Pablo Honey

Well, it's not Ok Computer or In Rainbows, but it's pretty good. Creep and anyone can play guitar are ace.
But people were talking about it, kinda, before Radiohead were well, Radiohead.

Thinking About You pretty brilliant song though, far better than Creep for me, but still, it's not a great album, it just had Creep.
I've never found it offensively bad, it's just really bland guitar music. Amnesiac annoyed me a lot more when it was released (half great, great songs, half annoying filler). My tastes mean I find it a lot easier to listen to Blow Out than Packt Like Sardines. While Pablo Honey doesn't have any songs which are nearly as good as the best of Amnesiac or their other albums, it has some nice enough moments: You's great, Creep's alright, I really like the last minute of Ripcord, same with Lurgee & the high notes on Vegetable. It just slips into weak anthemic rock throughout.

I do think it feeds into The Bends nicely where they had much stronger songwriting and production, the sound was already there to be brought out.
But people were talking about it, kinda, before Radiohead were well, Radiohead.

Thinking About You pretty brilliant song though, far better than Creep for me, but still, it's not a great album, it just had Creep.

Hmm ... Thinking About You is OK when you're not paying attention to the lyrics. Thom might as well be a whining teenager in that one.

And I agree with LoveInTheAsylum (the Pablo Honey part). It's bland and even if they were talking about it at the time, the album would be forgotten bar Creep if they hadn't have gone on to become superstars. I do like You though.
It's pretty shite. I don't fully understand how a band can go from Pablo Honey to making such a classic album as The Bends in such a short space of time.
It was good for me, perhaps it'd odd but Kid A is the one Radiohead album that I really hate.
It was good for me, perhaps it'd odd but Kid A is the one Radiohead album that I really hate.

I used to be the same for years, but I listened to it during the lowest and angriest mood I may have been in during my entire life and I got it. Really weird that music can do that.
It's just their worst album by a long, long, long way.. it doesn't make it awful. I like You, and Blow Out.
OK Computer is the best for me by far followed closely by The Bends. The rest could cease to exist and I wouldn't notice, they've gone mental after OK Computer and I just don't get that kind of music but perhaps it's just me.
I used to be the same for years, but I listened to it during the lowest and angriest mood I may have been in during my entire life and I got it. Really weird that music can do that.

I've tried to listen to it about a dozen times with the same result - I just don't enjoy it at all.
It took the b-side Fog to get me listening to Amnesiac, then it took listening to Amnesiac for me to 'get' most of Kid A. Pyramid Song and Like Spinning Plates are just so gorgeous, when I went back I found the same in stuff like Motion Picture Soundtrack and How to Disappear Completely.

There's no doubt about it though its a grower

OK Computer is the best for me by far followed closely by The Bends. The rest could cease to exist and I wouldn't notice, they've gone mental after OK Computer and I just don't get that kind of music but perhaps it's just me.

I can understand why you don't like post-OKC but I don't understand the view that they've gone "weird" or "mental". It's pretty straight forward alternative pop/rock for me.