I was having a conversation with someone at work earlier about how i didn't watch much TV, and would rather play games for the interaction etc. Anyway, the conversation progressed and i ended up stating that there's some games i'd happily just watch people play than watch alot of TV shows, as sad as it sounds.
As a kid i shared a room with a my brother, so only one would be able to play a game at a time and the other would be watching for long periods, but we'd be happy enough to do that.
Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy X specifically were two that come to mind, that even at times i'd refuse to have my "go" just so i could do feck all and watch for a bit longer. I'm sure i'm not alone on this?
As a kid i shared a room with a my brother, so only one would be able to play a game at a time and the other would be watching for long periods, but we'd be happy enough to do that.
Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy X specifically were two that come to mind, that even at times i'd refuse to have my "go" just so i could do feck all and watch for a bit longer. I'm sure i'm not alone on this?