Clams Casino/BSBD/Araabmuzik

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Why the feck do they make music for such shit artists? Clams and Araab are the worst at it, some incredible production, ruined by talentless Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime who realize how good they are with an opportunity. It does my head in, Blue Sky Black Death as well, but not to the same extent. So much of their stuff has been ruined by shit southern rappers like Nacho Piccaso....Still, sometimes you have to wade through it because the production is just that good.

The only saving grace all three have is that they tend to re-release the same tunes as instrumentals later on.
BSBD continue to destroy my mind. Every day, they're just simply attacking my musical taste with brilliance.
Clams Casino and Araab perhaps, but BSBD certainly don't pick some of their artists for the money.
This was probably my favourite track from last year. Absolute perfection;

Which he gave to Lil B, who completely ruined it :mad:

Tell me about it. Another amazing track, then given to Soulja Boy.

Tell me about it. Another amazing track, then given to Soulja Boy.


Have you got Electric Dream?

I've not actually. I'd heard his name thrown around on a few forums I go on, but I've yet to give him a chance. Actually looked up a couple of his songs when I first read this thread, so will download it soon. What did you think of ASAP's efforts over Clams' production? Not the best lyrically, but if you can get past that, his flow works really nicely over the more chilled pace of the beats, like with Demons(or Numb on Clams' mixtape). Better than Lil B at least. And Numb is another excellent tune;

Also, have you heard of DropxLife. by any chance? Got into him through The Weeknd and he's just recently released a good mixtape called Further. that's worth checking out.

Clams Casino and A$AP Rocky are brilliant together.

Regarding other artists, I agree. Can't listen to Lil B, have Instrumentals and Rainforest from Casino downloaded since yesterday and quite frankly, it's sex for my ears. He knows that, I watched an interview with Casino, two artists he most wants to work with? Lil Wayne and Cam'ron...
Another thing about Clams Casino is that apparently he just browses Limewire all day, downloads a music snippet, chops, screws and slows it down then adds bass. So he probably hands out beats left, right and centre, we all have to start somewhere, he got recognition from his work with Lil B... Maybe he feels the need to continue their relationship in that sense.
Well apparently he only considers producing to be a hobby, as opposed to an actual career. He tweeted something a few days ago about how he's going to release his tracks as 320kbps mp3s, since people have been asking him for them. He said he's only just realised what a 320kbps mp3 even is lol.

And yeah, he searches on LimeWire for words like blue, winter, water etc. rather than searching for specific artists. He's said he doesn't have a clue who most of the artists are that he samples, he's just looking for certain feelings and moods. It certainly works.
He's unreal. Hopefully he'll continue to release the instrumental tapes. Or work with better artists. LiveLoveA$AP has been on repeat for me recently, has some Casino beats on there that work brilliantly. Also has a good track with Mac Miller.

So I assume the BSBD and Nacho Picasso album isn't worth listening to then?

I have to say I like the ASAP Rocky and Clams Casino collaborations though, not Mac Miller though. Nothing Mac Miller is associated with will ever be worth listening to.

I loved BSBD and Clams Casino but I've never listened to Araabmuzik, is this something I should look in to?

Another good track from Clams (co-produced by Illangelo, who's excellent too), this time showing his music doesn't just fit Hip Hop.
I can't understand why Lil B has become so popular, its mind-boggling to me.
Well I think he got a lot of recognition from using the Clams Casino beats on I'm God and Motivation. But in fairness, that was how Clams got his recognition, so at least something good has come of it.

Here's another great beat he gave to Asap;

So I assume the BSBD and Nacho Picasso album isn't worth listening to then?

I have to say I like the ASAP Rocky and Clams Casino collaborations though, not Mac Miller though. Nothing Mac Miller is associated with will ever be worth listening to.

I loved BSBD and Clams Casino but I've never listened to Araabmuzik, is this something I should look in to?

It definitely is worth listening to, it's just a shame Nacho is on it. Still, the instrumentals will be released soon.

Araab is great, his 'Electronic Dream' album is incredible. A couple songs from it:

I must listen to the track 'Palace' at least five times a day...

Haven't listened to AraabMuzik, going to give it a go tonight.
Listen to the 'Lost in a Maze' and 'I Remember' tracks Cunto, you will love it.
Listened to it all last night, yeah technically excellent beats. He does switch between hip-hop-esque beats to a kind of electro-pop sound a few times, havn't heard anything like it.
His new instrumental mixtape has been out over the past week, I've had a while to digest it and ignoring the songs we already had (there's a few old ones on there), it's phenomenal. Clams Casino is pushing for my favourite release so far this year, it's a toss-up between him and BSBD's production on Nacho Cuntface's album.

But...Come on, who is making beats like these?

Wow, I didn't realise he had a new mixtape out. Flicking through it now, "Bass" sounds great, and love the original version of "The Fall". You really do get the feeling he creates these beats as much for listening to as instrumentals, as he does for another artist to perform over.

EDIT: Also, is that a Burial sample at 0:57 into "One Last Thing"? Sounds familiar.
Numb is another excellent tune;

Thank you Hectic for posting a Clams Casino thread in the newbies when i was down there. This track is perfect for me on bus journeys after work. Just eases your mind completely.