Xbox Shopping Spree


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Right guys, so I'm about to make a trip to the other side of town to buy about 5 games. Give me your list of the best 5 RECENT games on the 360. I, personally, prefer games where you get to play your character, which is more about the story and character building rather than plain action or driving. (Barring Pro Evo 2011 which I will get)

For example, one of the games I've already decided to get is Dragon Age Origins.

I've played Red Dead too. Didn't know even that was multi-platform.
Ac Brotherhood
Halo Reach
Fallout NV
Alan Wake
Red Dead Redemption

How highly would you rate Fallout New Vegas? That's the kind of game I'm in the mood for. Does it have a decent storyline apart from the side missions?
How highly would you rate Fallout New Vegas? That's the kind of game I'm in the mood for. Does it have a decent storyline apart from the side missions?

If you havent played Fallout 3 I would get that 1st if I were you. NV is very good too though with a good storyline
If you havent played Fallout 3 I would get that 1st if I were you. NV is very good too though with a good storyline

Sadly, I have played Fallout 3 but I went through the main storyline too fast. Thankfully I don't remember a thing about it and am thinking of giving it a second go.
Other good games that you may enjoy; Dead Space, Resident Evil 5, Assassins Creed 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Bioshock 1 and 2
Haven't. What Genre is it?

No RPG fans here? I forgot I had Halo Reach. Never played it.

Alan Wake is Thriller/horror

The story is good, the combat is distinctive and if you go on youtube and watch "Bright falls" which is a prequel to the game, you'll be well up for playing it. I completely missed it when it first came out, saw it suggested on here and was very happy with it. Particularly as it was only £15 or so
How recent do you want "recent" to be?

I'd definitely recommend those.

Also Alan Wake and Read Dead Redemption. Although if RDR: Undead Nightmare is cheaper get that first to see if you like the game.
Well recent enough not to seem backward visually I guess, but I've always been one for gameplay over graphics.

Alan Wake and New Vegas sound like a good options from everything I'm reading. Surprised there are such few quality RPG's on the 360. Maybe Bioshock 2 might be worth a try too.
If you've not played it get the original Bioshock first, preferrably in the pack with Oblivion.

Played both of those.

Just starting Fallout 3 again. Good thing I remember very little of it, it's going to be hard to maintain that. Disk is really scratched though.