Who likes, or has liked WoW?


Full Member
Apr 13, 2004
Thankfully it's a has for me. I'm clean for a good year now.

It came to a state where i had to play for five hours a day (raids) and additional 3-5 for other ingame stuff. I was a true addict but i loved it, it was quite great. The ventrilo chats, finally taking a boss down after countless hours of trying, anticipation for the loot, guild community,...

I can say I'm not sorry I played it, because it was a good experience but it's something i won't be doing again.

What about you guys? Anyone played? Oh, this is about World of Warcraft or well any other addictive online game.
No. WoW is for homosexuals, and they we're all banned by GB in the great appraisal of 98.
Maybe i should try cocaine than?

Definitely. If not, how about socially taking up Crystal Meth. Its a hobby for life.

Thinking about it, Crystal meth is also a cheaper past time then WoW.
No, and thank feck for that.
RuneScape, yes im young and i played it like 4 years ago when i was 12 until i was around 14, used to play around 6 hours a day maybe even 8 on a bad day, its so addictive but not even a good game!

some people play 15+ hours a day on that game, i swear thers subliminal messages on it.
I did....religously.

Had 2 lvl 70s, raided hours a day (had to cancel plans with mates because of raiding commitments)

When I look back now I really do feel a dick.

But im clean...until Stargate Worlds is released.
We must have had three WoW threads in a fortnight in this forum :p

But, yes, I played it. Was hugely into it when I first got it for about a year and a half, raided all the time, was very involved in my guild. My schoolwork actually suffered massively as a result, but they were good times.

It was back when Molten Core was the shit; I joined about three months after initial release.

Then I stopped playing for a year and a half or so, then started playing again about six months after The Burning Crusade came out. Got two characters to 70, raided for a little while, found I could never emulate the good times I'd had before and so I quit. Again. This time, however, for good.

Not had any urge since then to go back and play it -- going back once taught me it's not the same as I remembered, so doing it a second would just be a waste of time and money.
I haven't played any expansions. It was MC, BWL and Necropolis (?) for me. I wasn't actually in a really hardcore guild and still I played on average 5 hours a day. We have finished the instances a few months later then the first guild on our server.

On which servers were you guys? I was on Daggerspine and then Azuergos.

Oh and which class? I was a priest since i took it at the beggining and then sticked with it. I played a few other in the farmable instances but I found that healing was more fun :D .

i play it on and off, working a lvl 54 pala at the moment. i can only play it in small doses though

I've tried doing that when i realised i was overplaying it. But raiding was so much better it was either that or nothing. I can't imagine playing it in small doses, probably since I started from the very begining and got caught in the raiding and guild improvement fever.
I pld

started day after release and played till just before the first expeansion. lvl 60 lock as a main. Ran a guild for a short while into MC for 3 or 4 bosses. Once all the MC bosses were taken tho I quit as nothing else to do and it had gotten pretty dull.

since then tried a multitude of mmorpgs and never found one that got even close
I'd never even heard of it till I saw the South Park episode
On which servers were you guys? I was on Daggerspine and then Azuergos.

Oh and which class? I was a priest since i took it at the beggining and then sticked with it. I played a few other in the farmable instances but I found that healing was more fun :D .

Ravencrest server, or more like RavencrestDKDK (the server is something like 80% Danish if you dont get the joke)

Had two lvl 70s, one was a Paladin which everyone hated for going Retri - feck em I DPS well!

The other was a protection warrior for raiding, god ive had some bad experiences tanking heroics.
Back when I played first time round and raided MC and BWL I had a troll hunter. Loved that guy.

When I came back after TBC and played some more I kept the hunter as my main and got him to 70, but also levelled a priest up to 70, too. He was quite fun and all.

Played exclusively on the Draenor EU server, too.
i started playing again recently...

be careful that WotLK expansion dosnt pull you back in donut
i play it on and off, working a lvl 54 pala at the moment. i can only play it in small doses though

Heres the guy that says he doesn't have an addictive personality, im jesting.

I'm surprised it's taken somebody of your maturity GB, very surprised.

I will take note, the next person to quote football manager in a derogatory manner will be served with this: Intelligent, mature and discerning folk play PC games too, look at your frienldy moderator GB.

(My arse)

I've heard the stories about Asian kids killing themselves online and others dying of heart failure after 4 day WOW and coffee binges. I think the idea of enhancing a personalised character online is quite appealing, i have played a lot of Oblivion, will probably play more when they decide to do multiplayer.

Has anybody seen the WOW South Park?

It's probably one of the best i've seen.
I've played WoW but gave it up a while ago, I've pre-ordered the special addition of Warhammer Online to get into the open beta and the early start of the actual game, I like the idea of public quests and sacking enemy cities.
i started playing again recently...

be careful that WotLK expansion dosnt pull you back in donut

Nah, I'm done with it. Maybe when i'm sad and old i'll play it again.

Talking of WoW, does anyone play Football Manager 08. Now that is a game.

I'm sure almost every Caftard has played it no matter what they say :D . It's a top game, even more fun on multiplayer. But for some reason i can't play more then 1 season, i just get bored. I've played 30 first seasons, but never have i played the next one. Hmmm...
I was looking for a roomate a year or so ago, and one of my friends approached me and was interested.

I turned him down because he has spent something like over 40 or so days on one of his characters...
I was looking for a roomate a year or so ago, and one of my friends approached me and was interested.

I turned him down because he has spent something like over 40 or so days on one of his characters...

last time i checked my game days it was around 150
150 days out of 4 years...
My brother is consumed by it every second of every day.

It's enough to turn me off forever.
slave to wow and proud of it. Dont need to bother buying a console.
My fiancee is american so I play on a US Server.
Gnome mage ftw.