Over 65s Team Player
Any of you got this yet?
Hooked it up to the TiVo this afternoon, and it's bloody brilliant.
Watched the football with it, excellent experience, it shows the scores, match details etc. live tweet feed about the match too.
You can hook it in to your Facebook and see what your friends are watching, and invite them to watch what you are watching. There is a chat tool in it too, so you can discuss what you are watching.
If you have your TiVo on your network, it will act as a remote too. Well pleased for a free app
Hooked it up to the TiVo this afternoon, and it's bloody brilliant.
Watched the football with it, excellent experience, it shows the scores, match details etc. live tweet feed about the match too.
You can hook it in to your Facebook and see what your friends are watching, and invite them to watch what you are watching. There is a chat tool in it too, so you can discuss what you are watching.
If you have your TiVo on your network, it will act as a remote too. Well pleased for a free app