Xbox Problem


Formerly RedAddict
May 30, 2008
We can't stop here. This is bat country.
Posted this in the Red Dead Redemption thread but thought I'd make a thread about it.

feck sake, what a time for my Xbox to feck itself. I've got a big problem here.

Haven't played my Xbox in a month or so. Went to play the game for the first time and it froze 3 seconds into the very first cut scene, with the steamboat. Reset and tried again, same thing. Reset, tried again, this time it froze on the main menu.

Shit I think, I've bought a dodgy disc. So I try GTA in it, and can play bit before attempting a mission, where it freezes again before the cut scene begins. Shit, shit shit. Try FIFA just to make sure, and sure enough, it freezes on the load screen before the main menu.

No RROD showing up either, just a shit piece of shit Xbox that freezes on any loading screen and cut-scenes. I've had it for 2 years now. Anyone else ever have this? Any way to attempt to fix it, or am I basically fecked? Where would I get it repaired and how much?

Now, I did some searches and people were saying that installing the game onto the HDD helps things, so I did this, and I can actually play the game now, however it seems to still freeze every half hour or so, usually during an in-game auto-save or as a mini-mission is about to begin. Is my Xbox just giving up the ghost? Can I expect RROD soon? Any ways to remedy the situation?
Get outside and enjoy the weather, feck xbox's fella.

I'm off for a bbq jump on the bandwagon
Update. I'd been scouring the interwebs, and apparently Microsoft will replace any Xbox within 3 years of purchase, so long as it has RROD.

Now seeing as mine wasn't showing RROD I was looking up ways of, erm, inducing it. Found all sorts of stuff online, such as wrapping it in towels and letting it burn itself out.

In the end I didn't need to, as a few more attempts to play Red Dead finally yielded the dreaded RROD. Except it wasn't so dreaded. When I saw it I did little fist-pump. Red Ring Of Death - get the feck in!

Anyway feck you Microsoft. Do PS3 owners get this kind of shit? I'd switch in a moment if I had the cash right now.

Do people know what I have to do now? I got in Gamestation, and I still have the receipt. Do I have to bring it there first, or do I have to contact Microsoft or what?
It's a long shot but for some reason alot of my Xbox games freeze when I try to play multiplayer games, so what I found out was that if you sign out of your main profile it should then work.
Update. I'd been scouring the interwebs, and apparently Microsoft will replace any Xbox within 3 years of purchase, so long as it has RROD.

Now seeing as mine wasn't showing RROD I was looking up ways of, erm, inducing it. Found all sorts of stuff online, such as wrapping it in towels and letting it burn itself out.

In the end I didn't need to, as a few more attempts to play Red Dead finally yielded the dreaded RROD. Except it wasn't so dreaded. When I saw it I did little fist-pump. Red Ring Of Death - get the feck in!

Anyway feck you Microsoft. Do PS3 owners get this kind of shit? I'd switch in a moment if I had the cash right now.

Do people know what I have to do now? I got in Gamestation, and I still have the receipt. Do I have to bring it there first, or do I have to contact Microsoft or what?

take it back, get your money back before you waste more.

or contact microsoft, they will send a bag and you send it back to them with the xbox in
Now, I did some searches and people were saying that installing the game onto the HDD helps things, so I did this, and I can actually play the game now, however it seems to still freeze every half hour or so, usually during an in-game auto-save or as a mini-mission is about to begin. Is my Xbox just giving up the ghost? Can I expect RROD soon? Any ways to remedy the situation?

My Dead Island keeps freezing when I am loading up the 'continue game' on the start menu. So basically I can't play it now. I've tried cleaning the CD, but still the same. Any tips.
does it work if you start a new game? Your save file might be corrupt

Not tried that yet- it did crash at the end of when I was playing last night and the screen was covered in lines. Might try that cheers.

I'd just got to level 3 and the levels are massive:(
Chances are your Xbox is on the blink. :(

Yeah basically it was the console or the game. Tried another couple of games though and they still work fine. Reckon Randall's call about the saved game being corrupted sounds bang on- especially since it crashed badly just before I finished playing last night.

If I do have to rebuy the game, seems they are rereleasing Dead Island with an extras disk next month. Might be worth a look.
If it's a corrupted save you don't have to buy the game again. You just can't access that saved file. Trying starting a new game and then try continuing it.
Thanks Randall and LL. Yeah I just started a new game and it works fine. Feck, it's annoying though. Apparently I was 27hr36mins into my last game:eek: and obviously quite far in.
Have started again and it will be quicker given I know the feck ups I made before but never had the bad save before. Moved from the blunt weapon guy- who was cool- to the firearms bird. Dunno if I should have gone for the stabbing weapons bird though....decisions decision....Balls I have no car and my weapons are puny we go again.
My FIFA does a similar thing. I turn it on, it freezes on the loading screen, I open the disk tray, turn the disk around so it's facing upwards (no idea why), close it, reload the game and it works fine. Although I keep getting disconnected during online games. That's become a right pain in the arse.
Yeah mine isn't reading discs as well- sometimes takes a few go's.

Back on Dead Island. Did it again and got to chapter three once more but exact same thing- when I go into the hotel to start the chapter it fecks up. Obviously a glitch and not just a bad save- although it was a corrupted file.

One positive is that this second save doesn't seem corrupted- seems a problem with my disc but has eroded a lot of my goodwill for the game. When that twin-pack upgrade version comes out in July, maybe I will have a sufficient break and will take a look but now was contemplating slinging the CD as hard as I can against my garden wall.

Maybe I can carry this game over into it- this version is well over a year old and god knows where my missus bought it for me- she sure as hell won't still have the receipt for it, so exchange no option.

Annoying though. Have spent hours and hours on it lately...
XBox has the reputation of having technical problems sooner or later... around 40% I think and it cost a fortune for repair.

Buy a PS3.
I'd had a playstations since I was about five, PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, before eventually trading it in and getting an Xbox. All my mates had one, and they were online together a lot after school, so I got one. Second hand at that, so it didn't cost much and it's been pretty good in the time I've had it. Going back to a playstation now would seem weird, despite Xbox and its well-documented problems.
I'd had a playstations since I was about five, PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, before eventually trading it in and getting an Xbox. All my mates had one, and they were online together a lot after school, so I got one. Second hand at that, so it didn't cost much and it's been pretty good in the time I've had it. Going back to a playstation now would seem weird, despite Xbox and its well-documented problems.

That's pretty much my story as well though minus the PSP and other mates going online with the xbox. The PS controller would feel weird now.