Youtube movies for a roadtrip


Full Member
Mar 23, 2007
Hello there,

I need your help.

I'm coming over to Manchester this weekend for the game against Stoke but we'll be be driving up there. It's a 12 or more hour trip using cars,boats, trains, busses and given the fact that I'm not the one driving and it will be night time I need some entertainment to get me through it as I can't sleep in a car.

So I was looking for some interesting youtube movies, the longer the better, about anything. So about Manchester United, sports, science and technology, (stand up) comedy,... and I found some but I'm running out of ideas to search for.

Could you guys list you're favourite youtube movies, preferably longer than 10 minutes, that I could watch on my video player during the trip?

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry if I posted it in the wrong forum.


Best United video ever!

Part 3 is absolutely outstanding.
I highly reccomend "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog", made by Joss Whedon during the writer's strike and starring Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion. It's a comedy musical in three acts, each with two scenes, all up for viewing on youtube.

It's bloody hilarious.
Thanks, I'm not going to watch them now because that will spoil it during the drive but I'm sure they are great.