Will and Grace


Nov 29, 2004
Always the summer's slipping away
Right, I'm going to walk the tightrope and say this is a good sitcom.

Not that it was revolutionary, but in the limited creative space that it worked on, it churned out good dialogs, different and likable characters, and provided moments which while didn't make you laugh out loud, it did leave you with a smile and the odd giggle.

Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally rightly deserve the praise they receive.

Let me be the first to say this...

Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally rightly deserve the praise they receive.

if it wasn't for them it'd be rubbish. hard to like the Will & Grace characters, but Jack and Karen were very good. kinda similar to Seinfeld in that respect. were it not for Kramer and George the show would've been fairly flat. suppose that's the formula.
It was funny for a while. Once they started having guest stars damn near every episode it became a bit tedious.

Hmm...I think by the time the guest appearances started (Cher and that tap dancing bloke whose name I keep forgetting), either they had stopped sceening it in here or I no longer followed the show. Probably the latter, so guess you're right.

Let me be the first to say this...


Have you watched the show for a good while, Alex?

Baking, seriously! :p
What's up with Will and Grace? I don't get Drum and Bass. The future freaks me out.
I thought Will and Grace was...

funny :nervous: The Jack and Karen characters anyway
WTF. This thread is 2 days old and we still don't have sexy pictures of Debra Messing? :drool: My my how standards are falling on this forum.