Your favourite prison movies


urinates in helmets
Aug 10, 2000
Special once
Berwick Rangers
What's your favourite prison movies?

Stir Crazy 'yeah that's right we bad!'. Classic

Shawshank, Green Mile, Papillon... There's loads of em.

I saw McVicar a bit ago, good but it's really dated now.

Bronson was good
Do you like films about Gladiators?

The Last Castle
The Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption

I guess technically they aren't set in a prison but they involve prisoners & fugitives:

The Fugitive
US Marshalls

and :lol: at bill.
Not strictly a prison movie but I love the scenes from The Italian Job with Noel Coward.

Porridge, the movie version.

Bird man of Alcatraz.
VIM, there could be one made about your brush with the Greek legal system. A thriller it would indeed be..

I would throw out a little green smiley, but that would be saying it was equally as funny as bill's Airplane reference, which frankly, it is not.

You can settle for this one. :wenger:
A Prophet
Le Trou
Dead Man Walking

McVicar best of the guilty pleasures though.
Again not strictly a prison movie, but seeing as it contained several cells, a few incarcerated folk, and all the protagonists were basically imprisoned, I nominate the original Assault on Precinct 13. Awesome movie.