What does Dan Ashworth actually do?

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Full Member
Jan 28, 2010
Like the title suggests it has been 10 minutes since being officially announced and we don't even have a single signing!

I think we have signed a dud.

Let the pile on begin.
I sort of agree a bit with the OP. I think football has really gone down a rabbit hole with all these various roles within clubs, overcomplicating what was and still should be a simple job. It's delegating stuff that typically the manager and his staff dealt with, but deciding that they need to create new roles, which sounds more professional, but ultimately it's to try and micromanage every aspect of the club. However Utd have tried a few people in this role already and I struggle to see how it's worked or helped, and if it did, how do measure the success?
He writes reports and recommendations. Additionally, he can also play left back on a pay-as-you-play deal. That's multitasking.
He should stop the De Ligt transfer Asap, that should be the first things he should start with.
He should stop the De Ligt transfer Asap, that should be the first things he should start with.
Very much depends on the numbers. Could be a bargain could be awful, need more info.
Collects Darren Fletcher’s coffee order and spends his afternoons compiling Neil Ruddock’s mistakes for a sick YouTube compilation.
I sort of agree a bit with the OP. I think football has really gone down a rabbit hole with all these various roles within clubs, overcomplicating what was and still should be a simple job. It's delegating stuff that typically the manager and his staff dealt with, but deciding that they need to create new roles, which sounds more professional, but ultimately it's to try and micromanage every aspect of the club. However Utd have tried a few people in this role already and I struggle to see how it's worked or helped, and if it did, how do measure the success?

The OP was a joke, mate.
I sort of agree a bit with the OP. I think football has really gone down a rabbit hole with all these various roles within clubs, overcomplicating what was and still should be a simple job. It's delegating stuff that typically the manager and his staff dealt with, but deciding that they need to create new roles, which sounds more professional, but ultimately it's to try and micromanage every aspect of the club. However Utd have tried a few people in this role already and I struggle to see how it's worked or helped, and if it did, how do measure the success?
Is someone going to tell him?
Well since he's been appointed he's done absolutely nothing so it's just another wasted signing really.
He immediately brings in someone to do the job loads thought he was going to do so that he can go and finish his lawn as it was only half done because of the rain.
What do you do, when you are on 1m/yr package, not accountable for pitch performance, not accountable for financial performance?

You create 60 pages powerpoint to make sure you are not responsible for failure on players recruitment. You spend 30min every day with the big boss to brown nose and distant yourself from pitch performance, and you write 20 pages report every month to justify your existence.

Government Job is very similar, isn't it?
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