X-Box Live Subscriptions to Rise?

Lance Uppercut

Microsoft is reportedly mulling over the possibility of launching a new TV channel exclusive to Xbox Live subscribers.

The platform holder is discussing the idea with former News Corporation president Peter Chernin, according to Bloomberg.

Chernin, who runs his own production company, is said to have proposed the idea of raising the online service's monthly fee by up to $2 for access to the programming, which would feature original shows and re-runs.

We reckon there'd have to be some pretty impressive shows on the channel to convince XBL users to part with more cash for their annual subscription. Does it sound like a good idea to you, CVG readers?

CVG obviously.

An extra £20 or so a year for a tv channel? Doesn't sound like an option gamers would be interested in, IMO.
I hope for their sake it's optional or they are playing into Sony's hands. Perhaps it could be a move to recoup the subscription losses from banning all the chipped xboxes?
I understand why they can't offer a basic package (online gaming, access to demos) for free, and then add premium subscription services that you can pick and choose from. Is it that difficult? Well I suppose it is, because they would lose a lot of revenue, as most people wouldn't bother with the extras.
That reads like it would be a new tier of membership rather than the current amount increasing for everyone. If you want the tv channel you pay the extra, if not you stay as you are - the normal amount of ripped off.
It's been rumoured for a long time that PSN will be getting premium services, such as cross-game voice chat, something that LIVE already has in the fee.

Really? I hadn't heard that. Am I right to assume it will be an optional extra?
I've just renewed anyway so i'm not too concerned. Can't imagine i'll still be on a 360 in another 12 months.
It's been rumoured for a long time that PSN will be getting premium services, such as cross-game voice chat, something that LIVE already has in the fee.

So on PS3 you can't have gamespeak and stuff?
Same here. That said, I might consider it if it means I DON'T have to listen to 13 year old turds when I'm playing online.
Is that a question with the answer: You cannot talk to your mate ATM via voice if he is not in your game or is playing a totally different game?

Ah ok. So you can speak to "team mates" in a game like fifa or cod but you cant set up a party and speak with your friends if they are in another game?

All good fun!
If its only the monthly I wouldnt care because I always get the yearly one. Also no mention of Ireland so all is well with the world.

They are timing this well with Halo and the new COD coming out. 2 of the most played online games
you get 1m free with practically every bloody thing you buy, who the feck is going to buy a 1m subscription?
Because that's where they have market leadership. You are not going to increase the prices are you when you are coming last?

So why potentialy worsen sales in the 4 countries targeted? Makes no sense, especialy when theyve given each country a different change, if your going to change something make the change the same worldwide or not at all.
If they raise UK year subscriptions to £50 or £60 they can feck right off tbh. No way would I pay that, £40 is more than enough.

I wouldnt be surprised if they loose some US sales now
Why the feck would I want to talk to a mate who's playing a different game anyway? Pointless feature.

Not really, I've used it many times for when a friend comes online but I'm already on another game and then you get or send a chat invite so you can arrange stuff. Much easier to keep playing rather than text messaging.
I'm still not exactly sure how they justify charging people for the right to use their own internet connections in the first place?
Why the feck would I want to talk to a mate who's playing a different game anyway? Pointless feature.

It's a great feature. Especially for hardcore search and destroy on COD.

Glad to see only the one month memberships fees are going up, as geebs said- you get those free with everything anyway, so it doesn't matter too much.
we use chat room function for that on PS3.

Well I don't really know what that is. There's obviously a normal chat mode on LIVE where you can talk whilst playing the same game, but on Hardcore S&D when you die and you're out the game you can't talk any more- which is why private chat comes in handy
Well I don't really know what that is. There's obviously a normal chat mode on LIVE where you can talk whilst playing the same game, but on Hardcore S&D when you die and you're out the game you can't talk any more- which is why private chat comes in handy
Cheat ;)
The only time I ever got a 1 month free trial for free was with GTA4 and Halo 3. It's 48 hour ones you get free with most games.

But yeah, who buys their subs direct from microsoft?