Wrestling dropped from 2020 Olympics


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
With a slim chance to make it back in through an appeal process.

In other news Golf is being added and darts has a shot at getting in, in 2024 I think.

How is Darts any different to Archery or Shooting? Because of the reputation? It's an incredibly skilled game. Don't get me started on dressage.
How is Darts any different to Archery or Shooting? Because of the reputation? It's an incredibly skilled game. Don't get me started on dressage.

My problem with darts is that some of the dudes doing it probably weigh as much as a horse :)

Any game you can do while chain smoking and potentially piss drunk relatively well probably shouldn't be in the olympics IMHO!
My problem with darts is that some of the dudes doing it probably weigh as much as a horse :)

Any game you can do while chain smoking and potentially piss drunk relatively well probably shouldn't be in the olympics IMHO!

You really believe those guys are hitting a space that is about 320mm square (and getting smaller each time one lands in it), from 2 and a half metres away, consistently and that it's possible to be the Champion half drunk?
I can't see any of the wrestlers having any bother after a couple of pints either.
Anything that doesn't require proper physical excretion shouldn't be called a sport. Sure you can have a darts comp, but I wouldn't call it a sport.

Any horse related event should be removed from the olympics as well. Or at the very least scrap the riders name and just have the horses name listed.
Darts isn't a sport. Nor is most of the crap in the Olympics these days. Synchronized swimming? Figure skating? Dressage? Nope.
Horse related "sports" surely have no place in Olympics. I mean ffs its the Horse who does the major work.

Shocking that wrestling which actually is a sports is being dropped instead of shit like dressing, equestrian,n stuff like that.
A nation will mourn. It's our greatest hope of winning medals :lol:
Iron Sheik is pissed.

"After 1000 years they take away the best sport in the world?," asked the former WWF Champion. "This is the first time the dumb motherf**kers have no balls for they make the walking an Olympic sport."

"If I see anybody on the street that work from the IOC I swear to the Jesus I suplex them put them in camel clutch break their back f*ck dem in the ass make them humble."
Wrestling is a poor sport. No coverage, not good for spectators - it's pretty just men rolling around on a mat. A sport like squash should get its chance.

I just wonder if those up in arms over it actually watch wrestling, or just have a fetish for nostalgia.
Wrestling is a poor sport. No coverage, not good for spectators - it's pretty just men rolling around on a mat. A sport like squash should get its chance.

I just wonder if those up in arms over it actually watch wrestling, or just have a fetish for nostalgia.

I dont think its about wrestling by itself. Its the fact that lots of other sports (like dressage) are still part of the olympics and wrestling wont be is what is the issue here.
Dressage seems relatively popular though, sold out crowds and such. Wrestling tickets were the worst selling by a long way if memory serves, I can only imagine that was the case in previous Olympics if they've taken this decision.
How is Darts any different to Archery or Shooting? Because of the reputation? It's an incredibly skilled game. Don't get me started on dressage.

Key-word game, not sport.
I'm pretty certain I remember hearing Hulk Hogan say that he thought they should include WWE wrestling in the Olympics. Those 'roids are killing his mind.
It's just further evidence that the Olympics are a commercialized farce. Real sports dropped while activities that don't even require physical activity remain. All in the name of commercialization!

Most people here have it pretty straight. If we can all pretty much agree on what constitutes a real sport and they cannot, other factors are dominating considerations.

The Olympics are a joke.
Wrestling is definitely more of a sport than Darts (and Golf for that matter). Are they going to drop boxing too??
Seen Ronnie O'Sullivan is going to come back at the worlds. Will be interesting to see the state of his game after a year off. Good to have him back.

EDIT: Meant to put this in the snooker thread:lol: