Wth was I watching on BBC 2 Earlier Today?


Full Member
Jul 21, 1999
Fresno, CA
Okay...I'm posting this in the other sports forum since what I was watching was being presented as a sport with commentators to boot. There was a sheep hearder?.....his heard of sheep, and his dog and he was basically getting all these sheep to run a course in this big open field which I can only assume in the quickest time possible. The guy was whistling to his dog at certain times and the dog was leading the sheep through the course. Never seen anything like it before.
One Man and his Dog?

Used to be on all the time when I was younger. Didn't think they still showed it.
One Man and his Dog?

Used to be on all the time when I was younger. Didn't think they still showed it.

Yeah, think I remember it as well! Haven't seen that in years :lol:
I haven't a clue. Odd thing is that there were two commentators calling the play by play.

It is basically sheep herding turned into a competition. You are aware that farmers herd sheep with dogs...........right?