.
Exactly, and it's a fecking stupid indicator.

Fletcher and Scholes played in a team that had more possession because mainly they play for a much better fecking football team than the opposition midfielders.

How well you keep the ball is a pretty important part of being a midfielder.

And perhaps they're better players. It's a joke that it's even being debated that they are.
How well you keep the ball is a pretty important part of being a midfielder.

And perhaps they're better players. It's a joke that it's even being debated that they are.

So switch the midfielders around yesterday and do you seriously think QPR suddenly have more possession than us? :lol:

No-one is debating your second sentence fwiw.
Tell me, what would you rather? Us having 70 % possession, mostly consisting of two players passing the ball between themselves, and losing a match 3-2?

Or defending well as a team, breaking through our dynamic midfielders when it's on, having 30 % possession and actually winning the match?

I know what I would choose.

How many games do you think a team who surrenders possession every week is going to win? Spurs forwards and a defender took advantage of mistakes made. It doesn't mean they're midfield were better. They were better at defending a lead but then that's because they were the only team doing it. Utd's midfield, Scholes particularly forced their midfield on top of their defence. I watched he game with a Spurs who was gettin extremely frustrated at Spurs inability to keep the ball and move out of defence.
So switch the midfielders around yesterday and do you seriously think QPR suddenly have more possession than us? :lol:

No-one is debating your second sentence fwiw.

Did I say that? They would've kept the ball better than Shaun fecking Derry would though.

Read back and see where this particular debate started. It has been questioned.
ac seriously thinks that the 2 men in midfield are the sole reason for a team's high possession stats... bizarre.

I've seen us play with JOS in CM and dominate possession.
ac seriously thinks that the 2 men in midfield are the sole reason for a team's high possession stats... bizarre.

I've seen us play with JOS in CM and dominate possession.

No I don't. They contribute and it's an important part of their job.
Really? because Shaun fecking Derry had 90% pass accuracy yesterday. That's 2% higher than Darren Fletcher and playing on a team with many less options, shitter movement, etc etc.

So stats matter now do they? How many times did he pass the ball in comparison and how long was he on the ball. How was it in comparison to Paul Scholes? Surely it's easy to pass through our midfield?
What's your point ac?

It's completely clear that our midfield isn't doing it's job particularly well this season.

Also, this is the Anderson thread. And I'll be angry if he doesn't start vs West Ham.
He came on and changed the game for us. He gives us something that the other midfielders don't - he's energetic and he drives forward at the opposition. That burst forward with the ball and pass to Hernandez was fabulous.

I wish he would be started more in PL matches and not just brought off the bench.
He can start and kill off teams for us. When we're 3-0 up, sure, Scholes can come in and retain possession vs tired opponents.

Why don't we do it that way around?
So stats matter now do they? How many times did he pass the ball in comparison and how long was he on the ball. How was it in comparison to Paul Scholes? Surely it's easy to pass through our midfield?

ha ha, perfect... now you finally get it.

He got the ball much less, because....

Yep, that's right..... United are a fecking much better team.

When Derry was given the ball though, he did well with it. Stick him in the United team instead of Fletcher or Scholes yesterday and those possession stats you mentioned don't suddenly swing. Because Fletcher and Scholes won't be getting much quality possession from their shite defenders, forwards and wingers.
No. It was said QPR proved they had a better midfield than us. Go and read it.

Once again, no one says Derry and Co are better individual players than Scholes and Fletcher which is what you said, and what I argued.

I honestly can't think of a worse current pairing in the PL. Well actually QPR (bottom team in the league) proved that at OT for 60+mins today.

This is a bizarre debate, surely anyone can see that our midfield pairing yesterday simply wasn't good enough.
ha ha, perfect... now you finally get it.

He got the ball much less, because....

Yep, that's right..... United are a fecking much better team.

When Derry was given the ball though, he did well with it. Stick him in the United team instead of Fletcher or Scholes yesterday and those possession stats you mentioned don't suddenly swing. Because Fletcher and Scholes won't be getting much quality possession from their shite defenders, forwards and wingers.

When did i ever say they would swing? I said they would keep the ball better because they're better players. You're creating a fictitious argument because you you don't understand what is being said and seemingly have nothing better to do with your time than to fail at using quotation marks and projecting fake opinions upon people. If you don't think having Paul Scholes in your midfield will help you keep the ball better than having Shaun Derry then you should give up talking about football. Don't feel the need to reply to this because you're going on ignore as I haven't got the time to deal with such a ridiculous view of how the game works.
He can start and kill off teams for us. When we're 3-0 up, sure, Scholes can come in and retain possession vs tired opponents.

Why don't we do it that way around?

That's what I was saying yesterday.

I know there's concerns over Ando's fitness and how he seems to tire around the 70 minute mark. But I'd rather him start matches, help us get a few goals up and go off knackered. Then bring Scholes on to keep possession for the last 20 minutes..
I don't remember many examples of Anderson starting and killing teams off. I think you're getting a bit carried away now.

That's simply not true. On form he do this regularly.

The run before christmas in 10/11 him and Carrick were brilliant.
What's your point ac?

It's completely clear that our midfield isn't doing it's job particularly well this season.

Also, this is the Anderson thread. And I'll be angry if he doesn't start vs West Ham.

That people are being melodramatic and over the top about our midfield. Yes, it has it's weaknesses but it's idiotic to say it's worse than 90% of the teams in the league.
That people are being melodramatic and over the top about our midfield. Yes, it has it's weaknesses but it's idiotic to say it's worse than 90% of the teams in the league.

That's obviously bullshit. No need to debate it at length by acting like a twat.
For me Carrick is the best number 6 type player in the any of the top 4 teams in this country. Its the number 8 position that we are struggling with Anderson and/or Cleverley need a run of games not sub appearances or rotation. Personally I think Anderson's ship has sailed though I would love to be proved wrong as I can't help but like the fella.
Carrick is swell as a midfielder when he's on form, but Lawman: What matches bar Arsenal at home, Newcastle away and the first 20 mins vs Chelsea have Carrick looked good in?

He's looked off the pace and sloppy for the vast majority of the season.
Carrick is swell as a midfielder when he's on form, but Lawman: What matches bar Arsenal at home, Newcastle away and the first 20 mins vs Chelsea have Carrick looked good in?

He's looked off the pace and sloppy for the vast majority of the season.

Don't do that.
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