Poncey film buff
If you vote me, i will breath this forum new life, i promise to bring Barca99 to the caf!, and try my damn'dest to make Softlad return.
Ontop of this i promise to ban Rams from redcafe, and have annual times during the days where people who are bullied on the forum, can consult the forum Phychiotrist, Livvie
I also promise to give Shanks speaking lessons so he can stop speaking like an absolute twat, forget about the rest.
Vote VN!
(No promises are made)
Ontop of this i promise to ban Rams from redcafe, and have annual times during the days where people who are bullied on the forum, can consult the forum Phychiotrist, Livvie
I also promise to give Shanks speaking lessons so he can stop speaking like an absolute twat, forget about the rest.
Vote VN!
(No promises are made)