Your five Favourite actors


I'm a little pisspot
Feb 3, 2006
Ian Wishart's prodigy
Who are in your mind the 5 best actors that you've seen?

My pick(in no particular order)

1. Jack Nicholson
2. Al Pacino
3. Tom Hanks
4.Kevin Spacey
5.Edward Norton

Denzel Washington, Danny Devito, Russell Crowe and Daniel Day Lewis all come pretty close as well.
1. Hanks(although he has been shit of late)
2. Pacino
3. Crowe
4. DDL
5. bale
Robert De Niro
Samuel L Jackson
Sean Connery
Jim Carrey
Nicholas Cage
Yeah why not? Favourite actors don't all have to be brilliant Oscar winners.

And he is a very funny actor.

I don't really find someone acting like he has a mental disorder in every film he has a role in that funny. Besides, he's hardly a comedy actor anymore.
Norton? Samuel Jackson?

Interesting choice I admit, but he played his roles in American History X and Fightclub to perfection, as well as showing great diversity in his role in The Illusionist. To be honest he probaly needs to be in a few more blockbusters before he falls into that "great" catergory.
Choosing from current actors and not picking De Niro, Newman and Pacino since their best days are behind them.

Russle Crowe
Eric Bana
Di Caprio

All time:
De Niro
Christian Bale
Christian Bale
Christian Bale
Christian Bale
Edward Norton
De Niro
Christian Bale (just got the Machinist yesterday, going to watch it tonight)
Johnny Depp - despite the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels
Jack Nicholson

Honourable mention to Harrison Ford as well.
James Stewart
Robert Mitchum
Lee Marvin
Spencer Tracy
Humphrey Bogart
He prtrays the role of Jack Bauer better than anyone could! Plus I've seen him in a few other films (Sentinel, A Few Good Men, To End All Wars), and he was excellent in those too. Legend!

I agree.

His father is awesome actor, too.
Never seen him! Although rumuor has it he may be making an appearance in Season 7 of 24.

youve never seen donald sutherland??

so you havent seen:

the dirty dozen
dont look now
kellys heroes
the eagle has landed
Animal House
invasion of the body snatchers(70s one)

everybody should have seen these films at least once...if you havent youre missing a treat.
Leslie Neilsen
Leslie Neilsen
Leslie Neilsen
Leslie Neilsen
Leslie Neilsen

(may be updated as i remember them!)