
The worry I have with the Watchmen is more how the lack of Moore's influence will affect the outcome, similar to how V for Vendetta was inherently spoilt with sly digs at the Septics.

300 worked because Miller wants to be a part of his movies (like Sin City). Moore distances himself from movies of his work.

From what I have seen, the Watchmen will make me come, everywhere. But part of me remains sceptical.
The worry I have with the Watchmen is more how the lack of Moore's influence will affect the outcome, similar to how V for Vendetta was inherently spoilt with sly digs at the Septics.

300 worked because Miller wants to be a part of his movies (like Sin City). Moore distances himself from movies of his work.

From what I have seen, the Watchmen will make me come, everywhere. But part of me remains sceptical.
So Watchmen could leave you with blue balls?
I hope it's more Sin City, than 300, all indications are that it is
You definately should.

It's not the only comic book on the list of the 100 greatest books ever for nothing.
Got it for my bday, the gnovel that is. Gonna read it when I am less drunk in a day or two

It's absolutely fantastic, you'll love it lads. So dark and just all round awesome.

Any news on the troubles surrounding the production of the movie?

It's absolutely fantastic, you'll love it lads. So dark and just all round awesome.

Any news on the troubles surrounding the production of the movie?

What troubles surrounding production ? Hadn't heard anything about it ...
What troubles surrounding production ? Hadn't heard anything about it ...

Hrm, I read somewhere that there was some trouble with the producers or something, and someone had taken them to court because they owned the rights or something like that.

Could have my wires crossed on the exacts there, but I'm sure there was some trouble surrounding the production of the movie. At least that's what I'd read.
Hrm, I read somewhere that there was some trouble with the producers or something, and someone had taken them to court because they owned the rights or something like that.

Fox claim to own distribution.

But the real production problem is that having been passed from Terry Gilliam to Paul Greengrass, it's now fumbled to Hack Snyder and he's running like Forrest Gump for the line in super slow-mo, accompanied by awsome rock music and cool violence. He's an auteur don't you know.
Heard that the script was leaked and that they changed the ending, with Rorschach living and Ozymandias using Dr. Manhattan's power somehow to cause nuclear explosions instead of creating the alien thing. Very unhappy if that's true.
Heard that the script was leaked and that they changed the ending, with Rorschach living and Ozymandias using Dr. Manhattan's power somehow to cause nuclear explosions instead of creating the alien thing. Very unhappy if that's true.

The ending has definitely changed. There is definitely no chance of the alien-in-new-york ending. Zack Snyder confirmed that at Comic Con a while back because the studios were not willing to take the risk of shooting that particular end. Hadn't heard about the Rorschach-living thing though, that would just be plain silly and go against the very essence of the novel.
The ending has definitely changed. There is definitely no chance of the alien-in-new-york ending. Zack Snyder confirmed that at Comic Con a while back because the studios were not willing to take the risk of shooting that particular end. Hadn't heard about the Rorschach-living thing though, that would just be plain silly and go against the very essence of the novel.

I knew I was wrong to trust Zack Snyder.
I knew I was wrong to trust Zack Snyder.

Well, in his defense it seems that he did everything he could to convince the producers who just didn't budge ... but they did let him have his way with every other aspect of the movie and judging from the trailers he's done what looks like a pretty good job. He also said that the ending though altered maintains the essence of the book. Only time will tell.
Most of the writers and artists involved, like Cooke, Connor and Azzarello, are really talented, so I'm willing to wait and see.

Plus, Moore can talk about leaving the characters alone etc, but it's a bit rich when you consider Watchmen was originally supposed to be about pre-existing characters from Charlton Comics like Blue Beetle and The Question, and when you consider his work on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Lost Girls.