Yung Meth & Cash

Yeah I instantly fall in love with songs which contain transformer and family guy references.
Love Youngsta, Cash is good but not on his level.

Advanced Music was a bit of a let down really, I'd prefer to just hear some more Yung mixtapes.
Crystal Meth was my favorite of his too, lots of the production that made Youngsta so good, was from Shellz and cairns, so it's worth checking them out too.

Crystal Meth
Best of Meth
LOL Mixtape
A Fix of Meth

Anti-Social is probably the closest in terms of quality, the production is generally excellent, and Young can't really go wrong.

Look out for Yung Meth's new mixtape 'Ouch', it will be his best to date I think.

what do you think of k koke hectic?

I liked a lot of USG years ago, but not so much these days, and the same with K Koke. He's got good bars but I found his content too repetitive, and lacked the versatility of someone like Youngsta. Not that we will be seeing much of him anytime soon anyway, considering his immediate future. To sign for Roc Nation and a few months later you are facing attempted murder charges is ridiculous, he will be in prison before the years out.
good stuff.... can't seem to find too many tunes on youtube for my downloader though. sigh.