Xbox 360 Elite / Game Advice Needed


New Member
Jun 29, 2008
University Of Redcafe
I have surrendered to my 9 year old daughter who has done nothing but mithered me in to buying her an Xbox 360 Elite, So soft hearted daddy has given in to her & now needs to know what good games are available for her age group, She wants the Simpsons game but no doubt she wants more, So appreciate any more tips from you all
Viva Pinata: Trouble in paradise - a nice virtual life sim that even I admittedly enjoy!

Lego Star Wars: The complete saga - again great fun.

Naruto: rise of a ninja

Beautiful Katamari - a nice innovative platformer.

That should get you started, ill add some others when I can think of em.
Viva Pinata: Trouble in paradise - a nice virtual life sim that even I admittedly enjoy!

Lego Star Wars: The complete saga - again great fun.

Naruto: rise of a ninja

Beautiful Katamari - a nice innovative platformer.

That should get you started, ill add some others when I can think of em.
You have played these yourself I take it, Dont forget I have mentioned this is for my 9 year old daughter, So your likes are probably not the same as hers, I'm saying this cause you have mentioned games like star wars & ninja games, If I had a son then yeah understandable, So can you think off any others that would interest a girl of 9 years of age, Thanks :)
You have played these yourself I take it, Dont forget I have mentioned this is for my 9 year old daughter, So your likes are probably not the same as hers, I'm saying this cause you have mentioned games like star wars & ninja games, If I had a son then yeah understandable, So can you think off any others that would interest a girl of 9 years of age, Thanks :)

Yep, played everyone of them. And yes, I did take into account that the target gamer is a 9-year old girl. :D

The Star Wars and Naruto games aren't really your typical young male gamer titles, they're just plain harmless fun. If it was a son you were talking about then I would of mentioned the endless list of shooters and racing games.

There's also plenty of 'Arcade' games to download off Microsoft's Xbox live service. Ones I would recommend for her are Roogoo and Uno. (just make sure you set up privacy settings if you wish for her to game online)
Are you going to hook it up to the internet for her Tommy? I wouldn't recommend it, you need to be careful, because you hear of stories where thieving cnuts get naive kids to get to the on screen section of the dashboard & ask them to read out credit card detail/personal info which has to be registered to go online.
Are you going to hook it up to the internet for her Tommy? I wouldn't recommend it, you need to be careful, because you hear of stories where thieving cnuts get naive kids to get to the on screen section of the dashboard & ask them to read out credit card detail/personal info which has to be registered to go online.

You're talking about Tommy here.

This crazy fecker sent a nude photo of himself to the TV Licensing.
Gears of War.

Viva Pinata your best bet.

Girls and consoles dont exactly go hand in hand.

Get a gaming PC instead, she can play pony anytime.
She has already got a pc, I said Xbox 360 Elite, But thanks for tips

Yep, played everyone of them. And yes, I did take into account that the target gamer is a 9-year old girl. :D

The Star Wars and Naruto games aren't really your typical young male gamer titles, they're just plain harmless fun. If it was a son you were talking about then I would of mentioned the endless list of shooters and racing games.

There's also plenty of 'Arcade' games to download off Microsoft's Xbox live service. Ones I would recommend for her are Roogoo and Uno. (just make sure you set up privacy settings if you wish for her to game online)
Right ok I will take you up on them then ;)

Are you going to hook it up to the internet for her Tommy? I wouldn't recommend it, you need to be careful, because you hear of stories where thieving cnuts get naive kids to get to the on screen section of the dashboard & ask them to read out credit card detail/personal info which has to be registered to go online.
Much appreciated mate, Thanks for the advice ;)

Kameo would be a good choice
Cheers will look in to it ;)

Yes without a doubt, Very good my daughter at Fifa08

So why not recommend GTA IV then as a driving simulator and learning people skills.
I forgot to mention that game but yeah this is 1 off few adult games she wants, I should not allow it but I guess I cant be too strict, Its only what she sees on the TV
Tommy I would think twice about GTA IV!

a HUGE load of inappropriate material for a 9-year old such: drugs and prostitution are just a few things the game's notorious for.

Just look at Elvis, he played the game underrage and it's completely polluted his young 17-year old mind.
Tommy I would think twice about GTA IV!

a HUGE load of inappropriate material for a 9-year old such: drugs and prostitution are just a few things the game's notorious for.

