Your first ever CD


Frankie Barwell ITK
Sep 20, 2009
Well done he’s 13
As a young lad, I remember being obsessed with Greenday. Not a clue what any of the lyrics meant or whatnot, but still loved the sound of the music and had the CD on my cassette over and over!

Just listening to some of their stuff for the first time in years, brings back memories.
The first one I chose myself was Let it Be by the Beatles, I was starting to enjoying them at the time but only had A Hard Day's Night on tape. Took me a couple of years to get all their albums.
Not 100% but I think it's The Offspring - Americana
First record - Anthrax: Bring the noise
First Tape - Metallica: Black Album
Can't remember the 1st CD I bought
Think it was this;



The first proper music thing I can actually remember going and buying was 'The Offspring - Conspiracy Of One' cassette.
The first one I received was Michael Jackson's Bad.

The first I bought was Snivilisation by Orbital.
I can remember the first record I bought. No idea what the first CD I bought was, though.
Bought a Michael Jackson and went home to listen to it.
I was alone in our house and I'm sure my face was red of embarassment. Ran back to the store and had it replaced with G'n'R Use your illusion II
my first LP was Gary Glitter and oddly it was called Touch Me.
In my defence I was only about 12 at the time :o

Subliminal messages? I guess it had his address on the sleeve next to a message saying: 'Come here for sweeties'