Yogi Bear film

It looks awful which isnt too much of a shame
Yeah but neither Pooh or the Smurfs had anything on "Great things come in bears"

It's fecking genius!!
I think they made a Boo Boo.

I think this is the Polar opposite of a good film and I doubt very much that it will Panda to the modern child's tastes. As a matter of fact, I think it will make most children cry, or at least Grizzly.
Is it a statement of what symbolises greatness? or more a standardised test of greatness? Like the 12 Tasks of Hercules? 1) Slay the Nemean Lion 2) Tame Cerberus 3) Come in a Bear..and so on?
I had a kid come into the cinema I work at the other day, he took one look at the poster and said, "Who the f*ck is yogi bear?!"

I feel old :(