Wu-Tang Clan

Deleted 20801

Saw them yesterday at Brixton Academy. They were only on for an hour though, which is completely retarded. Also they advertised a 're-united' tour, except Method Man wasn't there. Raekwon stole the show, Ghost was just behind him, U-God actually hid at the back of the stage for three tracks that I counted, and then came on for 'Gravel Pit' and went mental. He was rubbish, didn't even move about or join in on the other verses, even Masta Killa had more to say then him.

Still, nice venue and I can cross off another thing from my 'shit to do before I die' list. Highlight has to be Raekwon rattling off an acapella for no reason for a good two minutes and then Wu-Tang going over various Mobb Deep 'Hell on Earth' tracks.
Just an hour? That's not very good! Who supported them?
There was a DJ before the set, can't remember who he was, played some good tunes but he was feck all compared to Mathesmatics. The place shut after Wu-Tang, about 11:20-11:30. I had heard before that they were coming on at 9pm and due to the strict curfew of the venue, they would finish by 11. That would of been alright had they come at 9, instead of 10.

Just under £40 a ticket as well for about 50 minutes.
There was a DJ before the set, can't remember who he was, played some good tunes but he was feck all compared to Mathesmatics. The place shut after Wu-Tang, about 11:20-11:30. I had heard before that they were coming on at 9pm and due to the strict curfew of the venue, they would finish by 11. That would of been alright had they come at 9, instead of 10.

Just under £40 a ticket as well for about 50 minutes.

No matter how legendary they are thats bang out of order imho. When I went to see Mark Knopfler, he was an hour late turning up, but to make up for that he performed all his hits, the show lasted about two hours. Tickets cost just under 40 notes.
To be honest apart from the Roots, I can't think of many modern day rap groups i'd want to see live at a concert/gig they themselves organised. Too many of them don't take live perfomances seriously and don't see it as an oportunity to connect with their fans. As a matter of fact I think most of them see it as a bit of a chore.

Don't get me wrong if they were playing a big festival i'd be there to see them but as for something they put together themselves i'm not so sure.

Still love Wu-Tang though don't get me wrong.
I heard Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to feck with. Is this true?