Weirdest/worst movie scenes of all time...

One of the worst movies of all time. I dare anyone to go two and half minutes without cringing....
Loving this thread.

This watercooler guy has a bunch of good ones on youtube.
Two of the weirdest were both in the same film "The Antichrist" which I watched recently. I wont post the clips but you should all look for them -

1. Bloody Jizz Wank Scene
2. Clit chopping scene

Youtube doesn't work on my work computer, but there was a scene in a Japanese film I watched a while back (think it might have been called "Dead or Alive", but not sure).

The whole film was basically about this cop going after some gangsta bloke, and it increasingly scalating into a personal war between the two.

So anyway, in the final scene, they were both in cars playing chicken, and rammed into each other. The gangsta guy crawled out of the wreckage, with his arm dangling off, then bent over and suddenly pulled a rocket launcher from behind his back, and fired it at the cop guy. It response, the cop guy caughed up a beam of energy and used it to destroy the entire world. Then the film ended.
Youtube doesn't work on my work computer, but there was a scene in a Japanese film I watched a while back (think it might have been called "Dead or Alive", but not sure).

The whole film was basically about this cop going after some gangsta bloke, and it increasingly escalating into a personal war between the two.

So anyway, in the final scene, they were both in cars playing chicken, and rammed into each other. The gangsta guy crawled out of the wreckage, with his arm dangling off, then bent over and suddenly pulled a rocket launcher from behind his back, and fired it at the cop guy. In response, the cop guy caughed up a beam of energy and used it to destroy the entire world. Then the film ended.

Yep, that's Takashi Miike as well.

I couldn't find any good clips of Visitor Q or that would be in here too.
Any scene in the Rocky series involving Paulie. Particularly the one in Rocky when he starts fecking up his house with a baseball bat, then realises Adrian's no longer a virgin when she jumps on top of him, and the one where it's heavily implied that he's fecking the robot in Rocky IV.

Classic scene from the Master David Lynchs "Lost Highway"

Awesome is so many ways, but Robert Blake steals it with those mesmeric eyes of his.
This thread is not complete without Academy Award Winner Nicholas Cage.

The Wicker Man

Not sure what the feck this is
According the Wikki, producer, main actor and er........probably the camera man at times Tommy Wiseau spent $7million on that pile of shite !
Not so sure about weirdest or worst, but i can deinitely vouch for:

Most disturbing - "The Antichrist" starring Willem Defoe - the scene with the female lead snipping off her female genatalia with a scissor! (i shit you not).

My 1000th post :)
I thought Inland Empire by David Lynch was weird. Hadn't a feckin breeze what was going on. Still don't
I'm going to nominate the scary tunnel scene from Willy Wonka as the weirdest.

What does it have to do with chocolate? What does it have to do with the rest of the film? What does it have to do with anything??
Cabin Fever in an awful horror film about a virus or something, that diverts for a few minutes to show a long-haired inbred kid scream about pancakes and do kung fu, for no reason whatsoever.

Not so sure about weirdest or worst, but i can deinitely vouch for:

Most disturbing - "The Antichrist" starring Willem Defoe - the scene with the female lead snipping off her female genatalia with a scissor! (i shit you not).

My 1000th post :)

There's a similar female mutilation scene in The Isle, a Korean film, this time using fish hooks.

This thread needs the return of Spoony.