Wii U vs PS3 vs XBOX 360?


You're only young once, you can be immature f'ever
Apr 28, 2007
Head of the naval division of lolibfascon
Regarding the Wii, the lack of software was extreme only in Japan, and the situation is a little different in the overseas markets but, at first, we thought that time would solve the issues for the Wii just as it had done for the Nintendo DS, but this was not the case. As a result, the software publishers put some effort into creating some titles, but the sales did not reach their expectations on the Wii, which made them think that they could not have high expectations for business on the Wii. At that time, a title called "Monster Hunter Portable" was selling well on Sony's handheld gaming device, PlayStation Portable. Only one title changed the whole momentum of that hardware, and because this all happened at the same time, the software publishers who were considering developing software for the Wii changed their minds and decided to make it for the PlayStation Portable. Because of this, when Nintendo failed to seamlessly provide software, there were no other titles to fill up the gaps.

In that sense, and this is common to both the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U, we think that it is important to encourage the software publishers to think "This is a platform on which we can perform our business" in the very first stage of the platform. We think it very important to make several hits from the third-party software publishers within the first year from the release of the platform, while offering Nintendo software seamlessly. In order to achieve this goal, we have shared information about the new hardware with the software publishers earlier than we did previously and built a cooperative structure, and we are developing several titles in collaboration with these publishers. I cannot talk in detail about the names of the titles, or with which publishers we are currently collaborating, because we have not announced this information yet, but what we are aiming for with the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U is, platforms which have much more software and a wider variety of software than the former Nintendo DS or Wii. Therefore, we are thinking of creating an environment where software from other companies will become hits. Please understand that Nintendo is prepared to invest in order to make this a reality.

The 71st Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Q & A

Given Iwata's comments above and the fact that Tretton has said that the PS4 won't be hitting our shelves anytime soon, will it finally be a 3 way battle for the more "hardcore" market when the Wii U is released?

Given that the Wii U won't be that much more powerful than either the PS3 or 360, can anyone else see Sony and Microsoft sticking with their current consoles for the next 4-5 years?
Sony yes, Microsoft I can imagine just releasing an upgraded 360 with a blu ray drive at least, if not a new console completely.
Don't think you can compare PS3 with XBOX since XBOX lacks a big big feature that the other one has and doesn't make up for it with anything else.
Don't think you can compare Xbox with PS3 since PS3 lacks a real online experience that the other has and doesn't make up for it with anything else.
Sony yes, Microsoft I can imagine just releasing an upgraded 360 with a blu ray drive at least, if not a new console completely.
If Microsoft did that and their games there onwards were to use Blu ray, it'd make current 360s redundant, so wouldn't microsoft just release their next installment instead?
They could release an external BD drive for older models, would that not work?

Even if that were possible they wouldn't do it. Why would M$ want to make things cheaper for the consumer when there's vast profits to be made?
Given that the Wii U won't be that much more powerful than either the PS3 or 360, can anyone else see Sony and Microsoft sticking with their current consoles for the next 4-5 years?

The Wii U will not be to the average consumer more powerful than the PS3 or XB360 as in what they see on the screen, unless they go for a 500 quid box, which they will not do.

Secondly, you are missing something that has become an enormous factor in platform choice, and that is an online platform. I don't really play online multi-player games myself, but the vast majority do, and if Nintendo cannot come up with something that at the very least matches PSN, they are going to be in trouble.

Why would anyone dump their current machine of choice for a console that seemingly/perceptively doesn't give any advantage, it also more expensive, runs the same games, and has a shoddy online system? To play Mario in HD?

Both PS4 and XboxNext have been in the design phase now for at least 5 years, and yes, those designs will slowly be now starting to become concrete. However, you're not going to see one for at least 2 years, there is no need. PS3 isn't even at mass market price. PS4 will be released when PS3 is at 129 quid.

Also, backwards compatibility this time around is a 100% or no go also. Some people have spent a fortune on downloadable games. They damn well want to still be able to play them on their next console. They can't sell digital distributed content.
Not the place for it but seeing as a few tech heads (although it isn't the most technical problem in the world) will be in here, will having my 360 next to a subwoofer (as in right next to it) have any effect? Basically, will it vibrate the thing to the point it might decide not to work?
Doubt we'll see a 360 with Blu-Ray drives. Simply down to the fact Devil made. If the change was made and older games were unable to be played, most people would consider that new 360 as an entirely new console minus any improvements. That would be an utter failure tbh. Best waiting until the successor is developed. If it aint broke don't fix it, adding Blu-Ray after dumping HD-DVD would be an admission of the 360 being inferior to PS3, and I doubt they'll be admitting any deficiencies to the world.
The Wii U will not be to the average consumer more powerful than the PS3 or XB360 as in what they see on the screen, unless they go for a 500 quid box, which they will not do.

