White Knight Chronicles


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Admittedly the PS3, at least in my opinion, doesn't yet have a stand out exclusive RPG of it's own (Which is strange, considering the PS1/PS2 was littered with them). However, I think this could change with the release of White Knight Chronicles. I've been following it for a while now and it is shaping up to be a fantastic game. It's set for a release in Japan on December 25th, with Europe and North America to follow by the end of the fiscal year (March 31st 2009).

In this fantasy RPG, you take control of a boy who comes into the possession of an ancient artifact. The artifact gives him the ability to transform into the White Knight of the title, a 7-meter warrior from a time when such creatures nearly destroyed all of civilization. Players can expect a tremendous amount of character customization and a mammoth world to explore in this epic adventure, and beyond the single-player RPG is a four-player co-op mode of additional playable content.







White Knight Chronicles PS3 RPG Gameplay video 1/3

White Knight Chronicles PS3 RPG Gameplay video 2/3

White Knight Chronicles PS3 RPG Gameplay video 3/3
Admittedly the PS3, at least in my opinion, doesn't yet have a stand out exclusive RPG of it's own (Which is strange, considering the PS1/PS2 was littered with them).

They're too expensive to develop on systems like the PS3.

This looks atrocious, I was reading about a NES RPG the other day that allowed you to control NPC in real time battles and yet still can't in games like this. Battle system looks like a very poor man's Star Ocean with some dumb gimmick thrown in. JRPGs have just sucked on 360/PS3 hardware.
Been watching this game over a year. Looks great.
They're too expensive to develop on systems like the PS3.

No more than any other genre of game.

This looks atrocious


I was reading about a NES RPG the other day that allowed you to control NPC in real time battles and yet still can't in games like this. Battle system looks like a very poor man's Star Ocean with some dumb gimmick thrown in. JRPGs have just sucked on 360/PS3 hardware.

Battle systems are design choices.
I don't know what to make of RPGs this gen, they're all rather hit and miss. Just look at Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon.
The Japanese ones have been. I think that it needs a very talented team of diverse individuals to make a really good one, but not only that, it's difficult to do something new while at the same time trying to live up to some of the classics. There has also been a lot of pressure, especially on Microsoft's part to chuck them out. It is also difficult to justyfy the budget required when you never know if it will sell in the West or not. Both the HD systems are getting trounced in Japan, which doesn't help matters either. Square can do it because they know that Final Fantasy will sell by the bucket load, but not many others can do that, especially with new IP. A lot of developers don't want to work on an GameCube with a waggle controller however, yet for some reason many of the Japanese developers still can't seem to grasp the idea behind a modern GPU. It's something that I think will take time, and yes RedLambs, I blame the Wii for it.
Looks really good,but cant wait for final fantasy on ps3.
Rpg's are my fav genre, but i have noticed a serious lack of quality titles in the last 5/6 years. exception (nwn2 fable 2)
For me the breaking up of black isle was such a blow for rpg fans.
Chris Avellone was set to start Planescape: Torment 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 but interplay laid off the entire black isle staff.
This was such a creative team.

I dont think game designers get another credit. Some really do shine:P.
Looks really good,but cant wait for final fantasy on ps3.
Rpg's are my fav genre, but i have noticed a serious lack of quality titles in the last 5/6 years. exception (nwn2 fable 2)
For me the breaking up of black isle was such a blow for rpg fans.
Chris Avellone was set to start Planescape: Torment 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 but interplay laid off the entire black isle staff.
This was such a creative team.

I dont think game designers get another credit. Some really do shine:P.

I know what you mean mate. I love my RPG's and the only ones i've played recently that i enjoyed were Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect and Fable 2. Before that is probably Rogue Galaxay and Dragon Quest: Cursed King. But those are both on PS2 and i now have a 360 and was wondering if anyone could recommend any decent RPG's for it at the moment or should i leave it for a while?
Looks really good,but cant wait for final fantasy on ps3.
Rpg's are my fav genre, but i have noticed a serious lack of quality titles in the last 5/6 years. exception (nwn2 fable 2)
For me the breaking up of black isle was such a blow for rpg fans.
Chris Avellone was set to start Planescape: Torment 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 but interplay laid off the entire black isle staff.
This was such a creative team.

I dont think game designers get another credit. Some really do shine:P.

totally agree, for me, the most important thing in these games is the plot. The black isle team made some absolutely amazing games, that even today are heaps of fun to play. FF style graphics with all that glossy bollocks can feck off if there isnt any plot.

That little 4 year spell of those isometric games like age of empires, baldurs gate planescape, commandos, red alert were awesome. Too much focus on graphics these days
Okay i finally got around to finishing this, and it would have helped if i'd known this was going to be part of a trilogy before i finished it as it ends quite quickly i thought for a JRPG. Only about 25 hours of gameplay and i messed around quite a bit too.

Graphics are great in the cutscene but mainly alright in the main part of the game. The story is okay, but only really gets going and makes sense when you've only got about an hour left. They really made it clear there was a sequel coming.

And it is very soon in Japan, probably won't be out until late this year over here though.