New profile posts

Why did you close the post with AI included? My view was the important part, the other one was was just for fun. I could just removed it and kept my part?
Ok you can make a new one with just your views please.
Servas! :cool:
Servas, fellow Landsmann! Darf I jetzt auch auf Deutsch schreiben, mein Englisch is so mühsam.
Sie dürfen, der Herr :D Hab mir gedacht, jemandem aus der Heimat, gar aus Wien, sieht man hier kaum und lässt mal ein "Servas" da
Bla bla bla, more semantics. Bla bla bla, more semantics.

- cue in the background of children screaming to death.

But wait, the semantics?

- more dead children in the background

Yes, that's the important part. Semantics.
Sorry, what did you hope to achieve with this?
Nah, just fooling around to get your attention. :lol:
Sorry if you were offended by that. I am gay myself so I make them jokes with my friends but I understand if someone took offence.
All good man. I sometimes police language when I maybe shouldn’t.

I’d literally watched the Macklemore Grammys ‘Same Love’ performance after it auto played following his new Palestine track. ‘Gay is synonymous with the lesser’ and ‘Call each other f4ggots behind the keys of a message board’ had just rang in My head.

I’ll probably chirp at others in future if something looks wonky to me, but it’s all love.
No problem at all, take care. It's a good thing you're doing.
I can't DM so will just leave this here:

I know we never see eye to eye and seem to bring out the worse in each other (mainly my fault probably) but I wanted to drop in and say I think your posts on the Cass review have been really good. Fair and balanced. Now even if they do align with my opinion, which naturally would make it easier to agree with the content, the general tone is good.

Hope you're well.
Hi Damien, just noticed that in the Line Up Prediction League from last night Martinez isn't listed as a sub when he came on in the 69th minute. So I should have 17 points for predicting the starting XI and correctly guessing 3 of the subs.... right?
Yes, you should. Tagging @Niall to fix the Martinez sub. Thanks for letting us know.
16 Beasley Street
Thanks mate
@16 Beasley Street this is now fixed so you should have the full 17 points for that lineup prediction. Thanks for letting us know.
Hi. I see you’re a mod here. Delete my data within a month please. Otherwise il contact the ICO. Thanks.
Hey Reapersoul20, i'm not sure what your post means, you tagged me joking that Ratcliffe thinks i want a title charge? is that what you meant? because thats not what i think, at all. Wanted clarification before i responded to your post, cheers!
Any help would be welcomed as I'm obviously doing something wrong in submitting my postings. They are being reviewed by moderators and then vanishing. If it's my points of view that are being restricted perhaps an explanation would help. Thank You.
I know that moderators on internet forums typically have a certain hubris, hence why they find themselves in that position, but that was laughable. Why don’t you do something more productive with your life instead of amassing 86,000+ posts on an internet.

Looking at your wall, it wasn’t the first time you couldn’t help but flex your e-muscles. Ha!
What is this about? :lol:
Just to introduce myself, Brian, from Birkenhead, unfortunately I, and quite a few fellow United fans, live amongst far too many Kopites and Evertonians. I've followed United since the 1963 Cup Final. With my Son and Daughter we were Season Ticket holders for many a long year, until age etc. caught up with me. Cheers Everyone.
Hey pal, I can’t see the image you posted in the RAWK goes into meltdown thread for some reason. Would you be able to send it?
Oh please, with a bit of evil don't murder thousands upon thousands of children and women. The IDF and Hamas are piece of shit, equal size piece of shit.
Hamas controls Gaza and its own actions.

The IDF is not autonomous as it does what the govenment decides.

Anyhow, the whole 'who is more evil' shit is boring and pointless. I have no issues acknowleding the errors in Israel's ways. I have issues with people the side of Hamas in such extreme ways they deny issues like the rape of women on October 7 (and possibly beyond).
Then the Israel government is a piece of shit. If my government murder thousands of innocent children as retribution for an october 7th like incident, i would call my government a piece of shit. No different than a terrorist organization like Hamas. Yet we already know the sentiment of the Majority of Israelis.
-Brother, we have to win FA cup this year, otherwise we will end the season without a cup.
-Isn't Leverkusen 1st, bro?
-I'm from United bro
-Okay, my beatiful brother ;)
HI Damien, Please enter me for Last Man Standing. I chose Spurs to beat Palace. Sorry for the late entry, hope I'm still in time. Kind regards, John (Bartondale) newbie)
Hello friend, we are flying from the Czech Republic to Manchester on 13.3 with a friend who has a birthday and we would like to get tickets for Manchester United vs. Sheffield United on 16.3. Can you please advise me where to buy tickets so that no one scam us. Some verify website or something like that. thank you very much
For what it's worth, I appreciate you posting there, despite people systematically ganging up on you. I rarely post in that thread because of the sheer amount of hysteria, ignorance and delusion reigning there.
Hello @Cheimoon. I just want to ask why I’m not a main member anymore? For what reason? Because I have no clue what happened?
Yes it’s working. Thanks a lot. You are a God send. I was worried what happened. Felt like being discarded from the family. Thanks again. Really appreciate it.
Also thanks to @Damien for the actual fix!