Eurovison Song Contest 2012

Everyone took part in the Iraq war! That said, it's not so much "politics" as it is familiarity, there's a lot made of how neighbors have a tendency to vote for each other but that's because people are often familiar with the acts and there will be fans of said acts in the neighboring countries. The whole politics argument is utter shite.

Not the Gulf War, the Iraq War in 2003.
Atleast we dont have a chance to win it, "The Irish Austerity Eurovision 2013" doesnt have a nice ring to it. We'd only have a diesel generator working the lights, and just an acoustic session with a childs megaphone as the microphone.
I was born in 1988. My first memory of this contest is when we sent one of our beloved singers, he wasn't at the time. A very openly gay man. His act was him lying on a fur couch that was on a bear rug whilst he and all the female dancers wore tight latex outfits. He obviously didn't get many votes but I think that's about the time the mocking start.

The Moldova singer has to be the lovechild of Colin Farrell and Littlefinger.


Compare the songs that used to win to the songs that do now and you might notice a difference. Especially the songs we entered when we used to win compare to the lovable blonde feckwits we sent out tonight.
I hope England wins it, for no reason other than the reaction to it would be fantastic. I can see the entire country going "Wait, what? We have to host it now? We didn't sign up for this shit! Can we host it in those fecking Olympic swimming pools?"
Atleast we dont have a chance to win it, "The Irish Austerity Eurovision 2013" doesnt have a nice ring to it. We'd only have a diesel generator working the lights, and just an acoustic session with a childs megaphone as the microphone.

Wouldn't be so sure, we're 3rd favourites now, though Sweden will probably win.

I hope we don't fecking win, we can't afford the thing :nervous:
Wouldn't be so sure, we're 3rd favourites now, though Sweden will probably win.

I hope we don't fecking win, we can't afford the thing :nervous:

Ah Bollocks. How big a shed you got? I have one that can fit one car in it. One good venue for starters!

Compare the songs that used to win to the songs that do now and you might notice a difference. Especially the songs we entered when we used to win compare to the lovable blonde feckwits we sent out tonight.

Why is this a contradiction? This is my early memory of Eurovision and the Euro geeks talk about the time that the competition started to get a lot of joke entries instead of just half-assed ones. His intention was to make a statement rather than to try and win it.

The songs that win now compared to 15 years ago don't seem different to me. It's just today's Euro pop music. Once in a while someone rather wins for stage appearance or quirkyness or originality rather than for the actual song.

Looking at the list of song winner. In 1968 the song 'La la la' won. In 1969 "Boom bang-a-bang". In 1975 "Ding-A-Dong". In 1984 "Diggy-Loo Diggy-Ley".
Russia, ireland, Italy, Denmark or Ukraine winning would be acceptable. I passionately hate the rest.

I can't get "Be my gueeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeEeeest" out of my head.
The angry Macadonian is awesome as well. Great character.

Turkish human boat was great as well.
Russia, ireland, Italy, Denmark or Ukraine winning would be acceptable. I passionately hate the rest.

I can't get "Be my gueeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeEeeest" out of my head.

Maybe this song can it. But it will just come back again. That song is the Euro 2012 song.
Ukraine should win on the basis its the only one I can remember after the phone in run down.
Were any of the songs good?

Your Spanish singer is a very good vocalist and decent looking as well. Should do alright.

The commentator was saying that there are mixed feeling in Spain about their entry. A good act which they really don't want because it's too expensive for them to win or something.
Some odd camera work at the Romania one.

Reckon Ireland, Cyprus and Denmark will get decent points from the Uk.
Why do the Eurovision hosts always make the same mistakes in interviewing the contestants that can't speak English:confused:
We usually have a hot chick presenting our points but this year you will be treated to a chubby dude :(