Hannover 96 vs. United [Preseason Friendly]

That Kagawa -Cleverley combo has been good so far.

Absolutely. Cleverley looked good in the Olympics but with someone like Kagawa who can operate on the same wavelength he's even better. Pleased.
Good half, we should be winning though. Nani, kagawa as always look really good. Cleverley looking good as well.
I have to say.. Kagawa can spray the balls out wide well. Having two central mids (that is where he is playing now) who can actually join in the attack is just such a treat after the end of last season!
Good first half.Cleverly showing the benefits taking part in the Olympics.
Guys we have a problem, the boss said a new devils arriving
Is he well known?
He is known throughout the world
Well, what do they say about him?
They say.....

He is a legend.
He looks the kind of player that can do a good job in most of the midfield roles but he looks shackled in centre of midfield.

Cleverley was brilliant in that first half. He makes such a difference to us.
I do think Kagawa is better off playing further up, but if he can play in midfield, it'll be a great bonus for the times we arent playing a 4-3-3
"They say... he is. a. legend"

The wife and I have just been in stitches at that. Never fails to bring a chuckle no matter how many times I see it.
It's good to see that Kagawa is an option in the centre, but I can't help but feel it looks like he's consciously playing within himself and that we're missing out on his best attribute (controlling the ball under pressure and creating in the final third). Played well though - he's such a class act.

Cleverley = :drool:
Rooney off hernandez, kagawa in midfield.

Looks like there is a lot of position interchanging going on. Last 5 minutes almost looked as if Rooney played deeper then Kagawa, then Kagawa suddenly looked like he was playing holding midfielder and young was in the middle.

Good thing if we learn to move around a lot more to confuse opposition defenders, well at least as long was we ourselves aren't confused by it. :D
Kagawa and Cleverly really doing well in midfield. Cleverlys burst through the defence was very good. Too often players are caught in two minds. Hopefully we can build on this performance second half.
this guy?


:lol::lol: No sorry. Mo Farah. I am an idiot.
We should try out something like this once in a game that isn't important...just for the one touch footy..
kagawa Rooney nani
Scholes Anderson cleverley​
I've just seen the goal (for the Germans), and it looks like it happened because of the massive gap between the two midfield players and the defensive line. Kagawa and Cleverly have been excellent going forward but, either the defensive line needs to play higher up - which is not going to happen - or one of them needs to cover those spaces. I'm not sure either is inclined to do it.
Andrew~ said:
I've just seen the goal (for the Germans), and it looks like it happened because of the massive gap between the two midfield players and the defensive line. Kagawa and Cleverly have been excellent going forward but, either the defensive line needs to play higher up - which is not going to happen - or one of them needs to cover those spaces. I'm not sure either is inclined to do it.

To be fair, I dunno about the outfield players, but that goal happened because of Lindegaard's brain fart. He'll be so annoyed with himself.