Xbox Xmas Xtravagent Xdeas


Nov 22, 2006
I am not a massive gamer but do like a game or two to play on Xmas day as it nicely breaks up the festive television.

Can anyone recommend anything that is either out now, or coming out for Xmas?

I already have the new Fifa.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Fallout New Vegas

edit: gosh darn, you guys were all being really humorous and I ruined it by making two serious suggestions!
Whats this kinect business and what do you need?

To the one serious suggestion, thanks.

basically its the new add on for the Xbox. a camera that sits near your telly which will allow you to play games using your body movements instead of a controller. Check out for more details. It'll be the big thing this Christmas.
My girlfriend had a go on it in Game in the Arndale today, looked like quite good fun.

She looked like a bit of a spacker doing all the funny body movements in public though.
basically its the new add on for the Xbox. a camera that sits near your telly which will allow you to play games using your body movements instead of a controller. Check out for more details. It'll be the big thing this Christmas.

I will have a look. Is it a pricey piece and are there any good games out for it?
I will have a look. Is it a pricey piece and are there any good games out for it?

its 150 quid and you get a free game for it.

Theres only about 10-12 titles released for it so far, some of them look fun, such as "motion sports" or the fitness games
I'm going to invent a controller that keeps doing the exact opposite of what you want it to do.

I'm going to call it the Kinell. It will be huge, especially as it will enable spanners to play games really well, and will prove a challenge to twattish nerdy gamers.
so if I hold a banana, film me holding it for a few mins

then film me playing GT5

lay the first video over the second, does that mean I can control GT5 using a banana?
Call of Duty, Need for Speed Hot pursuit, as Alwyn said, Assassins creed urm...
I'm going to invent a controller that throws out random statements such as "the power is in the Cell", "This wouldn't happen with Sony" and "Do you want to see me in a dress?".
The controller will be infra-red and work best from hiding in bushes.

I think i'll call it the "Wii-ste" controller
I'm going to invent a controller that throws out random statements such as "the power is in the Cell", "This wouldn't happen with Sony" and "Do you want to see me in a dress?".
The controller will be infra-red and work best from hiding in bushes.

I think i'll call it the "Wii-ste" controller
