I have a feeling that Graham Taylor is goin to be taken to Villa Park by the broke who introduced him to the Premiership.
Originally posted by Murt:
<strong>The tought struck my mind earlier on aswell, Villa are out of the cup and all so being cup tied is hardly a problem.</strong><hr></blockquote>
If he doesn't go in the next few months, he will most likely over the summer. He's not going to stick around for another season with Fergie in charge.
Originally posted by g4orce:
<strong>Did anyone wacth the programme "close up" on sky1 last sunday with dwight
taylor is like a father figure to yorkie so it came accross to me.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I did see that programme, and the worst thing of all was..........I actually started to like the bloke!!! He came accross quite well. Still a lazy bugger though.
Originally posted by okpeeps:
<strong>LET HIM GO VANISTLROYS WORTH 2 YORKYS <img src="graemlins/nervous.gif" border="0" alt="[Nervous]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
Originally posted by okpeeps:
<strong>LET HIM GO VANISTLROYS WORTH 2 YORKYS <img src="graemlins/nervous.gif" border="0" alt="[Nervous]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>Vanilla Sky what?
<img src="confused.gif" border="0">
Originally posted by United78:
<strong>The only unhappy person in Old T yesterday was Yorke!
If I was him (besides being rich) I'd move real fast!</strong><hr></blockquote>
When was the last time you saw Yorkie move real fast?
Originbally posted by Neil Thompson:
When was the last time you saw Yorkie move real fast?<hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />