Wetherspoons subtitles


Executive Manager being kept sane only by her madn
Jun 5, 2000
Now this is real entertainment. Next time I go to one, I'm taking a pen and paper to note it all.

Last week they referred to "Rt. Hon Johnny Evans". I presume it should have been something along the lines of "right on...." Can't remember exactly.

Last night Arsene Wenger called for refugees to protect players.

It's constant, and hysterical.
Now this is real entertainment. Next time I go to one, I'm taking a pen and paper to note it all.

Last week they referred to "Rt. Hon Johnny Evans". I presume it should have been something along the lines of "right on...." Can't remember exactly.

Last night Arsene Wenger called for refugees to protect players.

It's constant, and hysterical.

I have a clear winner here.

A few years ago there were allegations that David Cameron smoked pot while at uni (standard for all politicians at some point), so the Sky News was discussing this when the Wetherspoons subtitles came up with:

Wetherspoons Subtitles said:
"David Cameron's pot smoking alligators"

Which to be honest made Cameron sound a lot more interesting than he's ever been
I have a clear winner here.

A few years ago there were allegations that David Cameron smoked pot while at uni (standard for all politicians at some point), so the Sky News was discussing this when the Wetherspoons subtitles came up with:

Which to be honest made Cameron sound a lot more interesting than he's ever been


The Wetherspoons subtitles are becoming a highlight of a Saturday evening.
The subtitles they put on their TVs. God knows where they get them from - they can't be official.

Yes. We've been to two local ones and it's the same in both, so I presume it's nationwide.

Try it. :)
i'm usually in pyjamas by 6!

( however there was a time i used to have fun , same time i used to wear 4 inch heels i think! )

Funny you should say that.

I wore 4" heels last night. Made sure we parked outside and walked very slowly though! They're quite comfortable but I don't find it easy.
Funny you should say that.

I wore 4" heels last night. Made sure we parked outside and walked very slowly though! They're quite comfortable but I don't find it easy.

i used to wear them all the time, i can't believe i ever managed it.
and they made me 6ft 1, which i liked at the time.

i struggled in 3 inch heeled boots on friday, when we were shopping. my husband doesn't understand it, he asked me why i was wearing them, but they went with my clothes :)
( maybe it's a female thing )