XBox 360

Good choice

Better value than the PS3 and from what Im seeing at the moment, if you get a new one, far less chance of it breaking
I want a PS3, but the fact that i'm a student and you can hack the 360 makes the 360 more appealing.
They'll ban your account from Live if they find you using illegal copies of games, happened to my brother.

So yeah, get a PS3.
As I said, don't bother with the PS3, unless you are a serious gaming geek.

Not worth the money for the difference between the two
can i be the second to get behind elvis here and say, get a PS3
Get an XBox. I have both, try my best to be impartial.. but still end up getting 90% of dual console games for the 360. Its just.. better.
Good choice

Better value than the PS3 and from what Im seeing at the moment, if you get a new one, far less chance of it breaking

Cost difference to feature set is highly favourable to the PS3. Maybe you would like to reword that TheReligion? Unless you are talking about the gimped arcade unit vs PS3? Good luck with that if you have a lot of downloadable content, game saves, etc.
weaste knows the score, i had a 360 and he showed me the light, i got a PS3 and im never looking back, its the sex
My 360's fecked, and Fifa 10 doesn't play on it anymore. Go with the PS3, haven't tried it.. but it's got to be better than the pile of junk (loved it while it lasted) I've put away under my bed.

Does PS3 break down..anyone had one long enough?
Xbox360 Elite is much better than a ps3...much better games wider variety and just alot mofe fun...i have both and i hardly ever use my PS3....its good for Blue ray but thats about are crap in comparison.

Does the elite break down?
Get a PS3, the xbox broke when i turned it on. Get a PS3, its the best. Oh and get another PS3. I don't love Sony at all, just get a ps3! You are higher than everyone else if you have one. Uncharted 2 is better than sex.
Loads of PS3's breakdown, infact 3 of my friends have. For the price you pay, why bother.

As I said, unless you are a serious nerd alert, like Weaste, just get the Xbox.
To be honest, i've always considered the Xbox the gaming nerds choice of console. There was a survey done a while back that said something like the average PS3 owner owns on average 2 games, whilst the average Xbox owner owns something like 6.
To be honest, i've always considered the Xbox the gaming nerds choice of console. There was a survey done a while back that said something like the average PS3 owner owns on average 2 games, whilst the average Xbox owner owns something like 6.

Maybe that was because the Xbox was out a year and a half before the PS3?

And there was more variety.
Genuine question; how can MS tell if an Xbox drive is hacked?

I think they can do it more easily now than previously, but it doesn't help when people are playing knocked off copies of games over LIVE before the game is actually released. Each game also has its own unique code. More than one person playing it at the same time kind of gives the game away also.

More seriously, IBM CPU chips have what are known as eFuses. These can be blown after testing at manufacture to give each XBox its own code. If they, and I'm guessing here, map that code in a database with a code in the drives, then maybe they can find out. Google hosted a tech talk on XB360 security, maybe you can find it on YouTube.

Here you go

I have both. I play the 360 more simply based on the fact that the games i play, i play online with my mates who only have a 360, but the PS3 is by far the better console in my opinion. I actually make a point out of buying multi-platform games (that i don't intend using for multiplayer) for the PS3, even though i have the option of both.

The PS3 quite hasn't done it in terms of mutiplayer for me yet, but like i said, that's probably because i don't give it a chance and most of my mates use 360.
Got a problem with mine and I'm stumped. Hopefully one of ye fine fellows can be of assistance. Once every few weeks I play it, and a fraction of the time I can't play in 1080i as I get this on my screen

It will run on 720 so it seems the problem is high definition. Any ideas?
Am I right in thinking that if you can only get 1080i, then 720p is the better option? Would certainly explain Weaste's shock at your choice of resolution.