What would you do? or say?


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Movies: Buried (Paul Conroy)
What would I do : Accepting the fate that 1.5 hours will be insufficient for even delta force to try and pin my location and save me, if they're willing to do that in the first place. I'd have my cock out and wank, before i make a well wrote SMS of goodbye and sending it to everyone i know, calling my mum and dad, and finally asking for the Lord's forgiveness before trying to waste as much oxygen as possible to avoid painful death of suffocation

Movies : Inception (Di'Caprio)
What would I do : Feck all this, I'm gonna set a nice dream of me being a rich man with a happy family and 500 dozens beautiful wife and go to 6th layer of dreams and live happily ever after. The sex would still feels the same anyway. That or have Ken Watanabe shipped my children out of state. Voila!

Tourist : Frank Tupelo
What would I do : Feck, it's JO fecking LIE! and after the wine and the kiss surely any man with a working dick would do something????? Only in movies.

Got the idea?