Which form of entertainment do you have the highest standards for?

Wonder Pigeon

'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
Apr 8, 2006
Forza Shelbourne
So, yeah, out of the various different forms of entertainment, which do you have the highest standards for? Which one has to make the most effort to impress you and feel you got value for your money (if indeed you actually did pay for it.) And is there a particular reason you think you have higher standards for, say, books than you do for films? On the other hand, which form of entertainment do you find you're easily pleased in? (Apart from pornography)

I think I might hold video games to the highest standard. It's a combination of the fact that they're fairly expensive and long, at least in comparison to something like a film, so if a video game isn't very good it feels like a big waste to me. It's partly why I don't own a huge amount of games, even though I really like video games.
Video games.

Largely for the same reasons you mention, and because I have a short attention span.

I'm usually the least fussy when it comes with movies and I tend to share different views to critics on what makes a general good/bad movie - some of my favourite films have received some very poor ratings.
Films. They are a synthesis of many forms (visual, audio, writing, plot, character development, et cetera) and seeing them in the theatre gives them the highest per unit cost, imo. If purchased for home viewing they also have the least replay value.

With a video game I can get a demo and have a reasonably good idea if I want to buy it. If I do purchase it it is on the expensive side but with every hour played the cost diminishes. Music is similar.
Video games definitely.

Movies (that I watch) I generally like, it's definitely a better medium than Television. I'd go with radio next, considering I like music and sports talk-back. As for TV - it's just abysmal on the whole.

If it isn't seminal or genius in some way (imo), it doesn't it's way into my collection.

I'll very rarely listen to music on the radio because I don't listen to it for background noise.
The funny thing is that when I compare video games to films, books, tv shows in terms of narrative, I of course hold video games to the lowest standard, because most video game stories are silly/derivative and their quality doesn't neccasarily change the overall quality of the game.
I think I'm going to change my mind and say music. Namely because I find 99% of music released today as being utter tripe, making me dig into the underground to find something I could enjoy.
Good idea for a thread. Would say books personally, I always feel you invest abit of yourself when reading a book and to consider doing that, it has to be pretty special in order to be worth the effort.
Books for sure.

I'll gladly watch any old shit to pass the time on TV but I won't read a book I think I won't enjoy.

That being said i've not been as annoyed with any shit book as I was after going to the cinema to see The Phantom Menace.