Billy Blaggs
Flacco of the Blaggs tribe
xbox 360 Fifa 08
anyone want to play Fifa 08
anyone want to play Fifa 08
Incidentally, my xbox live subscription ran out whilst I was on holiday. I came home and tried going online, but it says my xbox live account has been suspended due to payment difficulties. The weird thing is that I appear to still have a gold account (Profile surrounded in gold) and are unable to update my payment method.
Anyone have any idea whats going on, and what I should do?
Get a PS3 Biscuit.
Only joking, I dont have one, just beating the fanboys to the comment.
How do you subscribe, annually?
I think there are a number of ways you can do it. I'd imagine you can pay on the console using a debit/credit card. You can also go into Stores such as GAME and buy a years subscription, enter the code into the 360 and voila, a years subsciption is yours.
Well I am on line if anyone wants to play