whats the crack with that mitchell bird ?


A prince among poopers
Jul 29, 2005
Sack Geebs, Sell Sults

Not the lovely Sam Janus, but the other one. Don't know roxy from ronnie. But check it out, that other slut has always got a heavy duty bikini top on under everything she wears. I reckon she's got proper wonky teets.

She is a horrible swine. She's the sort of bird that you'd love to feck, but not because you fancy her, oh no, just because you'd love to pull her hair and shout obsceneties at her during the act.

does anyone actually fancy her ? rough as a bears ass if you ask me.
I don't think many people on here are soap junkies

Some picz would be good
she's the one of the left


Not the lovely Sam Janus, but the other one. Don't know roxy from ronnie. But check it out, that other slut has always got a heavy duty bikini top on under everything she wears. I reckon she's got proper wonky teets.

She is a horrible swine. She's the sort of bird that you'd love to feck, but not because you fancy her, oh no, just because you'd love to pull her hair and shout obsceneties at her during the act.

does anyone actually fancy her ? rough as a bears ass if you ask me.
One of the best opening posts on a thread I've ever read :lol::cool::lol:

I stopped watchin Eastenders years ago as its fecking depressing and shit stories that keep gettin reproduced over and over again..... but i'd still feck every one of those fine bitches and as Brewlio mentioned it wouldnt be pretty!