Just look at Elvis, he played the game underrage and it's completely polluted his young 17-year old mind.
She's already played it I'm afraid at her friends house, Main reason why she wants the Xbox 360 Elite, Understand where you coming, Who is this Elvis take it there is a member on here with that username, Did read something the other day about a young lad who raped women because the game influenced him to do it, Which I thought what utter shit of an excuse
:lol: I think were all just as mucked in the head as you Elvis.

There are quite alot of good arcade games around, avaliable from download on Xbox Live, but again, warn against reading Credit Card info etc.

Viva Pinata is a great suggestion, easy to pick up, plus bright colours etc.
Tommy GTA IV is much worse then what she sees on TV IMO...

every second word is F*ck, i don't want to spoil her gaming experience, its an awesome game, but im a 23 year old male, and i thought it was borderline unnecessary at times.

You might want to take a look at some of the arcade games , i don't play them myself but im sure theres good cheap games for someone her age.

Banjo-KAzooie comes out late november and could be a good option.

I agree with whoever says hte lego games, Star wars and Indinana jones, yuo can get along side her and play co op with her in them as well and you might even get some enjoyment out of it.
Maybe you should try Rock Band or Guitar Hero on PS3. Dont know if it's ported to XBox360.

If your daughter likes to sing, you can try Singstar or something alike. Great for the family and all.
Kinell. I thought I was liberal with the stuff I let my 9 year old watch but you must have rocks in your head if you let a 9 year old play GTA 4. And if their friends parents' let them play it at their house you need to stop them going over because that is one fecked up game for a developing mind that doesn't yet have a world view to insert this fiction into.
Tommy GTA IV is much worse then what she sees on TV IMO...

every second word is F*ck, i don't want to spoil her gaming experience, its an awesome game, but im a 23 year old male, and i thought it was borderline unnecessary at times.

You might want to take a look at some of the arcade games , i don't play them myself but im sure theres good cheap games for someone her age.

Banjo-KAzooie comes out late november and could be a good option.

I agree with whoever says hte lego games, Star wars and Indinana jones, yuo can get along side her and play co op with her in them as well and you might even get some enjoyment out of it.
Right take you up on star wars & indiana jones plus Banjo-KAzooie when it's released

Maybe you should try Rock Band or Guitar Hero on PS3. Dont know if it's ported to XBox360.

If your daughter likes to sing, you can try Singstar or something alike. Great for the family and all.
Nice one will do, Cheers

Kinell. I thought I was liberal with the stuff I let my 9 year old watch but you must have rocks in your head if you let a 9 year old play GTA 4. And if their friends parents' let them play it at their house you need to stop them going over because that is one fecked up game for a developing mind that doesn't yet have a world view to insert this fiction into.
If my child was one of these kids that did get influenced so very easy then yeah i would stop it off altogether, Myself has played the game & knows that my daughter hears alot worse at school regarding swearing plus on the streets as well when she's out playing but I can tell you it does not or has not influenced my daughter at all, Now please back to topic
Is your daughter a bit of a tom boy? Im just curious as if she enjoys GTA and is more then capable of handling such an adult game perhaps the younger games arent for her?

Also you can pick games up heaps cheaper on ebay brand new (especially the lego games). Might be worth hiring one of the lego games before forking out the cash for a a game she might not enjoy.

I think its awesome shes into consoles, i think its great for hand eye co ordination and also the memory when you need to memorise control layouts etc.
Manchester must have changed a tad since I was there last if kids hear and, more importantly, experience the worst stuff in GTA 4 in the schoolyard.

Isn't it rated M?
Tommy, surely torrentleech has plenty of xbox360 games?

Why not just get a hell lot of discs and let your daughter have the benefit of the choice.
Right take you up on star wars & indiana jones plus Banjo-KAzooie when it's released

Nice one will do, Cheers

If my child was one of these kids that did get influenced so very easy then yeah i would stop it off altogether, Myself has played the game & knows that my daughter hears alot worse at school regarding swearing plus on the streets as well when she's out playing but I can tell you it does not or has not influenced my daughter at all, Now please back to topic

You're Brooklyn based?

Fair enough.
9 yr old girl wanting an xbox360... says it all about the xbox really doesnt it :p
That even a 9 year old girl has more sense than alot of people when it comes to consoles?


Joke, this is not a war provoking point, a joke. I know how we all like to argue about PS3 vs 360. Easy now..