I wonder if it's possible, regarding the 'view who's online' panel which Niall moved to the bottom of the forums page recently, that main forum members only be able to see other main forum members listed? I have no idea if this is 1) possible 2) desirable 3) simple to do. It'd be handier when I'm browsing who is online to not see newbie members inflating the list. Apart from Hectic (who can see them anyway with newbie access) and Perts need to perform hillarious pranks, perhaps there's no need to see them
I know invite mods to call me a girls name, tell me to stop poking my nose into affairs not of my concern, and stick certain parts of my physicality where the sun doesn't shine
I know invite mods to call me a girls name, tell me to stop poking my nose into affairs not of my concern, and stick certain parts of my physicality where the sun doesn't shine