Secondly, you are missing something that has become an enormous factor in platform choice, and that is an online platform. I don't really play online multi-player games myself, but the vast majority do, and if Nintendo cannot come up with something that at the very least matches PSN, they are going to be in trouble.

Why would anyone dump their current machine of choice for a console that seemingly/perceptively doesn't give any advantage, it also more expensive, runs the same games, and has a shoddy online system? To play Mario in HD?

Both PS4 and XboxNext have been in the design phase now for at least 5 years, and yes, those designs will slowly be now starting to become concrete. However, you're not going to see one for at least 2 years, there is no need. PS3 isn't even at mass market price. PS4 will be released when PS3 is at 129 quid.

Also, backwards compatibility this time around is a 100% or no go also. Some people have spent a fortune on downloadable games. They damn well want to still be able to play them on their next console. They can't sell digital distributed content.

I can't see why Nintendo won't be able to produce a good online gaming experience if they invest in it.

As for why anyone would want to convert, well Nintendo has a very loyal fan base and even if half of the Wii market then purchase a Wii U, they'll have the same market share as Sony and Microsoft, not to mention that many of those who stayed away from Wii due to lack of third party support may pick up the Wii U.

As for your 2 year prediction Weaste, Tretton recently pretty much ruled that out. He seems to believe that the PS3 has enough in its locker to match the Wii U in terms of power.
The PS3 having a BD drive doesn't stop the earlier models playing PS2 discs off DVD or PS1 discs off CDs. The problem is if you release a game on BD, older XB360s cannot play it, so it's pointless.
I can't see why Nintendo won't be able to produce a good online gaming experience if they invest in it.

All signs point to them letting each publisher support their own games.

As for why anyone would want to convert, well Nintendo has a very loyal fan base and even if half of the Wii market then purchase a Wii U, they'll have the same market share as Sony and Microsoft

But not combined, and what is that userbase going to buy? A COD or the same as they bought with Wii?

not to mention that many of those who stayed away from Wii due to lack of third party support may pick up the Wii U.

But what are the advantages of switching if the machine provides no perceivable benefits?

As for your 2 year prediction Weaste, Tretton recently pretty much ruled that out. He seems to believe that the PS3 has enough in its locker to match the Wii U in terms of power.

I'd take what the likes of Tretton and the president of SCEE say with a grain of salt. They are heads of sales and marketing machines, SCEA and SCEE don't really have any input into hardware development. The studios are under the umbrella of SCE WWS, and any developer feedback will go through that channel. You can be sure if there are prototypes of a PS4, the first to get them will be the advanced technology group in Cambridge and the ICE team at Naughty Dog, and Tretton will not know much about it.
Don't think you can compare Xbox with PS3 since PS3 lacks a real online experience that the other has and doesn't make up for it with anything else.

Real online experience? I don't go online that often but the times I've done so I'm pretty sure I was playing against other players that weren't in my house, kind of what I've done for a lot of years on my PC.
Not the place for it but seeing as a few tech heads (although it isn't the most technical problem in the world) will be in here, will having my 360 next to a subwoofer (as in right next to it) have any effect? Basically, will it vibrate the thing to the point it might decide not to work?

Potentially could scratch discs but other than that I'd be surprised if it would do an hardware damage. At least no more so than it would to your DVD player or television, which I assume are also in close proximity.
All signs point to them letting each publisher support their own games.

But not combined, and what is that userbase going to buy? A COD or the same as they bought with Wii?

But what are the advantages of switching if the machine provides no perceivable benefits?

I'd take what the likes of Tretton and the president of SCEE say with a grain of salt. They are heads of sales and marketing machines, SCEA and SCEE don't really have any input into hardware development. The studios are under the umbrella of SCE WWS, and any developer feedback will go through that channel. You can be sure if there are prototypes of a PS4, the first to get them will be the advanced technology group in Cambridge and the ICE team at Naughty Dog, and Tretton will not know much about it.

1. Iwata's quote seems to suggest otherwise. I wouldn't be surprised to see them invest heavily, given that it was their main mistake with the Wii.

2. Why would it need to match the combined sales figures of both the 360 and PS3? If they have equal market share Nintendo would be more than set.

3. Current Wii owners will switch for a varied number of reasons. It being an HD console, having proper third party support and a proper online service will all be huge pluses. This is on top of the number of loyal fans who'll be buying the console just because its a new Nintendo console. I say this because I have a fair few friends who'll do just that.

4. Surely it'll be Tretton who'll have the final say regarding all things Playstation or am I being naive?