Xbox FIFA 09 tips


Nov 22, 2006
Got this at Xmas...

Brilliant game.

Anyone have any seasoned pro style hints and tips for me?

Im not bad at the game, play on professional, its more to do with beating other human users...often get the lads round to play, or go to theirs.

Everything welcome!
Step overs are fun and look good. just remember to use hte right stick to do the step over and the left stick to chose which way to go after the stepover is done.

always hold left trigger when tackling.
what is the best way to tackle?
I know about the left trigger jockey trick but then I often get outpaced if I use it too much
Sometimes, when a player is running at pace 1 on 1 with your defender, try jockeying and press "call defender" which is (circle) on PS3 on default settings, so your team mate hacks the ball while you are best placed in your position.
The around the world trick is mint if you can master it. That rainbow flip thing is physically impossible to do, so don't waste your time. Doing keepy ups with your goalie is always a laugh and a good way to piss off your opponent.
Rainbow flip is physically impossible?

Aroudn hte wordls are easy, the shoulder flick up is a bit harder. None of hwich you would use in a game anyway. I only use juggling to flick the ball over my head if my back is to goal.

With defending, always sprint untill your player is goal side and then left trigger and hold A, A actually does the jockeying Left trigger makes them run slower.
Left trigger when tackling?! How come I've never heard of that before and I've had this game on the Xbox for a good 2 months now and have been playing it online for a while?

can anyone give me insight as to what the left trigger does when tackling?:S
Would really appreciate it! :)
Left trigger when tackling?! How come I've never heard of that before and I've had this game on the Xbox for a good 2 months now and have been playing it online for a while?

can anyone give me insight as to what the left trigger does when tackling?:S
Would really appreciate it! :)

Slows your pace down so you have more control
Thanks mate,
is that also when dribbling with the ball?


If a guy is on the wing trying to twist and turn you, hold L2 to slow down and then X (not sure what it is in Xbox) but your player will basically follow the opponent no matter where he goes